; $Id: xmanager.pro,v 1.8 1995/04/27 23:25:33 davee Exp $ ; Copyright (c) 1992-1993, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. PRO XUnregister, corpse ;This procedure removes a dead widget from the Xmanagers common ;block. The space taken by the dead widget in the id and name ;lists is just zeroed. COMMON MANAGED, ids, names, $ nummanaged, inuseflag, $ backroutines, backids, backnumber, nbacks, validbacks, $ blocksize, $ cleanups, $ outermodal janitor = 0 ;check to see if the victim = WHERE(ids EQ corpse, janitor) ;dying widget has a IF(janitor NE 0) THEN $ ;cleanup routine and IF(STRLEN(cleanups(victim(0))) NE 0) THEN $ ;call it if so. CALL_PROCEDURE, cleanups(victim(0)), corpse deadindex = WHERE(ids EQ corpse, found) ;find dead index IF(found NE 0) THEN BEGIN IF(KEYWORD_SET(backroutines)) THEN BEGIN ;find living background backindex = WHERE(backids EQ corpse, backfound) IF(backfound NE 0) THEN BEGIN ;if background tasks backroutines(backindex) = '' ;are registered for backids(backindex) = 0L ;the corpse, remmove backnumber = 0 ;them nbacks = nbacks - backfound ENDIF IF(nbacks NE 0) THEN $ ;keep a list of which validbacks = WHERE(backids NE 0) $ ;background slots are ELSE validbacks = -1 ;valid in the id list ENDIF ids(deadindex) = 0L ;zero out the dead names(deadindex) = '' ;widgets list entries cleanups(deadindex) = '' nummanaged = nummanaged - found ENDIF END ;end of XUnregister procedure ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO XManager, NAME, ID, $ BACKGROUND = BACKGROUND, $ CLEANUP = CLEANUP, $ EVENT_HANDLER = EVENT_HANDLER, $ GROUP_LEADER = GROUP_LEADER, $ JUST_REG = JUST_REG, $ MODAL = MODAL ;+ ; NAME: ; XMANAGER ; ; PURPOSE: ; Provide main event loop and management for widgets created using IDL. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Widgets. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; XMANAGER [, Name, ID] ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; NAME: A string that contains the name of the routine that creates ; the widget. ; ; ID: The widget ID of the base of the new widget. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; BACKGROUND: ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- ; | PLEASE NOTE: This keyword is OBSOLETE. It's functionality is | ; | provided by the TIMER keyword to the WIDGET_CONTROL procedure. | ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- ; A string that contains the name of a background task procedure ; to be called when the event loop is idle. The background task ; procedure has only one parameter. The parameter is the widget ; ID of the top-level base widget associated with the background ; task. The background task should be very short and quick in ; execution. Long, complicated routines will hinder the ; smoothness of event processing. See the "Simple Widget ; Examples" (available from the XDEMO examples menu or by ; entering WEXMASTER at the IDL prompt) for an example of a ; background task widget. ; ; CLEANUP: This keyword contains a string that is the name of the ; routine called when the widget dies. If not specified, ; no routine is called. The cleanup routine must accept one ; parameter which is the widget id of the dying widget. ; ;EVENT_HANDLER: The name of the routine that is to be called when a ; widget event occurs in the widget being registered. If this ; keyword is not supplied, the Xmanager will try to process the ; event by calling the routine name with "_event" appended. See ; below for a more detailed explanation. ; ; GROUP_LEADER: The widget id of the group leader for the ; widget being processed. When the leader dies either by the ; users actions or some other routine, all widgets that have that ; leader will also die. ; ; For example, a widget that views a help file for a demo ; widget would have that demo widget as it's leader. When ; the help widget is registered, it sets the keyword ; GROUP_LEADER to the widget id of the demo widget. If ; the demo widget is destroyed, the help widget led by ; the it would be killed by the XMANAGER. ; ; JUST_REG: This keyword tells the manager to just register the widget ; but not to start doing the event processing. This is useful ; when you want to register a group of related top level widgets ; before beginning processing. ; ; MODAL: When this keyword is set, the widget that is being registered ; traps all events and desensitizes all the other widgets. It ; is useful when input from the user is necessary to continue. ; Once the modal widget dies, the others are resensitized and the ; normal event processing is restored. