; $Id: reverse.pro,v 1.4 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $ ; ; Copyright (c) 1991-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. function reverse, a, subscript ;Reverse a vector or array about the subscript ; subscript = 1 or omitted to reverse 1st dim, =2 for 2nd dim. ; This function simply calls rotate with the correct parameter. ;+ ; NAME: ; REVERSE ; ; PURPOSE: ; Reverse the order of rows or columns in an array or vector. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Array manipulation. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = REVERSE(Array [, Subscript_Index]) ; ; INPUTS: ; Array: The array or vector containing the original data. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; Subscript_Index: If this parameter is omitted or 1, the first subscript is ; reversed (i.e., rows are reversed). Set this parameter to ; 2 to reverse columns. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; REVERSE returns a copy of the original array that is reversed about ; one of its dimensions. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Only works for 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional arrays. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Uses the ROTATE function. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Old. ; Apr, 1991, DMS, Added 3D reversing. ; Sept, 1992 Mark L. Rivers, added simple return for scaler argument ; Sept, 1994. Added default for 3D case. ;- on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs s = size(a) ndims = s[0] if ndims eq 0 then return, a if ndims eq 3 then begin ;3D? b = a if n_elements(subscript) le 0 then subscript = 1 ;Default case case subscript of 1: begin ;(x,*,*) n = s[1] for i=0,(n-1)/2 do begin t0 = b[i,*,*] & t1 = b[n-1-i,*,*] b[n-i-1,0,0] = t0 b[i,0,0] = t1 endfor endcase 2: begin ;(*,x,*) n = s[2] for i=0,(n-1)/2 do begin t0 = b[*,i,*] & t1 = b[*,n-1-i,*] b[0,n-i-1,0] = t0 b[0,i,0] = t1 endfor endcase 3: begin ;(x,*,*) n = s[3] for i=0,(n-1)/2 do begin t0 = b[*,*,i] & t1 = b[*,*,n-i-1] b[0,0,n-i-1] = t0 b[0,0, i] = t1 endfor endcase else: message, "REVERSE: Subscript parameter out of range" endcase return,b endif if n_params() then return, rotate(a,5) ;default = 1st dim. if subscript eq 1 then return,rotate(a,5) else $ return, rotate(a,7) end ]_^[̋D$ ST$(VD$WULL$pH;w+@t!;v+FL$8Z#σJG;w+$OO_USQ(QPH[(Y t[w].>2t.3ˌؐEU3f]MːEU~uFP PvFP~u. ,tv, u‹Ff]MːEU~tvf]MEU~uvHK~uv35Pv~tFPbPFPFf]MːEUvf]MC:l5 `x$0f1X[fCheckItemsInCheckItemsInONOptionsGreyedOptionsGreyedDLGEVENTCheckItemsOutONOFFCheckItemsOutREACTIVATEDLGEVENTCheckItemsStateCheckItemsStateONStatusItemsTextStatusItemsTextDriveStatusTextDriveStatusTextCHKBTNPATHCheckItemsStateONOFFCheckItemsStateDLGEVENTREACTIVATEDLGEVENTEditTextInEditFocusALLSTARTDLGEVENTEditTextOutREACTIVATEDLGEVENTEditTextInEditFocusALLSTARTDLGEVENTEditTextOutPress Exit to quit Setup without installing Freecell.DLGEVENTSetup will now return to Microsoft Windows.REACTIVATEDLGEVENTDLGEVENTListItemsInListItemsInListItemsOutListItemsInDLGEVENTListItemsOutListItemsInListItemsInListItemsOutListItemsOutListItemsInDLGEVENTListItemsOutListItemsOutREACTIVATEDLGEVENTDLGEVENTREACTIVATEDLGEVENTRadioDefaultOptionsGreyedOptionsGreyedDLGEVENTButtonCheckedDLGEVENTNameOutOrgOutConfirmTextInConfirmTextInDLGEVENTBACKCONTINUEEXITCANCEL  ((((( H <>R6000 - stack overflow R6003 - integer divide by 0 R6009 - not enough space for environment R6018 - unexpected heap error run-time error R6002 - floating-point support not loaded ؐEU؁WVF -tHu-u-uhF=rEFh%VPhPh2@ uFvGPvF9vsh5rE~hCVPh1PF ~= vP^PjF;vv =uwHHt)-s-v-t-s- whQVRP uvP뚋~hZWV t.hoWV thkP tWFV  uҚ0WP!4~WVWV=PX3^_f]M ؐEU؁WVF -tHu<-t -uhoF=rEFhVPhPh uFvGPvF9vsFhF=r4vv~hVPhvGPPF9vsFhF=rc~hVPhWFFPPr/w*uWPPjWPPjF9vsv =uwHtHHtH-r1-v>*=t6w -u-r- v|-=r- w3VFVVF u h~vVF u~~hWVm t][G^뗍FPh>PFPFV뇍FPhPFPFؐP t,WFV twvF t!h(vV u'WP2+hh} uvP}3^_f]M ؐEU؁WVF -tHu-u -uB[vhJFPjC9VhhjBjjVhFPFPhUFPjCFPh_d u 24"FPhc u24>2>4N =w =sHHt -t]-hiQqRP uv@PF붋vVhj jCvPhrvP5 uVǚAOzvVhhjhhVhPQhAh6X uv43^_f]M ؐEU؁WVF -tHu-u|-uvhFPjCVhhjBjjVhFPFPhFPjCFPh u ~"FPhl u~>~>$N =t~wHHt -s -v-t -tdhQRP4 uv( P. 릋vVhj jCrPhrP+ uVǚ7= j~uvhhj66~q~uivhhjjj FV~FvVhhjhhVhP$hh u*5 3^_f]M ؐEU؋F -t Ht-t-u^ tu3f]M ؐEUWVF -tHtG-t=-t8>t.>u'~Whyh Wh tVj!VN =w =sHHt ?-t1-hQ RPd uvpPv뷚} 먐3^_f]M ؐEU؁WVF -tHu-u-u>tY~>u Wjdh  WhS uTFVPhjj uWhQPj$~븐VFPjhQVvVFPF+FFP'F tN ~$N6?/u6\6؍6+ u u؍؋6Ld+ |\tF؍6N말N6.Nލ6.N6.N6\N6:N66WhSPhN HHt-rX-v-t.LhIQ RPc uv P 뽚l ! 뮐h@h5 tϚa 3^_f]M ؐEU؁WVF -tHu-u-uhR r1Fh^VPhB vhhjP F;vhjPh uvhhjPPs ~T~3N;rDhwVPhPP t GF9vsvhhWjj s3vhhWjj N =t$wHHt2-s-v%-t-t Đ~thQ9 RPT uvdPj듋vVhh jjj' t*Vhh Pjj= @tVhh WPƆhP uV뒐 3^_f]M ؐEU؋F -t-t-t 3f]M ؐEU؁WVF -tHu(-u-uFh1r4FhVPhTvhhjPF;vFF3h=F=svhvPhq39vrShVPh]PPG t GF9vs"vvhhjjW t;v~FFF9Fw}vs3vhhVjj[N =uwHHt)-s-v-u-u-thQRPJ uvVP\뙋~Whh jjjhTF tGvvWhhVjj t&Whh VPhP: tF9vwg-Wwovhhu3Pjj3^_f]M ؐEU؋F -tRHt -tJ-t[qN =w =sHHt [-t5-hQRP uvP+!hh t˚Y3f]M ؐEU؁WVF -tHu-u-uh+Ph tP}3 ~  tvPhjjj h8 F=rJvhFWPh PF ~= ;tvPPj G9~sv =t2wHHt&-s-v-t-s- v~%S 붐~WhhV~thTV/RPJ uW> PD vFWPhjjj u F vNQFPh]FPi uv뢐rh"h2 tK 3^_f]M ؐEU؃:VF -tHtg-u-tSvVhhj4jjVhhtVhhj4jjwVhhu3nlrpN =uwHHt'-sa-vY-t-uHuBhvQRP uv|P뛋vVhj j5FPhFP uVVhj j5FPhFPp tٚ=~uvhhj6n6l~tvhhjjjGFVlnq~uvhhj6r6p뮁~uMvhhjjjmFVpr*vVhhjhhVhP~3^f]M ؐEU؁WVF -tHu-u-uFh'F=rd~hVPhEWFFPPr0w+uWP-PjWPkPjF9vsVN =w =sHHt ?-t1-hQRP2 uv>PD뷚 먐3^_f]M ؐEU؃~ tjf]M ؐEU؃WV3VFV‹&?tVRV‹؋&?uNjV^_f]MؐEU؃FHHt-tHt-t3؉V ،^ËVf]MؐEU؃V3ɋvF&< t&< uF&+t"&-0F&+uދ^f]MؐEU؃WV~ vFvF |ǹ 0F&FǙE0FF&&FV^_f]MؐEU؋FF3f]M mz|  fs"5*S Z.(`5N6 B DX( ZF ^v[S\`abeؐEU،u%t tv<PX]MؐEUظ]M)# 0  (b,???????????????????????????????????????????????????D06vMicrosoft Win32s SetupHelv)c(P&Continuemc(P&Exitc(P&HelpP3PWelcome to the Microsoft Win32s Setup ProgramgPThis program will install the Microsoft Win32s system components. You will also have the option of installing the Win32 game Freecell to verify the correct installation of Win32s.KhPMake sure that any other applications are closed and that all data is saved before proceeding.7PAt the end of the installation, this program will exit Microsoft Windows and restart to load Win32s.DA;`Microsoft Win32s Setup HelpHelvLL(P&OK,#PThis setup program will install the Microsoft Win32s system components onto your hard disk and configure Microsoft Windows 3.1 for Win32 applications.P- ePSelect Continue to move through the setup process.; PSelect Exit to quit Setup without installing Win32s.DX3`Exit Microsoft Win32s SetupHelv,K(P&ContinuelK(P&Exit( PThe setup process is not complete. If you exit now, Microsoft Win32s may not be installed correctly. )hPYou may run the setup program again at a later time to complete the installation of Win32s. PDV7`Microsoft Win32s System SetupHelvCL*P&Continue.PThe Microsoft Win32s components have been installed successfully.P/dPSetup will now exit and restart Microsoft Windows to complete the installation.D].