; $Id: search2d.pro,v 1.2 1993/10/06 16:51:53 doug Exp $ ; Copyright (c) 1992-1993, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. ; ;+ ; NAME: ; SEARCH2D ; ; PURPOSE: ; This function finds "objects" or regions of similar data ; values within a 2-D array of data. Given a starting location ; and a range of values to search for, SEARCH2D will find all ; the cells within the array that are within the specified range ; of values, and have some path of connectivity through these cells ; to the starting location. In addition to searching for cells ; within a global range of data values, SEARCH2D can also search ; for adjacent cells whose values deviate from their neighbors within ; specified tolerances. See the procedure "SEARCH3D" for the ; three dimensional case. ; ; This function returns a list of the array subscripts that define ; the selected object or region. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Data subsetting. ; Image manipulation. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Region = SEARCH2D(Array, Xpos, Ypos, Min_val, Max_val) ; ; INPUTS: ; Array: The 2-D array of data to search. ; Data type : Any 2-D array except string or structure. ; Xpos: The X coordinate (first subscript into the 2-D Array) ; of the starting cell for the search. ; Data type : Long. ; Ypos: The Y coordinate (second subscript into the 2-D Array) ; of the starting cell for the search. ; Data type : Long. ; Min_val: The minimum data value to search for. All cells that ; are connected to the starting cell, and have a value ; greater than or equal to Min_val and less that or equal ; to Max_val, will be considered part of the "object". ; Max_val: The maximum data value to search for. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; DECREASE: If the DECREASE or INCREASE keywords are specified, ; then SEARCH2D creates an internal copy of Array. ; This internal copy is then processed to enhance the ; object edges by using an algorithm similar to the ; "SOBEL" edge enhancement process. Any adjacent ; cells will be found if their corresponding data value ; in the edge enhanced array is greater than DECREASE and ; less than INCREASE. In any case, the adjacent cells ; will NEVER be selected if their data value is not ; between Min_val and Max_val. ; The default is 0.0 if INCREASE is specified. ; Otherwise, the default is no edge checking. ; Data type : Int or Float (usually less than zero). ; INCREASE: The maximum value in the edge enhanced array for ; a cell to be considered part of the selected object. ; Some savings in execution time and memory usage result ; when DECREASE and INCREASE are omitted. ; See DECREASE above. ; The default is 0.0 if DECREASE is specified. ; Otherwise, the default is no edge checking. ; Data type : Int or Float (usually greater than zero). ; LPF_BAND: This keyword indicates what (if any) Low Pass Filtering ; is performed on the edge enhanced array before the ; search begins. If LPF_BAND is set to 3 or higher ; then the edge enhanced array will be smoothed using ; LPF_BAND as the width of the smoothing window. ; If LPF_BAND is less than 3 then no smoothing is ; performed. This keyword only has effect when the ; DECREASE or INCREASE keywords are supplied. ; See DECREASE above. ; The default is zero (no smoothing). ; Data type : Int. ; DIAGONAL: Normally, cells are considered adjacent only when ; squares surrounding the cells share a common edge. ; If a non-zero value is passed to DIAGONAL then ; SEARCH2D will also locate cells meeting the search ; criteria whose surrounding squares share a common ; corner. Specifying diagonal search mode requires ; more memory and execution time. ; The default is no diagonal searching. ; Data type : int ; ; OUTPUTS: ; This function returns