[QPWTemplates] APREG.WB2=Accounts Payable Register,Create an Accounts Payable log that shows all bills received and payments sent. ARREG.WB2=Accounts Receivable Register,Create an Accounts Receivable log that shows all invoices sent and payments received. AUTOEXP.WB2=Auto Expenses,Use this QuickTemplate to log your personal or business automobile expenses. BANKREC.WB2=Checkbook Reconciliation,Use this QuickTemplate to reconcile your check register to your bank statement. COLLEGE.WB2=College Savings Plan,Use this QuickTemplate to create a savings plan for college expenses. HSINVEN.WB2=Household Inventory,Create a household inventory listing your major possessions and their values. CONFROOM.WB2=Meeting Room Schedule,Use this template to create and print a schedule for a conference room. MORTGAGE.WB2=Mortgage Calculator,Use this worksheet to find the best mortgage financing for you. NETWORTH.WB2=Personal Net Worth,Use this QuickTemplate to generate a personal net worth statement. SINVOICE.WB2=Product Invoice,Create an invoice to charge a customer for products. PURCHREQ.WB2=Purchase Requisition,Create a purchase requisition form to initiate the purchasing process. POLAND.WB2=Purchase Order (Landscape),Use this QuickTemplate to create a purchase order formatted to print in landscape mode. POPORT.WB2=Purchase Order (Portrait),Use this QuickTemplate to create a purchase order formatted to print in portrait mode. SALESORD.WB2=Sales Order Form,Fill out this QuickTemplate when you need to accept an order for your products. QUOTE.WB2=Sales Quotation,Generate a presentation-quality sales quotation for your products. HINVOICE.WB2=Service Invoice,Create an invoice to bill a client for services performed on an hourly basis. TRAVELEX.WB2=Travel Expense Report,Create a detailed record of your business or personal travel expenses. TEMPLATE.WB2=QuickTemplate Builder,Use this blank template to create your own fully-functional QuickTemplate.