; Copyright (c) 1991-1993, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. PRO ShowInfoEventHndlr, event WIDGET_CONTROL, GET_UVALUE = state, event.top, /NO_COPY CASE event.id OF state.wInfoWindow: BEGIN ; Get the new size of the window WIDGET_CONTROL, state.wInfoWindow, TLB_GET_SIZE=windowSize ; Determine the change in the window size deltaX = windowSize(0) - state.windowSize(0) deltaY = windowSize(1) - state.windowSize(1) ; Store the new size in the state structure for later comparisons state.windowSize = windowSize ; Get the pixel size of the text widget textEditGeometry = WIDGET_INFO(state.wInfoText, /GEOMETRY) ; Determine the new size based on the amount the window grew newTextEditXSize = textEditGeometry.scr_xsize + deltaX newTextEditYSize = textEditGeometry.scr_ysize + deltaY ; Resize the text widget accordingly WIDGET_CONTROL, state.wInfoText, SCR_XSIZE=newTextEditXSize, $ SCR_YSIZE=newTextEditYSize ENDCASE ENDCASE WIDGET_CONTROL, SET_UVALUE = state, event.top, /NO_COPY END FUNCTION GetInfoText, fileName, WIDTH=width, HEIGHT=height OPENR, unit, fileName, /GET_LUN, ERROR=error ;open the file and then ; If an error occurred when opening the file IF error LT 0 THEN $ buttonPushed = WIDGET_MESSAGE(/ERROR, $ [!err_string, ' Can not get information from "' + $ fileName + '"']) $ ELSE BEGIN maxLines = 1000 lineInc = 250 infoText = STRARR(MAXLINES) ;Maximum # of lines lineNumber = 0 lineOfText = '' lineLength = 0 longestLength = 0 WHILE NOT EOF(unit) DO BEGIN READF, unit, lineOfText lineLength = lineLength > STRLEN(lineOfText) infoText(lineNumber) = lineOfText lineNumber = lineNumber + 1 ;If the maximum number of lines is hit, ;increase the array size by lineInc IF (lineNumber EQ maxLines) THEN BEGIN infoText = [infoText, STRARR(lineInc)] maxLines = maxLines + lineInc ENDIF ENDWHILE infoText = infoText(0:(lineNumber-1) > 0) IF KEYWORD_SET(height) NE 0 THEN $ height = lineNumber-1 IF KEYWORD_SET(width) NE 0 THEN $ width = lineLength FREE_LUN, unit ; Free the file unit. RETURN, infoText ENDELSE RETURN, "" END PRO ShowInfo, fileName, TITLE = title, GROUP = group, WIDTH = width, $ HEIGHT = height, INFOTEXT = infoText, FONT = font, $ XOFFSET = xOffset, YOFFSET=yOffset, NO_NEWLINE=noNewLine IF (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(noNewLine))) THEN $ noNewLine = 0 IF (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(infoText))) THEN BEGIN IF (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(fileName))) THEN BEGIN buttonPushed = WIDGET_MESSAGE(/ERROR, $ 'Filename missing in call to the procedure "ShowInfo"') RETURN ENDIF IF (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(title))) THEN $ title = fileName WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS infoText = GetInfoText(fileName) textSize = SIZE(infoText) IF (textSize(0) EQ 0) THEN $ RETURN ENDIF $ ELSE BEGIN IF (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(title))) THEN $ title = "Info" ENDELSE IF (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(width))) THEN $ width = 80 IF (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(height))) THEN $ height = 30 IF (KEYWORD_SET(xOffset)) AND (KEYWORD_SET(yOffset)) THEN $ wInfoWindow = WIDGET_BASE(TITLE=title, UVALUE="INFO_WINDOW", $ /TLB_SIZE_EVENTS, XOFFSET=xOffset, YOFFSET=yOffset) $ ELSE $ wInfoWindow = WIDGET_BASE(TITLE=title, UVALUE="INFO_WINDOW", $ /TLB_SIZE_EVENTS) IF N_ELEMENTS(font) GT 0 THEN $ ; Create a text widget with the desired font wInfoText = WIDGET_TEXT(wInfoWindow, XSIZE=width, YSIZE=height, $ /SCROLL, FONT=font, VALUE=infoText, $ NO_NEWLINE=noNewLine, /WRAP) $ ELSE $ ; Create a text widget when no font is specified wInfoText = WIDGET_TEXT(wInfoWindow, XSIZE=width, YSIZE=height, $ /SCROLL, VALUE=infoText, NO_NEWLINE=noNewLine,$ /WRAP) WIDGET_CONTROL, wInfoWindow, /REALIZE ; Display the Window WIDGET_CONTROL, wInfoWindow, TLB_GET_SIZE=windowSize state = { $ wInfoWindow : wInfoWindow, $ wInfoText : wInfoText, $ windowSize : windowSize $ } WIDGET_CONTROL, wInfoWindow, SET_UVALUE=state ; Register it with the widget manager Xmanager, "ShowInfo", wInfoWindow, GROUP_LEADER=group, $ EVENT_HANDLER="ShowInfoEventHndlr" END ;--------------------- procedure ShowInfo ----------------------------