FUNCTION WPOISIMG, IM, SEED, OUTPUT_KIND=OUTPUT_KIND ;+ ; NAME: ; WPOISIMG ; ; PURPOSE: ; Add Poisson noise to an array. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Image simulation. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; RESULT = WPOISIMG ( IM[, SEED] ) ; ; INPUT: ; IM: A numeric array (byte, integer, long, or float) of arbitrary ; dimensionality. This is the array of values around which values in the ; result will be Poisson-distributed. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; SEED: A longword seed for the random number generator. If this is not ; supplied, the value -123456789L is used for generating the first random ; value. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETER: ; OUTPUT_KIND: The data type of the output array, that is byte, integer, ; longword, or float. The words "byte", "int", "integer","long", ; "longword", and "float", in upper or lower case, are accepted, as are ; the numeric IDL values 1,2,3,4 for byte, integer, longword, and float. ; ; OUTPUT: ; WPOISIMG returns a copy of the input array, Poisson noise added. ; ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Negative input values are mapped to a result of 0. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Create an image with values Poisson-distributed around the mean values ; IM, using Knuth's "Algorithm Q". (Donald E. Knuth, The Art of ; Computer Prograwmming, Volume 2, "Seminumerical Algorithms", Addison- ; Wesley (1969), page 117. This routine IS NOT VECTORIZED, AND SHOULD RUN ; SLOWLY. A deft IDL'er could probably vectorize the algorithm, and ; anyone who does so is entitled to a gold star. Where the gaussian and ; Poisson distributions are essentially identical (mean value > 50) a ; normal, that is gaussian, distribution is used. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Here is how you can create a 100x100 array of values Poisson-distributed ; around the mean value 5.0, and check the empirical probability against ; the Poisson distribution: ; ; n = 100 ; a = REPLICATE(5.0,n,n) ; b = WPOISIMG ( a, out="byte" ) ; tvscl, b ; print, STDEV(b,mean), mean, SQRT(5.0) ; h = histogram ( b ) ; prob = FLOAT(h)/N_ELEMENTS(b) ; probi = EXP(-5.0) ; FOR i=0,10 do begin PRINT, i, prob(i), probi & $ ; probi=probi*5.0/(i+1) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: James Hamill ; Siemens Medical Systems ; 2501 N. Barrington Rd. ; Hoffman Estates, IL 60195-7372 ; (708)304-7760 ; ; February, 1992 ;Renamed from by A. Graps to go with Wavelet Workbench, March 1996. ;- ON_ERROR, 1 default_seed = -123456789L BIG_ENOUGH = 50 ; bigger than this, use normal approximation undefined_type = 0 byte_type = 1 int_type = 2 long_type = 3 float_type = 4 string_type = 7 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; First part of the code: decide what type output to make. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sizi = SIZE(im) dims = sizi(1:sizi(0)) old_type = sizi(sizi(0)+1) IF N_ELEMENTS(output_type) EQ 0 tHEN BEGIN ; if keyword doesn't specify the type ... CASE old_type OF byte_type: output_type = int_type int_type: output_type = long_type else: output_type = float_type ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; if keyword is set then follow the instructions sizok = SIZE(output_kind) ; text or numeric parameter? ok_type = sizok(sizok(0)+1) CASE ok_type OF int_type: output_type = output_kind long_type: output_type = output_kind string_type: BEGIN CASE STRUPCASE(output_kind) OF "BYTE": output_type = byte_type "INT": output_type = int_type "INTEGER": output_type = int_type "LONG": output_type = long_type "LONGWORD": output_type = long_type ELSE: MESSAGE,"Invalid output type" ENDCASE END ELSE: MESSAGE, "Invalid output_kind keyword." ENDCASE IF (output_type LT byte_type) OR (output_type GT float_type) THEN $ message, "Invalid output_kind keyword" ; thus we trap nonsense like string, complex, or structure ENDELSE result = MAKE_ARRAY(dimension=dims,type=output_type) ; (zeroed) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Check the random number generator seed, set it if necessary. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF n_params(dummy) GE 2 THEN BEGIN sizs = SIZE(seed) seed_type = sizs(sizs(0)+1) IF seed_type EQ undefined_type THEN BEGIN seed = default_seed ; undefined parameter: set it ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; check that seed is a long scalar if (seed_type ne long_type) or (sizs(0) ne 0) then $ MESSAGE,"Invalid seed." ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE seed=default_seed ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Consider the small ones: use the Poisson distribution for these. This is ; Knuth's algorithm Q. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROI = WHERE( (im gt 0) AND (im lt BIG_ENOUGH), count) IF count gt 0 THEN BEGIN FOR i=0L,n_elements(ROI)-1 DO BEGIN j = ROI(i) p = EXP(-DOUBLE(im(j))) q = 1D0 n = -1 WHILE q GE p DO BEGIN n = n + 1 u = RANDOMU(seed) q = q*u ENDWHILE result(j) = n > 0 ;if i mod 10000L eq 0 then wstbusy,$ ;"Poisson distribution ... working on element #"+strtrim(i)+"." ENDFOR ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Consider the region in which the normal distribution can be used. Round to ; the nearest whole number. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROI = WHERE ( im GE BIG_ENOUGH, count ) IF count NE 0 THEN BEGIN n_values = N_ELEMENTS(ROI) result(ROI) = FIX(0.5 + im(ROI) + SQRT(im(ROI))*RANDOMN(seed,n_values)) ENDIF RETURN, result END