function WSIGN, num ;+ ;NAME: ; WSIGN ;PURPOSE: ; To compute the sign of a number. This function mimics ; Matlab's sign function. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = WSIGN(num) ;INPUTS: ; Num: Any number or array ; ;OUTPUTS: ; WSIGN returns either 1, 0, or -1. ; ; None. ;MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Amara Graps, BAER, December 1994. ; (c) copyright Amara Graps 1995, 1996. ;- t = SIZE(num) testtype = t(0) IF testtype NE 0 THEN BEGIN ;The value num is an array.. Find the sign of ALL of the elements ;create same size and kind of array n_ele = N_ELEMENTS(t) CASE t(n_ele-2) OF 2: sgn = num * 0 ;integer 3: sgn = num * 0L ;long integer 4: sgn = num * 0.0 ;floating 5: sgn = num * 0.0D0 ;double floating ELSE: print, 'Not a good array type in WSIGN!' ENDCASE copy_num= num ;neg values indx = WHERE(copy_num LT 0) ;check for bad index ts = SIZE(indx) CASE 1 OF (ts(0) EQ 0): ;no change ELSE: sgn(indx) = -1 ENDCASE ;positive values indx = WHERE(copy_num GT 0) ;check for bad index ts = SIZE(indx) CASE 1 OF (ts(0) EQ 0): ;no change ELSE: sgn(indx) = +1 ENDCASE ;zero values indx = WHERE(copy_num EQ 0) ;check for bad index ts = SIZE(indx) CASE 1 OF (ts(0) EQ 0): ;no change ELSE: sgn(indx) = 0 ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;t(0) = 0, scalar.. what we want IF t(1) NE 6L then begin ;Not a complex scalar CASE 1 OF num LT 0: sgn = -1 num EQ 0: sgn = 0 num GT 0: sgn = 1 ELSE: print, 'Not a valid number!' ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;This is a complex scalar sgn = num / abs(num) END ;END END RETURN, sgn END