; $Id: expand.pro,v 1.1 1993/04/02 19:43:31 idl Exp $ ;+ ; NAME: ; EXPAND ; PURPOSE: ; Array magnification (CONGRIDI like except that this really works!) ; CATEGORY: ; Z4 - IMAGE PROCESSING ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; EXPAND,A,NX,NY,RESULT [,MAXVAL=MAXVAL,FILLVAL=FILLVAL] ; INPUTS: ; A Array to be magnified ; NX Desired size of X Dimension ; NY Desired size of Y Dimension ; Keywords: ; MAXVAL Largest good value. Elements greater than this are ignored ; FILLVAL Value to use when elements larger than MAXVAL are encountered. ; Defaults to -1. ; OUTPUTS: ; RESULT Magnified Floating point image of A array (NX by NY) ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; NONE ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; NONE ; RESTRICTIONS: ; A must be two Dimensional ; PROCEDURE: ; Bilinear interpolation. ; Not really fast if you have to swap memory (eg. NX*NY is a big number). ; OK Postscript users don't forget that postscript pixels are scaleable! ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Aug 15, 1989 J. M. Zawodny, NASA/LaRC, MS 475, Hampton VA, 23665. ; Aug 26, 1992 JMZ, Added maxval and fillval keywords. ; Sep 30, 1992 DMS, RSI, Rewrote to use INTERPOLATE function. ; Please send suggestions and bugreports to zawodny@arbd0.larc.nasa.gov ;- pro EXPAND,a,nx,ny,result,maxval=maxval,fillval=fillval s=size(a) if(s(0) ne 2) then begin print,'EXPAND: *** array must be 2-Dimensional ***' retall ; This will completely terminate the MAIN program!!! endif ; Get dimensions of the input array ix = s(1) iy = s(2) ; Calculate the new grid in terms of the old grid ux = findgen(nx) * ((ix-1.) / (nx-1.)) uy = findgen(ny) * ((iy-1.)/ (ny-1.)) ; Interpolate the result result = INTERPOLATE(a, ux, uy, /GRID) ; Are we to look for and ignore bad data? if (n_elements(maxval) gt 0) then begin ;Find where missing points end up bad_pts = INTERPOLATE(float(a gt maxval), ux, uy, /GRID) ;The only Non-zero points are those resulting from ;bad points. Get their subscripts in the result bad_subs = WHERE(bad_pts, count) ;Any bad pnts if count ge n_elements(result) then goto, out ;All bad if n_elements(fillval) le 0 then fillval = -1 ;Substitute missing value if count gt 0 then result(bad_subs) = fillval endif ; Done return OUT: ; If we had a problem print,'Entire input array is greater than MAXVAL, ('+strtrim(maxval,2)+')' return end