========================================= Setting Up LAN Post Offices and Mailboxes to Work with the Object Exchange ========================================= The Object Exchange lets you use your existing local area network to send and receive objects by setting up LAN post offices and mailboxes. A LAN post office is a directory to which all users in your workgroup have access, and a mailboxes are subdirectories contained within the post office directory. To use the Object Exchange with your LAN, 1. Create a post office by selecting a shared area to which all of your correspondents have access, and creating a directory. For example, J:\OBEXPOST, where J: is the name of a network drive and OBEXPOST is the name of the post office. 2. Create a mailbox for each user by creating subdirectories under the post office directory. For example, J:\OBEXPOST\USER1 and J:\OBESPOST\USER2. 3. When you configure your LAN account in the Object Exchange, enter the mailbox name (for example, USER1) in the Mailbox Name edit field, and the post office path in the Post Office Path edit field (for example, J:\OBEXPOST). 4. If you want to protect your correspondents' privacy, give the following capabilities to users by assigning the appropriate network rights to each mailbox: * Read and delete files for the mailbox owner * Scan, create, and write files for all other users For detailed information on how to assign rights to mailboxes on various LANs, see the instructions below. If you want to experiment on your own, you can create post office and mailbox directories on your local hard disk, and mail and publish objects to yourself. ---------- BANYAN 5.0 ---------- 1. Log in to the Banyan server from a network workstation. 2. When prompted, enter your login name. Enter either your Banyan nickname or your full StreetTalk user name, including your group and organization names. 3. When prompted, enter your password. If you don't have a password, or if this is the first time you've logged on to the first server on a network, press Enter. 4. After the server displays a report on network resources activated during your login, a logical drive designator appears, just like a DOS prompt: E:\> This is the default login drive for the Banyan network system just after Banyan system installation. If you've set a different default drive in your user profile, the drive you set appears instead. 5. Create a directory for the Object Exchange post office files. For example: G: CD \ MD PO 6. Create one directory, or mailbox, in the post office directory for each user. For example: CD PO MD USER1 MD USER2 etc. 7. Set the access rights list for the post office directory and the user directories using SETARL. The SETARL program sets the access rights list for a resource. When the program prompts you for the directory name, enter the post office directory name (for exmaple, PO). For the post office directory, enable all access rights -- Owner, Group, and World -- for all users. For each user mailbox, enable W (rite) and C (reate) only, and set the ownership correctly. Consult the chapter on "Services" in the "Banyan Administrator's Guide" for more information about access rights. -------------------- Microsoft Lanman 2.1 -------------------- 1. Run NET ADMIN for the server to open the Lan Manager Administrator window. 2. From the Lan Manager Administrator window, determine what security mode you're running in by selecting Config from the menu and choosing Server options. If user security is checked, you're in user security mode. If it isn't, you're in share security mode. Installation differs depending on the security mode. For user security mode, follow these instructions: a. Choose View|Shared Resources to open the Shared Resources at \\SERVER dialog box, where SERVER is the name of your server. b. Choose Add Share. c. When you see a list, select Disk Directory and choose OK. d. Type the name you want for your post office in the Sharename text box (for example, PO). e. If your applications are installed on drive C, type C:\APPS\PO in the Path text box. f. Choose OK to confirm settings and OK to create directory. g. Lan Manager opens the Select a File for Access Permissions dialog box. With selected, press Enter. h. You see the Access Permissions for \\SERVER \PO dialog box, where SERVER is your server name. Choose the W (rite) and C (reate) permissions. i. Move to the Not permitted list and highlight the *USERS group and choose Permit to transfer the *USERS group to the Permitted list. You should see *USERS (WC) in the Permitted list. Repeat this procedure until all users have WC permission to the post office. Choose OK to confirm your settings. j. Lan Manager returns to the Select a File for Access Permissions dialog box. Choose Done. k. Lan Manager returns to the Shared Resources at \\SERVER dialog box, where "SERVER" is your server name. Choose Add share to add another sharename. Choose disk directory and OK to confirm. l. In the Share a Directory with the Network dialog box, type the name of a mailbox directory. It is recommended that you use the Lan Manager user name of the individual as the mailbox name for ease of system administration. m. In the Path text box type C:\PO\mailbox name where mailbox name is the username of the individual for whom you are creating the mailbox. Choose OK to confirm your settings and OK to confirm that Lan manager should create the directory. n. Lan manager opens the Select a File for access Permissions dialog box. With selected in the pick list, press Enter. o. Lan manager opens the Access Permissions dialog box. Choose all rights (the entire left hand column) and permit ONLY the owner of the mailbox to be on the Permitted list. Repeat this step for all mailboxes you need to create. p. Choose OK to confirm your settings. Choose Done at the Select a File for Access Permissions dialog box. Choose Done at the Shared Resources at \\SERVER dialog box. Exit from the Lan Manager by choosing View|Exit. -------------------- AT&T StarGroup 3.5.1 -------------------- These instructions assume a Unix-based server. 1. From the server, log in as Root. 2. Create a directory, set the ownership, group and permissions for the post office. Be sure you are in a file system with some free space. For example, mkdir PO chown lmxadmin PO chgrp DOS---- PO chmod 777 PO where PO is the post office name 3. Create directories for mailboxes, set the ownership, group and permissions. For example, cd PO mkdir user1 chown user1 user1 chgrp DOS---- user1 chmod 722 user1 4. Logout of the server and login to a workstation with administrator rights and run WIN NETADMIN. (you can use the command line to administer StarGroup, consult the "Administering Lan Manager" guide for more information) 5. Set the focus on the server and then View|Shared Resources. 6. Choose Add Share. 7. When you see a list, select Disk Directory, then choose OK to confirm. 8. Type the name you want for your post office in the Sharename text box (for example, PO). 9. If your applications are installed on drive C, type C:\APPS\PO in the Path text box. Choose OK to confirm settings. 10. Lan Manager opens the File Permissions dialog box. Select Permit All. Choose Save to save your settings and Done to exit the File Permissions dialog box. Choose OK to confirm your settings. Exit from the Administrative menu by choosing View|Exit. 11. No sharename needs to be set up for individual mailboxes, as the Unix permissions set on the directory should be sufficient. ------------------ IBM Lan Server 2.0 ------------------ 1. At the server, select OS/2 full screen and run NET to open the IBM Lan Server Administrator window. 2. From the IBM Lan Server Administrator window, select Definitions|Aliases|Files. 3. From the Manage Aliases-Files menu, highlight New then choose Actions|Create from the menu. 4. Complete the Create Aliases panel. Enter the path for the post office in the Server path to Directory box. Be sure to select At Server Startup for the When Shared box. Press Enter when done. 5. At the Manage Aliases-Files menu, highlight the new alias you created and choose Access Profile|Create from the menu. 6. Complete the Create the Access Control Profile form. Enter W (rite) and C (reate) in the Universal Access Permissions box. Press Enter when done. 7. Repeat steps 1-5 for each mailbox you need to create except select As Required by User at the When Shared box. Create the Create Access Control Profile form with the same Universal Access Permissions as step 6. 8. At the Manage Aliases-Files menu, for each mailbox you create, select Access Profile|User List and add the permissions XRWCDAP for the owner of the mailbox. Press [Enter] when done. 9. From the main IBM Lan Server Administrator window, select Actions|Resource Sharing to be sure the post office directory is being shared. The mailbox directories don't need to be shared. ------------------------ 3Com Share and 3Com Open ------------------------ Follow instructions for Microsoft Lanman above.