function WFWTPO, x,L,qmf ;+ ; NAME: ; WFWTPO ; ; PURPOSE: ; This function generates a Forward Wavelet Transform ; (periodized, orthonormal). ; ; CATEGORY: ; Wavelets ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; wc = WFWTPO(x,L,qmf) ; ; INPUTS: ; x: 1-d signal; length(x) = 2^J ; L: Coarsest Level of V_0; L << J ; qmf: quadrature mirror filter (orthonormal) ; [qmf defines wavelet shape] ; ; OUTPUTS: ; wc: 1-d wavelet transform of x. ; [Gives wavelet coefficients] ; ; NOTES: ; 1. QMF filter may be obtained from WMKOFILT ; 2. usually, length(qmf) lt 2^(L+1) ; 3. To reconstruct use WIWTPO ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; SEE ALSO: ; wiwtpo, wmkofilt ; ; NOTES on j, k: ; The location k, at level j, runs from 0 to 2^j-1. ; A signal of length n is taken to a set of n wavelet coefficients ; by the (orthogonal) wavelet transformation. Since the wavelet ; coefficients are indexed in a dyadic way due to the natural ; location/scale interpretation inherent with wavelets, you cannot ; pick a {j,k} combination that doesn't exist for the transformed data. ; Consequently j ranges as above and k can be at most log_2(n). ; The wavelet transformation is not over-complete (i.e., it takes a ; signal of length n to a set of coefficients of length n). ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Amara Graps October, 1994 ;Translated from MatLab Wavelab routine: fwt_po.m ;- n = WDYADLNG(x,J) wcoef = FLTARR(n) beta = WSHASROW(x) ;take samples at finest scale as beta-coeffts FOR k=J-1, L,-1 DO BEGIN ;High-pass downsampling (throw away every 2nd data point) alfa = WDNDYDHI(beta,qmf) wcoef(WDYAD(k)-1) = alfa ;Low-pass smoothing filter beta = WDNDYDLO(beta,qmf) END wcoef(0 : (2^L)-1) = beta wcoef = WSHLIKE(wcoef,x) ; ; Algorithm Source: WaveLab Version 0.600 ; WaveLab WWW site: ; WaveLab Questions? e-mail ; RETURN, wcoef END ;***************************************************