;$Id: complexround.pro,v 1.5 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $ ; ; Copyright (c) 1994-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. ;+ ; NAME: ; COMPLEXROUND ; ; PURPOSE: ; This function rounds a complex scalar or array. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Numerical Analysis. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = Complexround(z) ; ; INPUTS: ; Z: A complex scalar or array. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The input argument must be complex. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; This function rounds the real and imaginary components of the ; complex input argument. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ;Define a complex array. ; z = [[complex(1.245, 3.880), complex( 1.245, -3.880)], $ ; [complex(1.499, 5.501), complex(-1.355, -2.115)]] ; ;Round it. ; result = complexround(z) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: GGS, RSI, September 1992 ; Modified: GGS, RSI, September 1994 ; Added support for double-precision complex inputs. ; Uses IDL's intrinsic ROUND function. ;- function complexround, z ;dimension = size(input) ;Size of input array. ;output = complexarr(dimension(1), dimension(2)) ;real = float(input) ;Separate into real and imaginary. ;imag = imaginary(input) ;z1 = real + 0.5 ;Round real components. ;neg1 = where(real lt 0, count1) ;if count1 ne 0 then z1(neg1) = z1(neg1) - 1 ;z1 = fix(z1) ;z2 = imag + 0.5 ;Round imaginary components. ;neg2 = where(imag lt 0, count2) ;if count2 ne 0 then z2(neg2) = z2(neg2) - 1 ;z2 = fix(z2) ;output = complex(z1,z2) ;return, complex(z1,z2) on_error, 2 sz = size(z) if sz[sz[0]+1] eq 6 then begin return, complex(round(float(z)), round(imaginary(z))) endif else if sz[sz[0]+1] eq 9 then $ return, dcomplex(round(float(z)), round(imaginary(z))) $ else message, 'Input must be of complex type.' end