pro WDOSHRNK ;+ ; NAME: ; WDOSHRNK ; ; PURPOSE: ; This procedure denoises a time series, using wavelet shrinkage, ; and plots the result. The time series is the working dataset, ; the wavelet is the current one selected, and the shrinkage method ; is the one chosen under the Wavelet Workbench Settings: DeNoising ; Threshold. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Wavelets. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; WDOSHRNK ; ; NECESSARY INPUTS (via COMMON) ; sig: 1-d signal array ; QMF: Quadrature Mirror Filter ; LD: Coarseness level (set by WINTWAVE) ; st: signal title ; noise_lev: noise level (set by NoLev procedure, =0 by default) ; noise_type: noise type (set by NoType procedure, ; 1, 2 or 3 = Normal, Uniform, Poisson, =1 by default) ; shrinkage_type: shrinkage method (set by Threshold procedure, =1 by default) ; 1 = VisuThresh ; 2 = MultiHybrid ; 3 = MultiMAD ; 4 = MinMaxThresh ; 5 = WPDeNoise ; WaveType: Wavelet Type: 'Haar', 'Daubechies', 'Coiflet', 'Symmlet' ; ParVal: Parameter Value of the above wavelet, specific for the ; wavelet. For: ; WaveType = 'Haar' ; ParVal = 1 ; WaveType = 'Daubechies' ; ParVal = 4 or 6 ; WaveType = 'Coiflet' ; ParVal = 2 or 3 ; WaveType = 'Symmlet' ; ParVal = 6 or 8 ; ; OUTPUTS: ; The denoised time series is plotted to the screen. ; ; SEE ALSO: ; wintwave (necessary for this procedure) ; ; EXAMPLE: ; IDL> ;Truncate sig array appropriately and get QMF ; IDL> WINTWAVE, sig, WaveType, ParVal, QMF, LD ; IDL> ;Need to normalize first, if working with natural data) ; IDL> sig = WNNOISE(sig,QMF, tt) ; IDL> If tt EQ `S' then WPLOTIT, st, 1, sig ; IDL> WDOSHRNK ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Amara Graps September-November 1995 ;Translated from MatLab Wavelab routine: do_shrinkage.m ;- COMMON WWB_COMMON, $ TEXT_ANNOUNCE, wd, sig, len, st, noise_type, noise_lev, $ QMF, LD, shrinkage_type, WaveType, ParVal COMMON Wave_color, $ max_color, max_image, $ white, yellow, lavender, aqua, pink, green, red, orange, blue, $ lt_gray, med_green, brown, olive, purple, dk_gray, black x_work = sig TT = WSIGTYPE(x_work, olen, error) ;Color of text strings IF !p.background EQ 0 THEN cl = 255 ELSE cl = 0 CASE error OF 1: BEGIN ;Valid array or matrix CASE TT OF 'I': BEGIN ;Image WIDGET_CONTROL, TEXT_ANNOUNCE, SET_VALUE='Shrinkage Not Implemented for 2D Data.' END ;image 'S': BEGIN ;Signal ;Load basic color table and set the Wave_color common variables WVLOADCT, 2 ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Do Forward Wavelet Transform + ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ stitle = st + ' (Before)' plotwin = 3 WDODWT, x_work, QMF, LD, stitle, plotwin, wc ;(NOTE: If we add more wavelets, make sure that we have a case ;statement here to perform the proper forward transform ;operation, i.e. FWT_CDJV for Daubechies, edge corrected etc.) nx = N_ELEMENTS( x_work ) ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Do Shrinkage Operation + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++ CASE shrinkage_type OF 1: BEGIN ;VisuThresh TThresh = 1 ;Hard Thresholding (Soft Thresholding = 2) wc(2^LD:nx-1) = WVISUTHR(wc(2^LD:nx-1), TThresh) END ;1 2: BEGIN ;MultiHybrid wc = WMHYBRID(wc,LD) END ;2 3: BEGIN ;MultiMAD wc = WMULTMAD(wc,LD) END ;3 4: BEGIN ;MinMaxThresh wc(2^LD:nx-1) = WMTHRESH(wc(2^LD:nx-1)) END ;4 5: BEGIN ;WPDeNoise D = 10 clean = WPDNOISE(x_work,D,QMF,btree,stree) END ;5 ELSE: print, 'shrinkage_type unknown!' ENDCASE ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Plot dyadic wave coeffs if not wavelet packet method ;otherwise display best basis tree. Then, perform the ;inverse wavelet transform and create a denoised signal. ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Set up the plot window ;dummy values plotwin = 4 pt = '' & dd = fltarr(2) WPLOTIT, pt, plotwin, dd CASE 1 OF ( shrinkage_type LT 6): BEGIN ;Plot the dyadic coeffs scale_2 = 0 * MAX(ABS( wc ) ) !C = 0 ;reset from MAX function signaltitle = 'WT of ' + st+' (After)' stitle = 'WT (Dyadic coeffs) of ' + st+' (After)' ;Stack two plots vertically on the page !p.multi = [0, 1, 2] ;Plot the coeffs in a spike plot for each of the dyads WPLWCOEF,wc,LD,0., stitle ;Plot the coefficients in bottom plot PLOT, wc, title = signaltitle, ystyle = 1, color = cl !p.multi = 0 ;reset to no multiple plots ;Do the inverse transform for the 4 Wavelet types: ;Haar, Daubechies, Coiflet, Symmlet ;(NOTE: If we add more wavelets, make sure that ;we have a case statement here to perform the proper inverse ;operation, i.e. IWT_CDJV for Daubechies, edge corrected etc.) xhat = WIWTPO( wc, LD, QMF ) END ELSE: BEGIN ;Stack two plots vertically on the page !p.multi = [0, 1, 2] WPLBTREE, btree,10,stree,st WPHPLANE,'WP',btree,wp,titlestr=st, nTFR = 64 !p.multi = 0 ;reset to no multiple plots ;We already have a cleaned dataset from the wavelet ;packet synthesis xhat = clean END ;Else ENDCASE ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Plot the Denoised (and Error) Data Arrays + ;------------------------------------------- ;I've commented out the error array.. I'm not sure ;people are very interested in seeing it.. (AG) ;stitle='Denoised: '+ st+' (Blue), Error (Red)' stitle='Denoised: '+ st ymin = MIN(xhat) ymax = MAX(x_work) !c = 0 ;reset system cursor that min/max automatically sets ;Set up the plot window ;dummy values pt = '' & dd = FLTARR(2) plotwin = 5 WPLOTIT, pt, plotwin, dd ;Plot, handling colors correctly. First, draw axes ;and title using default colors, then draw data points ;using the common variable colors PLOT, xhat ,/nodata, title=stitle, yrange=[ymin,ymax], color = cl ;plot denoised data OPLOT, xhat, color = blue ;plot error ;OPLOT, xhat - x_work, linestyle=1, color=red ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Compute and Plot the Power Spectra of + ; the data and de-noised version + ;------------------------------------------ stitle = 'Power Spectra: Data (green) DeNoised (blue) of '+st xtitle = 'log(Frequency)' ytitle = 'log(Power)' ;NOTE to myself (AG): ask Jeff why only half of the data is ;spectrum analyzed. powersp = WSPECTRM( x_work, nx/2 ) denoised = WSPECTRM( xhat, nx/2 ) ymin = MIN([powersp, denoised]) ymax = MAX([powersp, denoised]) xmin = 1 xmax = nx !c = 0 ;reset system cursor that min/max automatically sets ;Set up the plot window ;dummy values pt = '' & dd = fltarr(2) plotwin = 6 WPLOTIT, pt, plotwin, dd ;Plot, handling colors correctly. First, draw axes ;and title using default colors, then draw data points ;using the common variable colors PLOT, xhat ,/nodata, /xlog, /ylog, title=stitle, yrange=[ymin,ymax],$ xrange=[xmin,xmax], xtitle = xtitle, ytitle = ytitle, xstyle=1, $ ystyle = 1, color=cl ;plot power spectra data OPLOT, powersp, color = green ;plot power spectra denoised data OPLOT, denoised, color=blue, linestyle = 1 END ;signal/data array ENDCASE ;TT END ;valid array or matrix ELSE: PRINT, 'Not valid data/signal array or matrix!' ENDCASE ;error ; ; Algorithm Source: WaveLab Version 0.600 ; WaveLab WWW site: ; WaveLab Questions? e-mail ; END ;***************************************************