`Exit Microsoft Win32s System SetupHelvPL(PO&K*PYou should run the setup program in its entirety at a later time to install Win32s. You must run this setup program before running your Win32 applications.3 PThe Microsoft Win32s components have not been properly installed.PD`(`Microsoft Win32s Setup ErrorHelvPL(PO&K'PCorrect the problem or contact your support representative.9PMicrosoft Win32s System Setup has failed. PDK7XInsufficient Disk SpaceHelvPD(PO&K PYou do not have enough disk space to install all of the files you have selected.%PPlease remove some files from your set of selections or change your installation destination.Dlo=Microsoft Win32s Setup MessageHelv4*(PO&KtPThe path entered is not valid.@@D'?xHelv PYou have entered the information displayed below. If it is correct, continue by selecting the OK button. If you would like to change it, select the RETRY button and you will return to the previous screen. .P @P<`,PO&K`,P&Retry@@D//hHelv PType your full name in the box below. The name you type will be used by the Setup program for installation of the product. PYou may use as many as 52 uppercase and lowercase characters or spaces. <$ P&Name:4< P8P,P&ContinueP,P&Exit@@D//Helv $PType your full name in the box below. You may also specify the name of your company if this product will be used for business purposes. The name(s) you type will be used by the Setup program for installation of the product. 0PYou may use as many as 52 uppercase and lowercase characters or spaces for each string. L$ P&Name:4L P \$ PC&ompany:4\ P8p,P&Continuep,P&Exit@@D//`Helv  PType your company name in the box below. PYou may use as many as 52 uppercase and lowercase characters or spaces. 4$ PC&ompany:44 P8H,P&ContinueH,P&Exit@@D/'Helv PThe Setup program has detected that this disk set has already been used by: P $P 0PIt is acceptable for the legal owner to reinstall this product in order to update an existing copy or to replace a corrupted or missing version of the program. PPYou can continue to install this product, but you should be aware that this product is protected by copyright law and international treaties. pPUnauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program or any portion of it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent under law.8,P&Continue,P&Exit@@D/+Helv PThe Setup program has detected that this disk set may already have been used to install this product. PIt is acceptable for the legal owner to reinstall this product in order to update an existing copy or to replace a corrupted or missing version. @PYou can continue to install this product, but you should be aware that this product is protected by copyright law and international treaties. `PUnauthorized reproduction or distribution of this product or any portion or it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent under law.8,P&Continue,P&ExitDlo=Setup MessageHelv4*(PO&KtPA name is required.Dlo=Setup MessageHelv4*(PO&KtPA company name is required.DC6wMicrosoft Win32s