; $Id: flick.pro,v 1.3 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $ ; ; Copyright (c) 1988-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. ; pro flick,a,b,rate ;Flicker between the two output frames at a given rate. ; a and b = images scaled from 0 to 255. ;To terminate, type any key except F or S. ;Rate = frames per second. ; Type F to flick faster by a factor of 2 ; S to flick slower by a factor of 2. ;+ ; NAME: ; FLICK ; ; PURPOSE: ; Flicker between two output images at a given rate. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Image display, animation. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; FLICK, A, B, Rate ; ; INPUTS: ; A: Byte image number 1, scaled from 0 to 255. ; B: Byte image number 2, scaled from 0 to 255. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; Rate: The flicker rate. The default is 1.0 sec/frame ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; No explicit outputs. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; Sunview: Modifies the display, changes the write mask. ; X and Windows: uses two additional pixmaps. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; None. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; SunView: ; Image A is written to the bottom 4 bits of the display. ; Image B is written to the top 4 bits. ; Two color tables are created from the current table, one that ; shows the low 4 bits using 16 of the original colors, and one ; that shows the high 4 bits. The color table is changed to ; switch between images. ; Other window systems: ; two off screen pixmaps are used to contain the images. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; DMS, 3/ 88. ; DMS, 4/92, Added X window and MS window optimizations. ;- common colors, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs if n_elements(rate) eq 0 then rate = 1.0 ;Parameter there? ichl = 0 sfact = 1.5 ;Speed steps if !d.name eq "SUN" then begin if n_elements(r_orig) eq 0 then begin ;colors defined? r_orig=indgen(256) & g_orig = r_orig & b_orig = r_orig endif p1 = 16 * [[ lindgen(256)/16], [ lindgen(256) and 15]] ;(256,2) device, set_write=240 ;load top 4 bits tv,a empty device, set_write=15 ;load bottom 4 bits tv,b/16b empty device,set_write=255 ;re-enable all 8 bits while 1 do begin ;loop infinitely over each chl p = p1[*,ichl] ;get appropriate table tvlct,r_orig[p], g_orig[p], b_orig[p] ;load 4 bit table wait,1./rate ;This also empties the graphics buffer chr = get_kbrd(0) ;Read character case strupcase(chr) of "F": rate = rate*sfact ;Faster "S": rate = rate/sfact ;Slower "": ichl = 1 - ichl ;Other image else: goto,done endcase endwhile ; done: tvlct, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig empty return ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;Assume X or Windows if !d.window lt 0 then window cwin = !d.window pix = intarr(2) ;Make 2 pixmaps for i=0,1 do begin window, /FREE, /PIX, xs = !d.x_size, ys = !d.y_size pix[i] = !d.window if i eq 0 then tv,a else tv,b endfor wset, cwin while 1 do begin ;loop infinitely over each chl device, copy=[0,0,!d.x_size, !d.y_size, 0, 0, pix[ichl]] wait,1./rate ;This also empties the graphics buffer chr = get_kbrd(0) ;Read character case strupcase(chr) of "F": rate = rate*sfact ;Faster "S": rate = rate/sfact ;Slower "": ichl = 1 - ichl ;Other image else: goto,done1 endcase endwhile ; done1: wdelete, pix[0], pix[1] return ENDELSE end