; $Id: showfont.pro,v 1.5 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $ ; ; Copyright (c) 1992-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. PRO SHOWFONT, FONT, NAME, ENCAPSULATED = encapsulated ;+ ; NAME: ; SHOWFONT ; ; PURPOSE: ; This procedure displays a vector-drawn font on the current ; graphics device. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Fonts. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; SHOWFONT, Font, Name ; ; INPUTS: ; Font: The index number of the font (may range from 3 to 29). ; Name: Title text to appear at top of display. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; ENCAPSULATED: If this keyword is set, and if the current graphics ; device is "PS", makes encapsulated PostScript output. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; No explicit outputs. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; A display is made. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Not very flexible. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Straightforward. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; To create a display of Font 3 for PostScript: ; SET_PLOT, 'PS' ; SHOWFONT, 3, "Simplex Roman" ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; DMS, Nov, 1992 ; WSO, 1/95, Updated for new directory structure ;- if !d.name eq 'PS' then begin device, encap=KEYWORD_SET(encapsulated) ;Set encapsulated PS attribute endif erase sesc = '!'+strtrim(font,2) ; Font selecting string openr, unit, /GET_LUN, filepath('hersh1.chr', subdir=['resource', 'fonts']) ;Peek into font file hdr = lonarr(2,40) readu, unit, hdr ;Determine # of chars in font: if hdr[1,font] lt 0 then nchars = 224 else nchars = 96 ;8 or 7 bits? FREE_LUN, unit ; Title line: xyouts,0.5,.95,'!3Font '+strtrim(font,2)+', '+name,siz=2.5,$ alig=0.5,/norm nrows = nchars / 16 y0 = 0.87 ;Top line y1 = 0.03 ;Bottom dy = (y1-y0) / nrows x0 = 0.03 ;Left x1 = .97 ;Right dx = (x1-x0) / 17 for ix=0,16 do begin ;Each column x = x0 + ix * dx y = y0 + 0.01 xx = x + dx/2 if ix eq 0 then s = '!3Octal' else $ ;Column header s = string((ix-1) and 15, format='(O2.2)') xyouts, xx, y, s, /NORM, ALIGN=0.5 plots, [x,x],[y0,y1], /norm endfor plots, [x1, x1], [y0, y1], /NORM plots, [x0, x1], [y0, y0], /NORM for iy=0, nrows-1 do begin y = y0 + (iy+1) * dy plots, [x0, x1], [y, y], /NORM xyouts, x0+dx/2, y-dy/5, /NORM, ALIGN=0.5, $ string((iy*16+32)/8, format="('!3',O2.2,'x')") for ix=0,15 do begin ;Each character X = (ix+1) * dx + x0 k = iy*16 + ix + 32 s = string(byte(k)) if s eq '!' then s = '!!' xyouts,x+.0225,y+.005,sesc+s,size=2.0,/norm,font=-1 endfor ENDFOR RETURN END