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; No explicit outputs. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; MANAGED: Common block used for widget maintenance. This common block ; is internal and should not be referenced outside the IDL ; supplied routines. It is subject to change without notice. ; XMAN_BCK_OBSOLETE: Used to keep track of BACKGROUND keyword message. ; ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; XMANAGER takes control of event processing and locks out the IDL ; prompt until all widgets have been destroyed. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Widgets being registered with the Xmanager must provide at least two ; routines. The first routine creates the widget and registers it with ; the manager and the second routine processes the events that occur ; within that widget. Optionally, a third routine can is used for the ; processing of background tasks while awaiting input. An example ; widget is suplied below that uses only two routines. For more ; information on using the background tasks, see the XEXAMPLE routine ; that is found in this same library. It demonstrates background ; routines. Also, the "Simple Widget Examples", that can be viewed by ; entering WEXMASTER at the IDL prompt, demonstrate many aspects of ; widget programming. ; ; !!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!! ; ; Although this is a library routine, it may change in the future in ; its internal implementation. For future upgradability, it is best ; not to modify or even worry about what this routine does internally. ; ; EXAMPLE USE: ; To create a widget named Example that is just a base widget with a done ; button using the XMANAGER you would do the following: ; ; ; ;------ first - the event handler routine ------; ; ; PRO example_event, ev ;this is the routine that ; ;deals with the events in the ; ;example widget. ; ; WIDGET_CONTROL, ev.id, GET_UVALUE = uv ;the uservalue is retrieved ; ;from the widget where the ; ;event occured ; ; if(uv eq 'DONE') then $ ;if the event occured in the ; WIDGET_CONTROL, ev.top, /DESTROY ;done button then kill the ; END ;widget example ; ; ; ;------ second - the main routine ------; ; ; PRO example ;this is the main routine ; ;that builds the widget and ; ;registers it with the Xmanager ; ; base = WIDGET_BASE(TITLE = 'Example') ;first the base is created ; ; done = WIDGET_BUTTON(base, $ ;next the done button is ; TITLE = 'DONE', $ ;created and it's user value ; UVALUE = 'DONE') ;set to "DONE" ; ; WIDGET_CONTROL, base, /REALIZE ;the widget is realized ; ; XManager, 'example', base ;finally the example widget ; ;is registered with the ; ;Xmanager ; END ; ; notes: First the event handler routine is listed. The handler ; routine has the same name as the main routine with the ; characters "_event" added. If you would like to use another ; event handler name, you would need to pass it's name in as ; a string to the EVENT_HANDLER keyword. Also notice that the ; event routine is listed before the main routine. This is ; because the compiler will not compile the event routine if ; it was below the main routine. This is only needed if both ; routines reside in the same file and the file name is the same ; as the main routine name with the ".pro" extension added. ; ; ; PROCEDURE: ; When the first widget is registered, initialize the lists and then ; start processing events. Continue registering widgets and dispatching ; events until all the widgets have been destroyed. When a widget is ; killed, destroy all widgets that list the destroyed widget as their ; leader, if any. ; ; RELATED FUNCTIONS AND PROCEDURES: ; XREGISTERED, XMANAGERTOOL, XBACKREGISTER ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Steve Richards, November, 1990 ; SMR, Mar, 1991 Added a cleanup routine keyword to allow dying ; widgets to clean themselves up when dying. ; SMR, May, 1991 Fixed a bug found by Diane Parchomchuk where ; an error occured when registering a widget ; right after destroying another. ; SMR & ACY, July, 1991 ; Fixed a bug found by Debra Wolkovitch where ; lone widgets being destroyed and new ones ; created