; $Id: spline.pro,v 1.3 1993/10/06 17:29:55 doug Exp $ function spline,x,y,t,sigma ;+ ; NAME: ; SPLINE ; ; PURPOSE: ; This function performs cubic spline interpolation. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Interpolation - E1. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = SPLINE(X, Y, T [, Sigma]) ; ; INPUTS: ; X: The abcissa vector. Values MUST be monotonically increasing. ; ; Y: The vector of ordinate values corresponding to X. ; ; T: The vector of abcissae values for which the ordinate is ; desired. The values of T MUST be monotonically increasing. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; Sigma: The amount of "tension" that is applied to the curve. The ; default value is 1.0. If sigma is close to 0, (e.g., .01), ; then effectively there is a cubic spline fit. If sigma ; is large, (e.g., greater than 10), then the fit will be like ; a polynomial interpolation. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; SPLINE returns a vector of interpolated ordinates. ; Result(i) = value of the function at T(i). ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Abcissa values must be monotonically increasing. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; The commands below show a typical use of SPLINE: ; ; X = [2.,3.,4.] ;X values of original function ; Y = (X-3)^2 ;Make a quadratic ; T = FINDGEN(20)/10.+2 ;Values for interpolated points. ; ;twenty values from 2 to 3.9. ; Z = SPLINE(X,Y,T) ;Do the interpolation. ; ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Author: Walter W. Jones, Naval Research Laboratory, Sept 26, 1976. ; Reviewer: Sidney Prahl, Texas Instruments. ; Adapted for IDL: DMS, Research Systems, March, 1983. ; ;- ; on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs if n_params(0) lt 4 then sigma = 1.0 else sigma = sigma > .001 ;in range? n = n_elements(x) < n_elements(y) ; if n le 1 then message, 'X and Y must be arrays.' ; xx = x * 1. ;Make X values floating if not. yp = fltarr(n*2) ;temp storage delx1 = xx(1)-xx(0) ;1st incr dx1=(y(1)-y(0))/delx1 ; nm1 = n-1L np1 = n+1L if (n eq 2) then begin yp(0)=0. yp(1)=0. end else begin delx2 = xx(2)-xx(1) delx12 = xx(2)-xx(0) c1 = -(delx12+delx1)/delx12/delx1 c2 = delx12/delx1/delx2 c3 = -delx1/delx12/delx2 ; slpp1 = c1*y(0)+c2*y(1)+c3*y(2) deln = xx(nm1)-xx(nm1-1) delnm1 = xx(nm1-1)-xx(nm1-2) delnn = xx(nm1)-xx(nm1-2) c1=(delnn+deln)/delnn/deln c2=-delnn/deln/delnm1 c3=deln/delnn/delnm1 slppn = c3*y(nm1-2)+c2*y(nm1-1)+c1*y(nm1) endelse ; sigmap = sigma*nm1/(xx(nm1)-xx(0)) dels = sigmap*delx1 exps = exp(dels) sinhs = .5d0*(exps-1./exps) sinhin=1./(delx1*sinhs) diag1 = sinhin*(dels*0.5d0*(exps+1./exps)-sinhs) diagin = 1./diag1 yp(0)=diagin*(dx1-slpp1) spdiag = sinhin*(sinhs-dels) yp(n)=diagin*spdiag ; if n gt 2 then for i=1L,nm1-1 do begin delx2 = xx(i+1)-xx(i) dx2=(y(i+1)-y(i))/delx2 dels = sigmap*delx2 exps = exp(dels) sinhs = .5d00 *(exps-1./exps) sinhin=1./(delx2*sinhs) diag2 = sinhin*(dels*(.5*(exps+1./exps))-sinhs) diagin = 1./(diag1+diag2-spdiag*yp(n+i-1)) yp(i)=diagin*(dx2-dx1-spdiag*yp(i-1)) spdiag=sinhin*(sinhs-dels) yp(i+n)=diagin*spdiag dx1=dx2 diag1=diag2 endfor ; diagin=1./(diag1-spdiag*yp(n+nm1-1)) yp(nm1)=diagin*(slppn-dx2-spdiag*yp(nm1-1)) for i=n-2,0,-1 do yp(i)=yp(i)-yp(i+n)*yp(i+1) ; ; m = n_elements(t) subs = replicate(long(nm1),m) ;subscripts s = xx(nm1)-xx(0) sigmap = sigma*nm1/s j=0L for i=1L,nm1 do $ ;find subscript where xx(subs) > t(j) > xx(subs-1) while xx(i) gt t(j) do begin subs(j)=i j=j+1 if j eq m then goto,done endwhile done: subs1 = subs-1 del1 = t-xx(subs1) del2 = xx(subs)-t dels = xx(subs)-xx(subs1) exps1=exp(sigmap*del1) sinhd1 = .5*(exps1-1./exps1) exps=exp(sigmap*del2) sinhd2=.5*(exps-1./exps) exps = exps1*exps sinhs=.5*(exps-1./exps) spl=(yp(subs)*sinhd1+yp(subs1)*sinhd2)/sinhs+ $ ((y(subs)-yp(subs))*del1+(y(subs1)-yp(subs1))*del2)/dels if m eq 1 then return,spl(0) else return,spl end