Albert: Thanks for the message. I half expected to hear that something wasn't working properly. Many of the new files I sent up with you hadn't been tested on the system. I hope the revised versions that follow will work better. There are four new files: EUREKA.POS => C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\FILES CP2VDISK.BAT => C:\BATCH RAYLEIGH.BAT => " RAY_SCAT.BAT => " I would also like you to check the AUTOEXEC.BAT file the PoCa PC is running. The third last line of text should be 'RSMASTER' (excluding the apostrophes). If this is not the case please use the MS-DOS editor to make it so. It looks from your e-mail that it is as it should be, but my records are ambiguous so please check anyway. Once you have installed the new files, ensured the AUTOEXEC.BAT file is correct, and rebooted, please observe the operation just after the daily backup at 18 UT. It should run RAYLEIGH.BAT and then RAY_SCAT.BAT. If you see any error messages, or if something other than the RAYLEIGH/ RAY_SCAT pair appears to run, please note down whatever you can and let me know. Thanks in advance. Dave ==================================EUREKA.POS================================== -longitude 273.5839 -latitude 80.0533 -height 605.0 -sunset -10.0 -moonset 40.0 =================================CP2VDISK.BAT================================= @ECHO OFF ::CP2VDISK.BAT COPY C:\COMMAND.COM D:\ > NUL SET COMSPEC=D:\COMMAND.COM COPY C:\BATCH\*.BAT D:\ > NUL COPY C:\BATCH\*.COM D:\ > NUL COPY C:\UTILS\PING.EXE D:\ > NUL COPY C:\USER\LANNY\KI\KI_EP\KI_EP.EXE D:\ > NUL COPY C:\USER\LANNY\KI\KILZ78\KI.EXE D:\ > NUL COPY C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\FILES\KIS_TAIL.TXT D:\ > NUL COPY C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\FILES\EUREKA.POS D:\ > NUL COPY C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\FILES\KI_START.* D:\ > NUL COPY C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\FILES\KI_DATA.DAT D:\ > NUL COPY C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\REDGREEN D:\ > NUL COPY C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\DARKBGOH D:\ > NUL COPY C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\CYCLE496 D:\ > NUL COPY C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\DARKS496 D:\ > NUL COPY C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\POCAWAKE D:\ > NUL COPY C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\STATUSES D:\ > NUL COPY C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\NCALIB0 D:\ > NUL COPY C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\NCALIB1 D:\ > NUL =================================RAYLEIGH.BAT================================= @ECHO OFF REM RAYLEIGH.BAT REM REM D. P. Steele, October 1996 REM REM This batch file contains the instructions to do the following: REM check whether the UT day has just changed, REM initialize operations for a new UT day, REM back up the last 24 hours worth of data if appropriate; REM run the Polar Camera ephemeris, REM and run KI to execute a cycle of data acquisition if RUNKI exists. REM Control then passes back to RSMASTER.BAT. REM REM Copied from EUREKA.BAT on 19 October 1993 by D. P. Steele. REM Modified from EUREK2X2.BAT by D P Steele on 15 Sept. 1994. REM ECHO RAYLEIGH.BAT ::GO_TO_ROOT CD C:\ ::SAVE_LAST_DATE SET TODAY=%DATE% ::SET_DATE CALL SETDTVAR CALL SETMOVAR CALL SETYRVAR IF %TODAY%==%DATE% GOTO SET_HOUR ::ITS_A_NEW_DAY CALL SETYDVAR SET BACKUP_DONE=FALSE CALL KI_SETUP REM These only get done once a day, just after 00:00 UT. :SET_HOUR REM Set a variable giving the current hour. CALL SETHRVAR REM If the daily backup has been done, go on with normal ops. IF EXIST %KI_LOG%\BKUPDONE.