; $Id: oploterr.pro,v 1.2 1996/12/17 20:20:32 ali Exp $ PRO OPLOTERR, X, Y, ERR, PSYM ; ;+ ; NAME: ; OPLOTERR ; ; PURPOSE: ; Overplot data points with accompanying error bars. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Plotting, 2-dimensional. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; OPLOTERR, [ X ,] Y , Err [, Psym ] ; ; INPUTS: ; Y: The array of Y values. ; ; Err: The array of error bar values. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; X: An optional array of X values. The procedure checks whether ; or not the third parameter passed is a vector to decide if X ; was passed. ; ; If X is not passed, then INDGEN(Y) is assumed for the X values. ; ; PSYM: The plotting symbol to use (default = +7). ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Arrays cannot be of type string. There must be enough points to ; plot. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; A plot of X versus Y with error bars drawn from Y - ERR to Y + ERR ; is written to the output device over any plot already there. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; William Thompson Applied Research Corporation ; July, 1986 8201 Corporate Drive ; Landover, MD 20785 ;- ; P_SYM = !P.PSYM ; Save the affected system parameters LINETYPE = !P.LINETYPE ; ; Interpret the input parameters. ; ON_ERROR,2 ; Return to caller if an error occurs NP = N_PARAMS(0) IF NP LT 2 THEN $ message, 'Must be called with 2-4 parameters: [ X ,] Y , ERR [, PSYM ]' $ ELSE IF NP EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ;Only Y and ERR passed. !P.PSYM = 7 YERR = Y YY = X XX = INDGEN(n_elements(x)) END ELSE IF NP GE 3 THEN BEGIN N = N_ELEMENTS(ERR) IF N EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ;X array not passed. !P.PSYM = ERR YERR = Y YY = X XX = INDGEN(Y) END ELSE BEGIN ;X array passed. IF NP EQ 3 THEN !P.PSYM = 7 $ ELSE !P.PSYM = PSYM YERR = ERR YY = Y XX = X END END ; ; Plot data and the error bars. ; N = N_ELEMENTS(XX) < N_ELEMENTS(YY) < N_ELEMENTS(YERR) IF N LT 1 THEN message, 'No points to plot.' $ ELSE IF N EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ;Double XX and YY arrays to allow XX = [XX[0],XX[0]] ; plotting of single point. YY = [YY[0],YY[0]] YERR = [YERR[0],YERR[0]] END ELSE BEGIN XX = XX[0:N-1] YY = YY[0:N-1] ENDELSE OPLOT,XX,YY ;Plot data points. !P.PSYM = 0 !P.LINETYPE = 0 FOR I = 0,N-1 DO BEGIN ;Plot error bars. XXX = [XX[I],XX[I]] YYY = [YY[I]-YERR[I],YY[I]+YERR[I]] OPLOT,XXX,YYY END ; !P.PSYM = P_SYM ; Return the orginal system parameter values. !P.LINETYPE = LINETYPE ; RETURN END