UCalgary Space Remote Sensing Open Data Platform

Akjuit Aerospace, Inc. --- SpacePort NEWS Vol. 1 NO. 3 - 1994

SpacePort NEWS Vol.1 NO. 3 - 1994


Heavy equipment excavates the foundation of the first Orbital Launch Pad,
east of the Sounding Rocket Facility seen in the background.

ImageMoving Earth for Access to Space

ImageEnvironmental Documentation Filed With Province

ImageSpacePort Team Briefs with Smith Barney

ImageRefurbishing Completed

ImageAkjuit Participates in Federal Task Force

ImageAkjuit/Transport Canada Co-Develop Licensing Process

ImagePrairie Research Selected to Prepare Economic Impact & Transportation Analysis

ImageModular Construction Technique Adopted for New Launch Tower

ImageAMROC/Akjuit Explore Potential Venture

ImageTeam Member Profile: Clifford Paddock

The Communications Division of Akjuit Aerospace is recognizing the contribution of the many scientists and technicians from around the world who worked in Churchill over the 38 year history of the Churchill Research Range.

The unique commemorative medallion is being struck in limited quantity from the metal of the region, nickel, and attractively antiqued to look like pewter.

If you, or someone you know, worked at the Research Range between 1957 and 1989, please help us compile the names, images and history of those pioneering times.

In recognition of your contribution to polar rocket science, we will be honoured to send you a commemorative medallion, and invite you to follow the progress of the new SpacePort Canada Orbital Launch Facility, as "Adventurers in Space".

To the to SpacePort News Issue Selections.

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