%HEXMO%%DATE% GOTO EVERYTIME REM Otherwise, check whether the time for backup has come; if REM it has, attempt a backup; if not, go on with normal ops. GETHOUR IF ERRORLEVEL %BKUPHOUR% GOTO BACKUP GOTO EVERYTIME :BACKUP CALL DOBACKUP CALL CLEANUP %YESTERDAY% SET BACKUP_DONE=TRUE :EVERYTIME PING ::EPHEM REM KI_EP -start EUREKA.SDN KI_EP -lat 80.053 -lon 273.584 -h 605. -sun 0.0 -moon 40.0 IF NOT EXIST RUNKI GOTO STATUSES ::RAYLEIGH_SCATTERING? KI_EP -start EUREKA.POS IF EXIST RUNKI THEN GOTO NORMAL_CYCLE CALL RAY_SCAT GOTO UPDATE_LAST_TIME :NORMAL_CYCLE ECHO Run KI for auroral / airglow data KI -s KI_START.EUR -x CYCLE496 REM Make sure the last-file-taken information is kept up to date. COPY D:\KI_DATA.DAT C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\FILES DEL RUNKI IF %LAST_TIME%==%HOUR% GOTO UPDATE_LAST_TIME ::DARK_FRAMES ECHO Run KI for standard dark frames KI -s KI_START.EUR -x DARKS496 REM Make sure the last-file-taken information is kept up to date. COPY D:\KI_DATA.DAT C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\FILES GOTO UPDATE_LAST_TIME :STATUSES \PWRTOOLS\DELAY 5 > NUL KI -s KI_START.EUR -x STATUSES :UPDATE_LAST_TIME SET LAST_TIME=%HOUR% :END =================================RAY_SCAT.BAT================================= @ECHO OFF REM RAY_SCAT.BAT REM REM D. P. Steele, October 1996 REM REM This batch file contains the instructions to do the following: REM check whether the UT day has just changed, REM initialize operations for a new UT day, REM back up the last 24 hours worth of data if appropriate; REM run the Polar Camera ephemeris, REM and run KI to execute a cycle of data acquisition if RUNKI exists. REM Control then passes back to RSMASTER.BAT. REM REM Copied from EUREKA.BAT on 19 October 1993 by D. P. Steele. REM Modified from EUREK2X2.BAT by D P Steele on 15 Sept. 1994. REM ECHO RAY_SCAT.BAT ::How_far_down_is_the_Sun? KI_EP -lat 80.053 -lon 273.584 -h 605. -moon 40.0 -sun -1.0 IF EXIST RUNKI THEN GOTO DOWN_1 KI_EP -lat 80.053 -lon 273.584 -h 605. -moon 40.0 -sun -2.0 IF EXIST RUNKI THEN GOTO DOWN_2 KI_EP -lat 80.053 -lon 273.584 -h 605. -moon 40.0 -sun -3.0 IF EXIST RUNKI THEN GOTO DOWN_3 KI_EP -lat 80.053 -lon 273.584 -h 605. -moon 40.0 -sun -4.0 IF EXIST RUNKI THEN GOTO DOWN_4 KI_EP -lat 80.053 -lon 273.584 -h 605. -moon 40.0 -sun -5.0 IF EXIST RUNKI THEN GOTO DOWN_5 KI_EP -lat 80.053 -lon 273.584 -h 605. -moon 40.0 -sun -6.0 IF EXIST RUNKI THEN GOTO DOWN_6 KI_EP -lat 80.053 -lon 273.584 -h 605. -moon 40.0 -sun -7.0 IF EXIST RUNKI THEN GOTO DOWN_7 KI_EP -lat 80.053 -lon 273.584 -h 605. -moon 40.0 -sun -8.0 IF EXIST RUNKI THEN GOTO DOWN_8 KI_EP -lat 80.053 -lon 273.584 -h 605. -moon 40.0 -sun -9.0 IF EXIST RUNKI THEN GOTO DOWN_9 :DOWN_1 KI -s KI_START.EUR -x c:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\RAY_1DEG GOTO UPDATE_LAST_FILE_INFO :DOWN_2 KI -s KI_START.EUR -x c:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\RAY_2DEG GOTO UPDATE_LAST_FILE_INFO :DOWN_3 KI -s KI_START.EUR -x c:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\RAY_3DEG GOTO UPDATE_LAST_FILE_INFO :DOWN_4 KI -s KI_START.EUR -x c:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\RAY_4DEG GOTO UPDATE_LAST_FILE_INFO :DOWN_5 KI -s KI_START.EUR -x c:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\RAY_5DEG GOTO UPDATE_LAST_FILE_INFO :DOWN_6 KI -s KI_START.EUR -x c:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\RAY_6DEG GOTO UPDATE_LAST_FILE_INFO :DOWN_7 KI -s KI_START.EUR -x c:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\RAY_7DEG GOTO UPDATE_LAST_FILE_INFO :DOWN_8 KI -s KI_START.EUR -x c:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\RAY_8DEG GOTO UPDATE_LAST_FILE_INFO :DOWN_9 KI -s KI_START.EUR -x c:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\RAY_9DEG :UPDATE_LAST_FILE_INFO REM Make sure the last-file-taken information is kept up to date. COPY D:\KI_DATA.DAT C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\FILES DEL RUNKI IF %LAST_TIME%==%HOUR% GOTO UPDATE_LAST_TIME ::RAYLEIGH_DARK_FRAMES ECHO Run KI for Rayleigh dark frames KI -s KI_START.EUR -x C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\SCRIPTS\DARKSRAY REM Make sure the last-file-taken information is kept up to date. COPY D:\KI_DATA.DAT C:\USER\BERNIE\INTERP\FILES :UPDATE_LAST_TIME SET LAST_TIME=%HOUR% :END