caused problems. ; SMR, Sept, 1991 Changed cleanup to use the new WIDGET_INFO ; routine. ; SMR & ACY, Oct, 1991 ; Fixed a bug where a background event that ; unregistered itself after a time would result ; in an XMANAGER error. ; SMR, Mar. 1992 Changed XMANAGER to use enhanced widget functions for ; event processing. ; SMR, Nov. 1992 Changed modal widget handling allowing nesting of ; modal widgets. The first modal desensitizes all ; current widgets and subsequent modals only desensitize ; the modal that called them. ; JIY, Apr. 1993 Changed modal widget handling process to not run ; the event loop for nested modal widgets. ; Allowed for multiple modal widgets. ; AB & SMR, 17 November 1993 ; Added ID validity checking to desensitizing of modal ; widgets to fix a bug where already dead widgets ; were being accessed. ; DJE, Feb, 1995 ; Made it so that non-modal widgets created from a modal ; widget have events processed in the modal widget's ; event loop. This fixes a bug where xmanager wouldn't ; return immediately if there was a modal widget somewhere ; in the nesting, even though a non-modal widget was being ; added. The nesting level could get _very_ deep. ; DJE, Apr 1995 ; Pass a local variable to WIDGET_EVENT in the MODAL ; case, instead of passing the common block variable ; outermodal. This avoids a bug where outermodal gets ; changed behind WIDGET_EVENT's back. ;- COMMON MANAGED, ids, names, $ nummanaged, inuseflag, $ backroutines, backids, backnumber, nbacks, validbacks, $ blocksize, $ cleanups, $ outermodal COMMON XMAN_BCK_OBSOLETE, obsolete IF(NOT(KEYWORD_SET(outermodal))) THEN outermodal = 0 ;initialization doeventloop = 0 ;flag set if the main ;event loop to be used ;------------- New Widget Registration Section --------- IF(N_PARAMS() EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ;no parameters so just IF (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(nummanaged))) THEN RETURN ;start up the xmanager validids = WIDGET_INFO(ids(0:nummanaged-1), /VALID) ;loop if widgets badids = WHERE((validids EQ 0), deaduns) ;present IF(deaduns NE 0) THEN $ FOR i = 0, deaduns-1 do $ XUnRegister, ids(badids(i)) ;event loop again IF(KEYWORD_SET(ids)) THEN doeventloop = 1 IF(NOT(KEYWORD_SET(nummanaged))) THEN $ MESSAGE, 'No Widgets Are Currently being managed' ENDIF ELSE IF(N_PARAMS() NE 2) THEN BEGIN MESSAGE, 'Wrong Number of Arguments, ' + $ 'Usage = Xmanager, [name, id]' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;register a new widget IF (KEYWORD_SET(IDS)) THEN BEGIN ;make sure that the new position = WHERE(ID EQ IDS, found) ;widget ID is not IF (found NE 0) THEN $ ;currently in the IDS XUnregister, ID ;common block. ENDIF ;This is only ;true when a widget is ;killed and another is ;created before ;events are processed IF(NOT KEYWORD_SET(EVENT_HANDLER)) THEN $ ;if no event handler EVENT_HANDLER = NAME + '_event' ;was specified, assume ;that the widget name + ;"_event" exists IF(KEYWORD_SET(BACKGROUND)) THEN BEGIN ; Make sure the window manager will not kill a widget that has a ; background in progress WIDGET_CONTROL, id, /DELAY_DESTROY if not KEYWORD_SET(obsolete) then begin obsolete = 1 message,/INFO,"The BACKGROUND keyword to theXMANAGER procedure is obsolete. It is superceeded by the TIMER keyword to the WIDGET_CONTROL procedure." endif endif WIDGET_CONTROL, id, /MANAGED ; Mark it. IF(NOT KEYWORD_SET(CLEANUP)) THEN $ ;specify a null cleanup CLEANUP = '' ;if keyword not set IF(KEYWORD_SET(GROUP_LEADER)) THEN $ ;register the group WIDGET_CONTROL, ID, GROUP_LEADER = GROUP_LEADER ;leader IF(NOT(KEYWORD_SET(nummanaged))) THEN $ ;keep track of the nummanaged = 1 $ ;number of managed ELSE $ ;widgets nummanaged = nummanaged + 1 IF(NOT(KEYWORD_SET(inuseflag)) AND $ ;if just_register is NOT(KEYWORD_SET(JUST_REG))) THEN $ ;set, don't process doeventloop = 1 ;events IF(N_ELEMENTS(ids) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ;create the first block blocksize = 64 ;and set the size of ids = LONARR(blocksize) ;the blocks to be used names = STRARR(blocksize) ;in the future cleanups = STRARR(blocksize) freeindex = 0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN freeindex = WHERE(ids EQ 0, found) ;otherwise find holes IF(found EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ;in the current blocks ids = [ids, LONARR(blocksize)] ;or allocate a new one names = [names, STRARR(blocksize)] ;if all are full cleanups = [cleanups, STRARR(blocksize)] freeindex = nummanaged - 1 ENDIF ENDELSE names(freeindex(0)) = NAME ;put the information ids(freeindex(0)) = ID ;into the blocks cleanups(freeindex(0)) = CLEANUP IF(NOT(KEYWORD_SET(nbacks))) THEN $ nbacks = 0 IF(KEYWORD_SET(BACKGROUND)) THEN BEGIN nbacks = nbacks + 1 IF(N_ELEMENTS(backids) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN backids = LONARR(blocksize) ;build the first block backroutines = STRARR(blocksize) ;for background tasks freebacks = 0 backnumber = 0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;otherwise, just freebacks = WHERE(backids EQ 0, found) ;find free spots or IF(found EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ;make new ones if full backids = [backids, LONARR(blocksize)] backroutines = [backroutines, $ STRARR(blocksize)] freebacks = nbacks - 1 ENDIF ENDELSE backids(freebacks(0)) = ID ;add the background backroutines(freebacks(0)) = STRUPCASE(BACKGROUND) ;in the first free spot validbacks = WHERE(backids NE 0) WIDGET_CONTROL, /EVENT_BREAK ;since an xmanager ;loop could have called ;this routine that is ;not processing bcks, ;break out so this one ENDIF ;background set ;gets processed. WIDGET_CONTROL, ID, KILL_NOTIFY = 'XUnregister', $ ;set the new widget's EVENT_PRO = EVENT_HANDLER ;callbacks ;----------------- Modal Section ----------------------- IF (keyword_set(outermodal) and (not keyword_set(modal))) THEN BEGIN ; a non-modal widget was added when there was already a modal widget ; up - just add the new widget to the modal list and return outermodal = [ outermodal, ID ] doeventloop = 0 ; need to break out of the outer widget_event call so that the ; outer xmanager can see that outmodal has changed WIDGET_CONTROL, /EVENT_BREAK END ELSE IF (KEYWORD_SET(MODAL)) THEN BEGIN ;when a modal widget ;is called, all widgets IF (KEYWORD_SET(outermodal)) THEN BEGIN ;currently sensitive IF ((where(outermodal eq ID))(0) eq -1) THEN BEGIN ;need to be desenitized senslist = outermodal ;making sure that a numsens = n_elements(senslist) ;widget ID is not being ENDIF ELSE numsens = 0 ;reused. doeventloop = 0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;nested calls to modal desens = where(ids NE ID, found) ;widgets are handled by IF (found NE 0) THEN BEGIN ;the stack so each senslist = ids(desens) ;new modal only numsens = N_ELEMENTS(senslist) ;desensitizes the modal ENDIF ELSE numsens = 0 ;below it. ENDELSE oldouter = outermodal outermodal = ID IF (numsens NE 0) THEN $ FOR i = 0, numsens - 1 DO $ ;desensitize all IF (WIDGET_INFO(senslist(i), /VALID) EQ 1) THEN $ ;widgets active when WIDGET_CONTROL, senslist(i), SENSITIVE = 0 ;this modal is called. ;either all or the ;modal that called me. bad = 0 while (not bad) do begin ;loop as long as ; pass a local var to widget_event, since outermodal could be ; changed by a reentrant call to xmanager temp = outermodal junk = widget_event (temp, bad_id = bad) ;modal list is alive. if ((where(outermodal eq bad))(0) eq -1) then bad = 0 else begin good = where(outermodal ne bad) if (good(0) eq -1) then bad = 1 else begin outermodal = outermodal (good) bad = 0; endelse endelse endwhile IF (numsens NE 0) THEN $ FOR i = 0, numsens - 1 DO $ IF(WIDGET_INFO(senslist(i),/VALID) EQ 1) THEN $ ;now resensitize only WIDGET_CONTROL, senslist(i), /SENSITIVE ;the widgets made ;insensitive by this ;modal request outermodal = oldouter ;restore my caller ;as the outer modal ENDIF ;modal ENDELSE ;xmanager called with 2 params ;----------------- Main Event Loop --------------------- IF(doeventloop NE 0) THEN BEGIN ;if not modal and the WHILE(KEYWORD_SET(nummanaged)) DO BEGIN ;event loop should be inuseflag = 1 ;executed, do it! active = WIDGET_INFO(/ACTIVE) WHILE (active NE 0) DO BEGIN IF(nbacks NE 0) THEN BEGIN ;Non-blocking BG task WHILE(nbacks NE 0) DO BEGIN IF(backnumber GE nbacks) THEN backnumber = 0; CALL_PROCEDURE, backroutines(validbacks(backnumber)), $ backids(validbacks(backnumber)) backnumber = backnumber + 1 newevent = WIDGET_EVENT(/NOWAIT) ENDWHILE ENDIF ELSE $ ;Blocking mode newevent = WIDGET_EVENT() active = WIDGET_INFO(/ACTIVE) ENDWHILE nummanaged = 0 ENDWHILE inuseflag = 0 ;done so unset the ENDIF ;doeventloop NE 0 ;inuse flag END ;xmanager.pro ;----------------------- end of procedure XManager ----------------------------