; $Id: template.pro,v 1.4 1995/07/12 20:50:46 beth Exp $ ; ; Copyright (c) 1994, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. ; (Of course, if you don't work for RSI, remove these lines or ; modify to suit.) ;+ ; NAME: ; ROUTINE_NAME ; ; PURPOSE: ; Tell what your routine does here. I like to start with the words: ; "This function (or procedure) ..." ; Try to use the active, present tense. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Put a category (or categories) here. For example: ; Widgets. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Write the calling sequence here. Include only positional parameters ; (i.e., NO KEYWORDS). For procedures, use the form: ; ; ROUTINE_NAME, Parameter1, Parameter2, Foobar ; ; Note that the routine name is ALL CAPS and arguments have Initial ; Caps. For functions, use the form: ; ; Result = FUNCTION_NAME(Parameter1, Parameter2, Foobar) ; ; Always use the "Result = " part to begin. This makes it super-obvious ; to the user that this routine is a function! ; ; INPUTS: ; Parm1: Describe the positional input parameters here. Note again ; that positional parameters are shown with Initial Caps. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; Parm2: Describe optional inputs here. If you don't have any, just ; delete this section. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; KEY1: Document keyword parameters like this. Note that the keyword ; is shown in ALL CAPS! ; ; KEY2: Yet another keyword. Try to use the active, present tense ; when describing your keywords. For example, if this keyword ; is just a set or unset flag, say something like: ; "Set this keyword to use foobar subfloatation. The default ; is foobar superfloatation." ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Describe any outputs here. For example, "This function returns the ; foobar superflimpt version of the input array." This is where you ; should also document the return value for functions. ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; Describe optional outputs here. If the routine doesn't have any, ; just delete this section. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; BLOCK1: Describe any common blocks here. If there are no COMMON ; blocks, just delete this entry. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; Describe "side effects" here. There aren't any? Well, just delete ; this entry. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Describe any "restrictions" here. Delete this section if there are ; no important restrictions. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; You can describe the foobar superfloatation method being used here. ; You might not need this section for your routine. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Please provide a simple example here. An example from the PICKFILE ; documentation is shown below. ; ; Create a PICKFILE widget that lets users select only files with ; the extensions 'pro' and 'dat'. Use the 'Select File to Read' title ; and store the name of the selected file in the variable F. Enter: ; ; F = PICKFILE(/READ, FILTER = ['pro', 'dat']) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Your name here, Date. ; July, 1994 Any additional mods get described here. Remember to ; change the stuff above if you add a new keyword or ; something! ;- PRO TEMPLATE PRINT, "This is an example header file for documenting IDL routines" END