================================================================= README.TXT 08/07/95 ================================================================= This README file contains information about the recommended requirements for installing WordPerfect Internet Publisher 6.1 (WPIP) on your computer and starting a new HTML document. It also contains the instructions for installing WPIP and last minute changes made to the software that did not make it into the documentation in Envoy format (WPIPHELP.EVY). Additional WPIP README files include: README.DST - Information about using the Envoy Distributable Viewer that comes with WPIP. README.LC - WPIP licensing information. README.TXT - Information about Netscape Navigator. This file is located in your Netscape directory. This README file contains the following information: 1 Recommended System Requirements 2 Recommended Internet Requirements 3 Notes on Installing WPIP 4 Installing WPIP 5 Creating a WPIP Installation Disk Set 6 How Do I Start a New HTML Document? 7 Centered Text Support 8 Tables Support 9 Error Message: Cannot Find WINSOCK.DLL 10 Netscape Navigator 1.1 Users 11 Program Files 1 RECOMMENDED SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ================================== - Personal computer using a 386 or higher processor - WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows or later, or WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows/SGML Edition or later - 6M RAM or more - Hard disk with 3M of available disk space - VGA or other high-resolution display supported by Microsoft Windows - Windows 3.1 or higher, or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups - Mouse or other Windows pointing device 2 RECOMMENDED INTERNET REQUIREMENTS ==================================== To use Netscape Navigator, which comes with WPIP, you must already have the following installed or connected to your computer: - A winsock (version 1.1 or higher) compliant TCP/IP product (NOTE: If you do not already have a winsock compliant TCP/IP product, you can simply copy the file MOZOCK.DLL from the second WPIP installation diskette to your \WINDOWS directory. You will then need to rename MOZOCK.DLL to WINSOCK.DLL.) - Physical connectivity to the Internet - A service provider in your area to give you Internet access IMPORTANT: If you were able to download WPIP from ftp.novell.com, you already have the necessary physical connectivity to the Internet. 3 NOTES ON INSTALLING WPIP =========================== To install WPIP, you must have WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows (WPWin). You can have WPWin installed and running from either your hard drive or from a workstation on a network. However, you must install and run WPIP on your own hard drive, even if you are running WPWin from a network. The setup program will automatically detect how you are running WPWin and configure WPIP accordingly. The three main components that you will be installing are the Netscape Navigator (TM) browser, the Envoy Distributable Viewer, and the various WPIP program files, including the documentation in Envoy format (WPIPHELP.EVY). If Netscape 1.0 or 1.0.1 and/or Envoy are already installed on your computer, WPIP will not install Netscape 1.1 or the Distributable Viewer. Instead, the setup program will detect where these two programs are installed on your computer and include them in the configuration of WPIP. IMPORTANT: If you are a Netscape 1.0 or 1.0.1 user and would like to install Netscape 1.1 at the same time you install WPIP, you must first delete NETSCAPE.EXE from your \NETSCAPE directory, then follow the WPIP installation instructions below. 4 INSTALLING WPIP ================== Before you proceed with the installation, make sure you read Notes on Installing WPIP above. 1 In the Windows Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu. 2 In the command line text box, type the path (the computer drive and directory where you stored the expanded installation files from WPIPZIP.EXE) and the filename SETUP.EXE, then choose OK. 3 Follow the on-screen prompts to finish installing Internet Publisher. To begin a new HTML document, see How Do I Start a New HTML Document? later in this README. 5 CREATING A WPIP INSTALLATION DISK SET ======================================== If you would like to create an installation disk set so that others can install WPIP on their own computer, you will need two blank diskettes. On diskette one, copy the following expanded WPIP installation files (from WPIPZIP.EXE): SETUP.EXE INSTALL.DAT IP_DISKS.DAT README.LC WPIP.001 NETSCAPE.001 ENVOY.001 README.TXT IPSETUP.EX_ SHWIND20.DL_ On diskette two, copy the following expanded WPIP installation files (from WPIPZIP.EXE): ENVOY.002 MOZOCK.DLL 6 HOW DO I START A NEW HTML DOCUMENT? ====================================== To start a new HTML document in WPWin 6.1, you must first select the WPIP template. This template, like many of the templates already included with WordPerfect, includes a predefined Toolbar which contains the options you will be using to create your HTML document (you can also use the HTML menu on the menu bar to choose the same options that are found on the Toolbar.) For more information about templates, see New in the WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows User's Guide. To select the WPIP template, 1 In WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows, choose New from the File menu. 2 Highlight HTML document in the Select Template text box, then choose Select. The default WPIP Toolbar is displayed. Any option found on the Toolbar can be used to create your HTML document. 