; $Id: filepath.pro,v 1.16 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $ ; ; Copyright (c) 1989-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. ; FUNCTION FILEPATH, FILENAME, ROOT_DIR=root_dir, SUBDIRECTORY=subdir, $ TERMINAL = TERMINAL, TMP = TMP ;+ ; NAME: ; FILEPATH ; ; PURPOSE: ; Given the name of a file in the IDL distribution, ; FILEPATH returns the fully-qualified path to use in ; opening the file. Operating system dependencies ; are taken into consideration. This routine is used by RSI to ; make the User Library portable. ; ; CATEGORY: ; File Management. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = FILEPATH('filename' [, SUBDIRECTORY = subdir]) ; ; INPUTS: ; filename: The lowercase name of the file to be opened. No device ; or directory information should be included. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; ROOT_DIR: The name of the directory from which the resulting path ; should be based. If not present, the value of !DIR is used. ; This keyword is ignored if TERMINAL or TMP are specified. ; ; SUBDIRECTORY: The name of the subdirectory in which the file ; should be found. If this keyword is omitted, the main ; directory is used. This variable can be either a scalar ; string or a string array with the name of each level of ; subdirectory depth represented as an element of the array. ; ; For example, to get a path to the file DETERM in the "userlib" ; subdirectory to the IDL "lib" subdirectory, enter: ; ; path = FILEPATH("determ", SUBDIRECTORY = ["lib", "userlib"]) ; ; TERMINAL: Return the filename of the user's terminal. ; ; TMP: The file is a scratch file. Return a path to the ; proper place for temporary files under the current operating ; system. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; The fully-qualified file path is returned. If one of the subdirectory ; keywords is not specified, the file is assumed to exist in the ; main distribution directory. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Don't specify more than one of the keywords in a single call. ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; To get a path to the file DETERM in the "userlib" subdirectory to the ; IDL "lib" subdirectory, enter: ; ; path = FILEPATH("determ", SUBDIRECTORY = ["lib", "userlib"]) ; ; The variable "path" contains a string that is the fully-qualified file ; path for the file DETERM. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; December, 1989, AB, RSI (Formalized from original by DMS) ; October, 1990, SG, RSI (added support for MSDOS) ; February, 1991, SMR, RSI (added string array support for multi-level ; directories) ; 21 April 1993, AB, Added ROOT_DIR keyword. ; 14 July 1994, KDB, RSI - Corrected logic error in VMS section ; of the ROOT_DIR keyword. Any ; sub-directory specification was ; being ignored when using ROOT_DIR. Fixed. ; March, 1995, DJE, Add a ':' if root_dir is specified on the Mac. ; 29 July 1995, Robert.M.Candey.1@gsfc.nasa.gov, Changed VMS case for ; no specified path to not append '.][000000]' ; April, 1996, DJE, Remove call to STRLOWCASE(SUBDIR). ; August, 1996, AJH, used environment variables to define TMP on Win32 ;- ON_ERROR,2 ;Return to caller if an error ;occurs do_tmp = KEYWORD_SET(TMP) ;get temporary path if existing path = '' IF (KEYWORD_SET(TERMINAL)) THEN BEGIN CASE !VERSION.OS OF 'vms': RETURN,'SYS$OUTPUT:' 'Win32': BEGIN PRINT, "No terminal device available for Windows" RETURN, '' END 'MacOS' : BEGIN PRINT, "No terminal device for the Mac" RETURN, '' END ELSE: RETURN,'/dev/tty' ENDCASE ENDIF IF (do_tmp) THEN BEGIN CASE !VERSION.OS OF 'vms': root_dir = 'SYS$LOGIN:' 'Win32': BEGIN root_dir = getenv('TMP') IF (strtrim(root_dir, 2) EQ "") THEN BEGIN root_dir = GETENV('TEMP') IF (strtrim(root_dir, 2) EQ "") THEN BEGIN root_dir = GETENV('WINDIR') IF (strtrim(root_dir, 2) EQ "") THEN root_dir = '\tmp' ENDIF ENDIF END 'MacOS': begin root_dir = !DIR if (n_params() EQ 0) then filename = "IDL Temp File" end ELSE: root_dir = '/tmp' ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (not KEYWORD_SET(ROOT_DIR)) THEN root_dir = !DIR IF (KEYWORD_SET(SUBDIR)) THEN BEGIN ;if the SUBDIR keyword is set ;then include each level in the CASE !VERSION.OS OF ;path separated by the correct 'vms': divider = "." ;directory level delimiter for 'Win32': divider = "\" ;the current O.S. 'MacOS' : divider = ":" ELSE: divider = "/" ENDCASE FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS(SUBDIR) - 1 DO BEGIN path = path + SUBDIR[i] IF(i NE N_ELEMENTS(SUBDIR) - 1) THEN $ path = path + divider ENDFOR if !VERSION.OS EQ 'MacOS' THEN path = path + divider ENDIF ENDELSE CASE !VERSION.OS OF 'vms': BEGIN IF (NOT do_tmp) THEN BEGIN IF (path EQ '') THEN begin case 1 of strmid(root_dir, strlen(root_dir)-2, 2) eq ".]": $ root_dir = strmid(root_dir,0,strlen(root_dir)-2) +']' ; remove . strmid(root_dir, strlen(root_dir)-1, 1) eq "]": ; nothing else: path = '[000000]' ; assume implicit '.]' or device in root_dir endcase ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; path is filled path = '[' + path + ']' ; check for a ".]" at the end of our root directory IF(( strmid(root_dir, strlen(root_dir)-2, 2) ne ".]") and $ ( strmid(root_dir, strlen(root_dir)-1, 1) eq "]") )then $ root_dir = strmid(root_dir,0,strlen(root_dir)-1) +'.]' ; if no ']' at end of root_dir, assume implicit '.]' or device ENDELSE ENDIF END 'Win32': BEGIN path = '\' + path IF (path NE '\') THEN path = path + '\' END 'MacOS': BEGIN ; make sure the root dir ends with a separator IF (STRMID(root_dir, STRLEN(root_dir) - 1, 1) NE ':') THEN $ root_dir = root_dir + ':' END ELSE: BEGIN path = '/' + path IF (path NE '/') THEN path = path + '/' END ENDCASE RETURN, root_dir + path + filename END