pro WPLSPIKE,base,t,x,First,signaltitle ;+ ; NAME: ; WPLSPIKE ; ; PURPOSE: ; This procedure plots a 1-d signal as baseline with series of spikes. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Wavelets ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; WPLSPIKE,base,t,x, signaltitle ; ; INPUTS: ; base: number, baseline level ; t: ordinate values ; x: 1-d signal, specifies spike deflections from baseline ; First: First time through (will erase data) = 'True' otherwise ; = 'False' (will use oplot, and keep previous plotted data). ; signaltitle: title for signal ; ; OUTPUTS: ; a 1-d signal plot as baseline with series of spikes. ; ; SEE ALSO: ; wplwcoef, wplpktbl ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Amara Graps August, 1995 ;Translated from MatLab Wavelab routine: plotspikes.m ;- ;Color of text strings IF !p.background EQ 0 THEN cl = 255 ELSE cl = 0 tt = [[t], [t], [t] ] b = FLTARR(N_ELEMENTS(x)) + base xx = [[b],[x+base],[b]] ;Combine columns to make u ctt = WCOMBINE(tt) nele = N_ELEMENTS(ctt) u= FLTARR(1, nele+2) u(0,1) = ctt u(0,nele+1) = 1. ;Combine columns to make v xxt = WCOMBINE(xx) nele = N_ELEMENTS(xxt) v = FLTARR(1, nele + 2) v(0,0) = base v(0,1) = xxt v(0,nele+1) = base ;Plot or oplot CASE First OF 'True': BEGIN IF TOTAL(!p.multi) NE 0 THEN !p.multi(0) = 0 PLOT, u,v, title = signaltitle, color = cl END Else: OPLOT, u,v, color = cl ENDCASE ; ; Algorithm Source: WaveLab Version 0.600 ; WaveLab WWW site: ; WaveLab Questions? e-mail ; END ;***************************************************