3 In the Document Title text box, type a short, descriptive name, then choose OK. This name will appear as the main heading of your HTML document, and will also appear in the title bar of the browser when you export to HTML. For help with creating the rest of your HTML document, you can follow the various tasks that are described in the WPIP documentation. To access the WPIP documentation, 1 Click the Question Mark icon on the default Internet Publisher Toolbar. Or, choose Internet Publisher from the Help menu. The best place to start is the section titled Creating a New HTML Document: The Basics. (You can also access the documentation from the Windows Program Manager. In the Internet Publisher program group, click the icon titled WPIPHELP.) 7 CENTERED TEXT SUPPORT ======================== WPIP and Netscape Navigator support the centering of single lines of text and entire blocks of text in your document. When you export a document to Netscape, WPIP converts any center codes to HTML center tags. Beware, however, that centered text is not understood by all browsers. 8 TABLES SUPPORT ================= WPIP and Netscape Navigator 1.1 now support the use of simple tables in your document. When you export a document to Netscape, WPIP converts WPWin's table codes to HTML table tags. After creating a table in WPWin, you can join and split the table cells, or select "None" as the line style for the entire table; the results are exported to HTML. These are the only WPWin Table features that are currently supported by WPIP. With the exception of "None," changing the line style of an entire table will have no effect in Netscape. Changing a line style to "None" in a single table cell also has no effect in Netscape. Table cells that do not have any content are displayed as raised, solid blocks in Netscape. Finally, adjusting the width of table columns in WPIP will have no effect when you export to HTML; the table will always span the width of the page in Netscape. 9 ERROR MESSAGE: CANNOT FIND WINSOCK.DLL ========================================= If you receive an error message stating that Netscape cannot find WINSOCK.DLL (this usually happens when you are either exporting your WordPerfect document to HTML, or you are just wanting to enter Netscape to browse) it means that you do not have a winsock compliant TCP/IP product installed and, therefore, you cannot run Netscape. To correct this problem, you need to copy the following file from the second WPIP diskette to your \WINDOWS directory: MOZOCK.DLL Once this file is copied to the \WINDOWS directory, you need to rename MOZOCK.DLL to WINSOCK.DLL. 10 NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR 1.1 USERS ================================ If you are using Netscape Navigator 1.1 (32-bit version), there are two variations in the way you need to display your exported HTML document in Netscape. The variations depend on what is already displayed in an open Netscape window. -Variation 1: You are creating your document in WordPerfect. Netscape 1.1 is already open with a page displayed that is not your own (for example, a home page somewhere on the Internet). How do you view your exported document in Netscape? When you export your working document to HTML format for display in Netscape, you will be prompted to switch to the open Netscape window (hold down the Alt key, then press the Tab key until the Netscape name appears in the box, then release both keys) and open your file. To open your file, choose Open File from the File menu, select your HTML file using the drive, directory, and filename lists, then choose OK. -Variation 2: You are creating your document in WordPerfect. Netscape 1.1 is already open and an earlier version of your exported HTML document is displayed. How do you view the most current version of your document in Netscape? When you export your working document to HTML format, the open Netscape window is displayed. Choose Reload from the View menu to replace the display of the former version of your HTML file with the latest version. 11 PROGRAM FILES ================= This section of the README shows you which files are installed when you run the WPIP setup program and where they are located. The following files are installed in the \WPIP directory: WPVWLNCH.EXE - Launches the Envoy Distributable Viewer. WPHTML.EXE - The main program file for WPIP. README.TXT - The file you are reading right now. WPIP.INI - Used to setup and initialize WPIP. WPBRLNCH.EXE - Launches the Netscape Browser when you export. WPNSLNCH.DLL - Runs in conjunction with Netscape to help it work with WordPerfect. WPIPHELP.EVY - The WPIP documentation in Envoy format. The following files are installed in the TEMPLATE directory. (If you are running WPWin 6.1 from a workstation on a network, your template directory may be located at \WINDOWS\TEMPLATE. Or, if you are running WPWin 6.1 from your own computer, your template directory may be located at \WPWIN\TEMPLATE.): HTML.WPT - A WPWin 6.1 template used for creating HTML documents. IMG.WPG - The placeholder graphic used in your HTML documents. The following file is installed in the \WINDOWS directory: WPURL16.DLL - Activated when you click on a hyperlink from within WordPerfect. The following file is installed in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: TTEMBED.DLL - True Type font embedding for Envoy. The following sample files are installed in the \WPIP\SAMPLES directory and can be deleted if desired: CRUISE.GIF CRUISE.EVY CRUISE.WPD AFARAWAY.EVY AFARAWAY.WPD EUROPE.HTM EUROPE.WPD TRAV.WPD TRAV.HTM The following files are installed in the \NETSCAPE directory: LICENSE - The Netscape Navigator license agreement. NETSCAPE.EXE - The main program file for Netscape Navigator. NETSCAPE.INI - The initialization file for Netscape Navigator. SUPTGUID.HTM - Technical Support information for Netscape Navigator and WPIP. README.TXT - The Netscape Navigator README file. The following files are installed in the \ENVOY directory: ENVOY.EXE - The main program file for Envoy. ENVOYUS.DLL - Language-specific Envoy file. WPEN10US.HLP - The Envoy Distributable Viewer Help file. END