Setup Target DirectoryHelvPSetup has determined that your Microsoft Windows System Directory is:P._,P&Continue|_,P&Exit/PSome Win32s components will be installed into this directory. The other components will be installed into the WIN32S subdirectory of this path.N PPress Continue to proceed with the installation and Exit to quit.D`(`Win32s Setup ErrorHelvPL(PO&K'PWin32s requires Microsoft Windows 3.1. Please upgrade Windows to Version 3.1 before attempting to install the Win32s components.9 PWin32s System Setup has failed. PD`(`Microsoft Win32s Setup ErrorHelvPL(PO&K'"PMicrosoft Win32s requires Microsoft Windows 3.1 runinng in Enhanced Mode. Please restart Windows in Enhanced Mode before attempting to install the Win32s components.9PMicrosoft Win32s System Setup has failed. PD`(`Microsoft Win32s Setup ErrorHelvPL(PO&K'"PSetup has determined that you are attempting to install Win32s on to a RISC-based system running Windows NT. This is not supported.9PMicrosoft Win32s System Setup has failed. PD`(Microsoft Win32s Setup ErrorHelvPr(PO&K'"PSetup has determined that you are attempting to install Win32s while at least one Win32s application is running.9PMicrosoft Win32s System Setup has failed. PF QPApplication file name:PSPD-;qFreecell SetupHelvB^(P&Continue^(P&Exit gPMicrosoft Win32s has been successfully installed. You are now ready to install your Win32 application.< hPPress Continue to proceed with Freecell installation.%ePFreecell is a Win32 game that you may use to verify the correct installation of Win32s.J yPPress Exit to restart Microsoft Windows without installing Freecell.D-;qFreecell SetupHelvB^(P&Continue^(P&Exit gPThis system is already capable of running Win32 applications. Win32s is not required and has not been installed.< hPPress Continue to proceed with Freecell installation.%ePFreecell is a Win32 game that you may use to verify that your system runs Win32 applications.J yPPress Exit to quit Setup without installing Freecell.D<.nVerify Freecell PathHelv $PPath:*" P[(P&ContinueS[(P&Exit[(P&Help*PThe setup program will copy Freecell files into the following directory. ?PPress Exit to restart Microsoft Windows without installing Freecell. PDP/`Microsoft Win32s Setup HelpHelvLO(P&OK%+PThis setup program will install the Win32 game Freecell. If you are installing Microsoft Win32s for the first time, you should start this game to verify that the Win32s components have been installed correctly. P 5 ePSelect Continue to move through the setup process. A PSelect Exit to quit Setup without installing Freecell.DIALOGS.H-4VS_VERSION_INFO?StringFileInfo040904E4&CompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation)FileDescriptionSetup Dialog LibraryFileVersion2.0! InternalNameMSCUISTF.DLL;'LegalCopyrightCopyright Microsoft Corp. 1991, 1992sLegalTrademarksMicrosoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows(TM) is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation,ProductNameMicrosoft Setup for WindowsProductVersion2.0-CommentsWindows Setup Toolkit (Poof)( @ *t7]`n`4`````` `` `` `````x0?( @            x0?( @   wwwwD@D@HD@DwwwwwD@DHDDDDpxwwx LLLLLLLLLLppLLLLppLLLLppwwwwwwxpx0?&w&w &w jjjvvvV~$j^&w&w&w &w j^&w &w vvvV7%[^&GFj&w&wNQVR&$= 11!%;,.) 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