; $Id: arrow.pro,v 1.3 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $ ; ; Copyright (c) 1993-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. ; PRO ARROW, x0, y0, x1, y1, HSIZE = hsize, COLOR = color, HTHICK = hthick, $ THICK = thick, DATA = data, DEVICE = device, NORMALIZED = norm, $ SOLID = solid ;+ ; NAME: ARROW ; PURPOSE: Draw a vector(s) with an arrow head ; CATEGORY: Graphics ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ARROW, x0, y0, x1, y1 ; INPUTS: ; (x0, y0) = coordinates of beginning of vector(s). May be arrays ; or scalars. Coordinates are in DEVICE coordinates ; unless otherwise specified. ; (x1, y1) = coordinates of endpoint (head) of vector. ; x0, y0, x1, y1 must all have the same number of elements. ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; DATA - if set, implies that coordinates are in data coords. ; NORMALIZED - if set, coordinates are specified in normalized coords. ; HSIZE = size of arrowhead. Default = 1/64th the width of the device, ; (!D.X_SIZE / 64.). ; If the size is positive, it is assumed to be in device ; coordinate units. If it is NEGATIVE, then the head length ; is set to the vector length * abs(hsize), giving heads ; proportional in size to the bodies. The size is defined as ; the length of each of the lines (separated by 60 degrees) ; that make the head. ; COLOR = drawing color. Default = highest color index. ; HTHICK = thickness of heads. Default = 1.0. ; SOLID = if set, make a solid arrow, using polygon fills, looks better ; for thick arrows. ; THICK = thickness of body. Default = 1.0. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; No explicit outputs. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; PROCEDURE: ; Straightforward. ; Examples: ; Draw an arrow from (100,150) to (300,350) in DEVICE units. ; ARROW, 100, 150, 300, 350 ; ; Draw a sine wave with arrows from the line Y=0 to ; sin(x/4). ; X = FINDGEN(50) ; Y = SIN(x/4) ;Make sin wave ; PLOT, X, Y ; ARROW, X, REPLICATE(0,50), X, Y, /DATA ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; DMS, Feb, 1992. ; DMS, Sept, 1992. Added /SOLID. ;- ; Draw an arrow with a head from (x0,y0) to (x1, y1). Params may be ; vectors. ; Set up keyword params if n_elements(thick) eq 0 then thick = 1. if n_elements(hthick) eq 0 then hthick = thick ;Head size in device units if n_elements(hsize) eq 0 then arrowsize = !d.x_size/64. * (hthick/2. > 1) $ else arrowsize = float(hsize) if n_elements(color) eq 0 then color = !P.color mcost = -.866 ;We use 30 degrees for head angle sint = .500 msint = - sint for i = 0, n_elements(x0)-1 do begin ;Each vector if keyword_set(data) then $ ;Convert? p = convert_coord([x0[i],x1[i]],[y0[i],y1[i]], /data, /to_dev) $ else if keyword_set(norm) then $ p = convert_coord([x0[i],x1[i]],[y0[i],y1[i]], /norm, /to_dev) $ else p = [[x0[i], y0[i]],[x1[i], y1[i]]] xp0 = p[0,0] xp1 = p[0,1] yp0 = p[1,0] yp1 = p[1,1] dx = float(xp1-xp0) dy = float(yp1-yp0) zz = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2) ;Length if zz gt 1e-6 then begin dx = dx/zz ;Cos th dy = dy/zz ;Sin th endif else begin dx = 1. dy = 0. zz = 1. endelse if arrowsize gt 0 then a = arrowsize $ ;a = length of head else a = -zz * arrowsize xxp0 = xp1 + a * (dx*mcost - dy * msint) yyp0 = yp1 + a * (dx*msint + dy * mcost) xxp1 = xp1 + a * (dx*mcost - dy * sint) yyp1 = yp1 + a * (dx*sint + dy * mcost) if keyword_set(solid) then begin ;Use polyfill? b = a * mcost*.9 ;End of arrow shaft (Fudge to force join) plots, [xp0, xp1+b*dx], [yp0, yp1+b*dy], /DEVICE, $ COLOR = color, THICK = thick polyfill, [xxp0, xxp1, xp1, xxp0], [yyp0, yyp1, yp1, yyp0], $ /DEVICE, COLOR = color endif else begin plots, [xp0, xp1], [yp0, yp1], /DEVICE, COLOR = color, THICK = thick plots, [xxp0,xp1,xxp1],[yyp0,yp1,yyp1], /DEVICE, COLOR = color, $ THICK = hthick endelse ENDFOR end