a list of the indices into the 2-D array ; that are part of the located object or region. This list is ; returned as a LONARR(n) where n is the number of cells found. ; ; If the returned array of indices is called Region, and the ; size of the 2-D array of data is size_x by size_y, then the ; actual X and Y indices can be obtained by using the following ; algorithm : ; ; index_y = Region / size_x ; index_x = Region - (index_y * size_x) ; ; The object within the 2-D Array could then be subscripted as : ; ; Array(Region) ; OR ; Array(index_x, index_y) ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Find all the indices corresponding to an object contained in a ; 2-D array of data. ; ; ; Create some data. ; img = FLTARR(512, 512) ; img(3:503, 9:488) = 0.7 ; img(37:455, 18:438) = 0.5 ; img(144:388, 90:400) = 0.7 ; img(200:301, 1:255) = 1.0 ; img(155:193, 333:387) = 0.3 ; ; ; Display the image. ; TVSCL, img ; ; ; Search for an object starting at (175, 300) whose data values ; ; are between (0.6) and (0.8). ; Region = SEARCH2D(img, 175, 300, 0.6, 0.8, /DIAGONAL) ; ; ; Scale the background cells into the range 0 to 127. ; img = BYTSCL(img, TOP=127B) ; ; ; Highlight the object region by setting it to 255. ; img(Region) = 255B ; ; ; Display the array with the highlighted object in it. ; TVSCL, img ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Daniel Carr. Thu Sep 3 15:36:17 MDT 1992 ;- FUNCTION Search2d, array, xpos, ypos, min_val, max_val, $ Decrease=decrease, Increase=increase, $ Lpf_band=smooth_band, Diagonal=diagonal ; *** Test inputs size_array = Size(array) IF (size_array(0) NE 2L) THEN BEGIN Print, 'Array must have two dimensions' STOP ENDIF x_size = size_array(1) y_size = size_array(2) xpos = Long(xpos(0)) ypos = Long(ypos(0)) IF (xpos LT 0L) THEN BEGIN Print, 'Xpos must be >= 0' STOP ENDIF IF (xpos GE x_size) THEN BEGIN Print, 'Xpos must be < array size' STOP ENDIF IF (ypos LT 0L) THEN BEGIN Print, 'Ypos must be >= 0' STOP ENDIF IF (ypos GE y_size) THEN BEGIN Print, 'Ypos must be < array size' STOP ENDIF min_val = min_val(0) max_val = max_val(0) IF (max_val LT min_val) THEN BEGIN Print, 'Max value must be >= min value' STOP ENDIF start_val = array(xpos,ypos) IF ((start_val LT min_val) OR (start_val GT max_val)) THEN BEGIN Print, 'Value of array at (xpos,ypos) must be >= min_val and <= max_val' STOP ENDIF dec = 0.0 inc = 0.0 range = 0B IF (N_Elements(decrease) GT 0L) THEN BEGIN dec = Float(decrease(0)) range = 1B ENDIF IF (N_Elements(increase) GT 0L) THEN BEGIN inc = Float(increase(0)) range = 1B ENDIF sb = 0 IF (N_Elements(smooth_band) GT 0L) THEN sb = Fix(smooth_band(0)) IF ((sb GE x_size) OR (sb GE y_size)) THEN BEGIN Print, 'Smooth band must be < size of array' STOP ENDIF diag = 0B IF (N_Elements(diagonal) GT 0L) THEN diag = Byte(diagonal(0)) IF (range) THEN BEGIN ; *** Calculate the edge enhanced array IF (diag) THEN BEGIN diff_array = Float(array) diff_array = diff_array < (diff_array - Shift(diff_array, 0, 1)) < $ (diff_array - Shift(diff_array, 1, 1)) < $ (diff_array - Shift(diff_array, 1, 0)) < $ (diff_array - Shift(diff_array, 1, -1)) < $ (diff_array - Shift(diff_array, 0, -1)) < $ (diff_array - Shift(diff_array, -1, -1)) < $ (diff_array - Shift(diff_array, -1, 0)) < $ (diff_array - Shift(diff_array, -1, 1)) IF (sb GT 0) THEN diff_array = Smooth(diff_array, sb) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN diff_array = Float(array) diff_array = diff_array < (diff_array - Shift(diff_array, 0, 1)) < $ (diff_array - Shift(diff_array, 1, 0)) < $ (diff_array - Shift(diff_array, 0, -1)) < $ (diff_array - Shift(diff_array, -1, 0)) IF (sb GT 0) THEN diff_array = Smooth(diff_array, sb) ENDELSE ENDIF ; *** Set up the required variables similar_val = 1B connect_val = 2B c_array = Bytarr(x_size, y_size) c_array(Where((array GE min_val) AND (array LE max_val))) = similar_val x_size_m1 = x_size - 1L y_size_m1 = y_size - 1L x_ind = xpos y_ind = ypos just_found = (y_ind * x_size) + x_ind c_array(just_found) = connect_val num_found = 1L ; *** Start the search IF (diag EQ 0B) THEN BEGIN ; *** No diagonal mode nsew_ind = Lonarr(4, 1) nsew_ind(0, *) = (((y_ind + 1L) < y_size_m1) * x_size) + x_ind nsew_ind(1, *) = (((y_ind - 1L) > 0L) * x_size) + x_ind nsew_ind(2, *) = (y_ind * x_size) + ((x_ind + 1L) < x_size_m1) nsew_ind(3, *) = (y_ind * x_size) + ((x_ind - 1L) > 0L) cc_array = c_array(nsew_ind(*)) just_found = Where(cc_array EQ similar_val) ; *** Loop while cells are still being found WHILE (just_found(0) GE 0L) DO BEGIN cc_array(just_found) = connect_val c_array(nsew_ind(just_found)) = cc_array(just_found) y_ind = nsew_ind(just_found) / (x_size) x_ind = nsew_ind(just_found) - (y_ind * x_size) num_found = N_Elements(just_found) nsew_ind = Lonarr(4, num_found, /Nozero) nsew_ind(0, *) = (((y_ind + 1L) < y_size_m1) * x_size) + x_ind nsew_ind(1, *) = (((y_ind - 1L) > 0L) * x_size) + x_ind nsew_ind(2, *) = (y_ind * x_size) + ((x_ind + 1L) < x_size_m1) nsew_ind(3, *) = (y_ind * x_size) + ((x_ind - 1L) > 0L) nsew_ind = nsew_ind(Sort(nsew_ind(*))) nsew_ind = nsew_ind(Uniq(nsew_ind)) cc_array = c_array(nsew_ind(*)) IF (range) THEN BEGIN t_array = diff_array(nsew_ind(*)) just_found = Where((cc_array EQ similar_val) AND $ ((t_array GE dec) AND $ (t_array LE inc))) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN just_found = Where(cc_array EQ similar_val) ENDELSE ENDWHILE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; *** Diagonal mode nsew_ind = Lonarr(8, 1) nsew_ind(0, *) = (((y_ind + 1L) < y_size_m1) * x_size) + x_ind nsew_ind(1, *) = (((y_ind - 1L) > 0L) * x_size) + x_ind nsew_ind(2, *) = (y_ind * x_size) + ((x_ind + 1L) < x_size_m1) nsew_ind(3, *) = (y_ind * x_size) + ((x_ind - 1L) > 0L) nsew_ind(4, *) = (((y_ind + 1L) < y_size_m1) * x_size) + $ ((x_ind + 1L) < x_size_m1) nsew_ind(5, *) = (((y_ind - 1L) > 0L) * x_size) + $ ((x_ind - 1L) > 0L) nsew_ind(6, *) = (((y_ind + 1L) < y_size_m1) * x_size) + $ ((x_ind - 1L) > 0L) nsew_ind(7, *) = (((y_ind - 1L) > 0L) * x_size) + $ ((x_ind + 1L) < x_size_m1) cc_array = c_array(nsew_ind(*)) just_found = Where(cc_array EQ similar_val) ; *** Loop while cells are still being found WHILE (just_found(0) GE 0L) DO BEGIN cc_array(just_found) = connect_val c_array(nsew_ind(just_found)) = cc_array(just_found) y_ind = nsew_ind(just_found) / (x_size) x_ind = nsew_ind(just_found) - (y_ind * x_size) num_found = N_Elements(just_found) nsew_ind = Lonarr(8, num_found, /Nozero) nsew_ind(0, *) = (((y_ind + 1L) < y_size_m1) * x_size) + x_ind nsew_ind(1, *) = (((y_ind - 1L) > 0L) * x_size) + x_ind nsew_ind(2, *) = (y_ind * x_size) + ((x_ind + 1L) < x_size_m1) nsew_ind(3, *) = (y_ind * x_size) + ((x_ind - 1L) > 0L) nsew_ind(4, *) = (((y_ind + 1L) < y_size_m1) * x_size) + $ ((x_ind + 1L) < x_size_m1) nsew_ind(5, *) = (((y_ind - 1L) > 0L) * x_size) + $ ((x_ind - 1L) > 0L) nsew_ind(6, *) = (((y_ind + 1L) < y_size_m1) * x_size) + $ ((x_ind - 1L) > 0L) nsew_ind(7, *) = (((y_ind - 1L) > 0L) * x_size) + $ ((x_ind + 1L) < x_size_m1) nsew_ind = nsew_ind(Sort(nsew_ind(*))) nsew_ind = nsew_ind(Uniq(nsew_ind)) cc_array = c_array(nsew_ind(*)) IF (range) THEN BEGIN t_array = diff_array(nsew_ind(*)) just_found = Where((cc_array EQ similar_val) AND $ ((t_array GE dec) AND $ (t_array LE inc))) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN just_found = Where(cc_array EQ similar_val) ENDELSE ENDWHILE ENDELSE ; *** Clean up and return x_ind = 0 y_ind = 0 nsew_ind = 0 cc_array = 0 t_array = 0 diff_array = 0 index = Where(c_array EQ connect_val) RETURN, index END