April 7, 1997 Garman Software Systems 242-6322 Dawn (Don?) Garman 1. Target market? Businesses delivering goods (perishable/nonperishable) on fixed routes (e.g., soft-drink bottlers, dairies?). Their product is a route accounting package that handles all aspects of the accounting process. Their software runs on IBM AS/400 systems (~1/3 of all IBM revenue worldwide), and is in final beta testing on the Windows NT platform. 2. Qualifications for technical staff? It's very difficult to find AS/400 skills in Saskatoon. It's not the platform but rather the languages and skills required: COBOL and RPG software designers, rather than program maintainers. GSS generally need to develop their own staff (who subsequently get hired by CAMECO), and they look for bright, young people with lateral and abstract thinking capabilities. The abstract thinking ability seems to be the key determinant of success. They typically look for people from one of the following backgrounds: Eng/CS, CS, and Accounting. 3. Nature of advertised position? Technical; software development as discussed in 2.