; $Id: slicer.pro,v 1.25 1997/02/13 00:00:04 ali Exp $ ; ; Copyright (c) 1991-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. ; ; Conventions: ; Faces = faces of cube. Numbered 0 to 5: ; 0 = X = c0[0] (Corner 0) ; 1 = Y = c0[1] ; 2 = Z = c0[2] ; 3 = X = c1[0] (Corner 1) ; 4 = Y = c1[1] ; 5 = Z = c1[2] ; Orientations: ; 6 = reset to default. ; 0 = xy exchange, 1 = xz exchange, 2 = yz exchange. ; 3 = x reverse, 4 = y reverse, 5 = z reverse. ; Vertex indices: Faces ; 0 0,0,0 0,1,2 ; 1 N,0,0 1,2,3 ; 2 0,N,0 0,2,4 ; 3 N,N,0 2,3,4 ; 4 0,0,N 0,1,5 ; 5 N,0,N 1,3,5 ; 6 0,N,N 0,4,5 ; 7 N,N,N 3,4,5 ; ; Edge Index Vertex Indices ; 0 0-1 ; 1 1-2 ; 2 2-3 ; 3 3-1 ; 4 0-4 ; 5 1-5 ; 6 2-6 ; 7 3-7 ; 8 4-5 ; 9 5-6 ; 10 6-7 ; 11 7-4 ; ; Modes: ; 0 = Slices ; 1 = Cube ; 2 = Cut ; 3 = Isosurface ; 4 = Probe ; 5 = rotations function p_inside_poly, polyv, p ; polyv = [2,n] array of polygon vertices, either clockwise or ; counter-clockwise order. Polygon must be convex. ; p = (2) point coordinates. ; return 0 if point is outside polygon, 1 if inside. ; x = float(p[0]) y = float(p[1]) np = n_elements(polyv)/2 ;# of vertices x1 = polyv[0,np-1] ;Start at last point y1 = polyv[1,np-1] pos = -1 for i=0,np-1 do BEGIN x2 = polyv[0,i] y2 = polyv[1,i] k = (x*(y1-y2) + y * (x2-x1) + x1*y2-y1*x2) ;Side of line point is on if k eq 0 THEN BEGIN ;On line? if (y lt (y1< y2)) or (y gt (y1 > y2)) or $ ;Check more (x lt (x1 < x2)) or (x gt (x1 > x2)) THEN return,0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;Not on line k = k gt 0 ;1 if on right side if pos lt 0 then pos = k if pos ne k THEN return,0 ENDELSE x1=x2 ;Previous vertex y1=y2 ENDFOR return,1 end Function p_inverse, x, y, z ; ; Given one or more screen coordinates, and their Z-buffer values ; return the object space (volume subscript) coordinates of that point. ; ; On input: x, y = scalars or vectors containing the device coordinate(s) ; z = zbuffer value(s) at [x,y] ; Result: [3,n] vector of object space (volume) coordinates. COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed ; Method: ; - Convert screen coords to normalized coords. ; - Multiply by inverse of 3D transformation. ; - Scale back to data coordinates. ; ; ******* Old way ************* ; ones = replicate(1, n_elements(x)) ; v = [[x / float(!d.x_size)], $ ;To normalized coordinates. ; [y / float(!d.y_size)], $ ; [z/65530.+0.5], $ ; [ones]] ; v = ((temporary(v) # sl.pt_inverse) - (ones # [!x.s[0], !y.s[0], !z.s[0]])) / $ ; (ones # [ !x.s[1], !y.s[1], !z.s[1]]) ; ; ************************** ; The new way folds everything into the matrix multiplication operation ; and is much faster, although its very, very, obtuse. ; ; Apply to normalized conversion to inverse matrix. q = sl.pt_inverse * (1./[!d.x_size, !d.y_size, 65530., 1.] # replicate(1.,4)) s = 1./[!x.s[1], !y.s[1], !z.s[1], 1.0] ;To data coord scale factors t = [!x.s[0], !y.s[0], !z.s[0], 0.0] q = q * transpose(s # replicate(1.,4)) ; Mult inv matrix by 1/![xyz].s[1] q[3,0] = q[3,*] - transpose(t * s) ;Add in t*s. return, ([[x],[y],[z+32765L], [replicate(1L, n_elements(x))]] # q)[*,0:2] end Function slicer_plane_int, dummy ; Return the intersections of the plane with the volume cube. ; V[3,12] = intersections of plane with the 12 edges. ; Flags[12] = 1 if there is an intersection at that edge. COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed Jn = sl.orthop[0:2] ;Plane eqn Jd = sl.orthop[3] v = fltarr(3,12) k = 0 for i=0,11 do begin ;Faces p0 = sl.p0[*,sl.edges[0,i]] ;Beginning of edge p1 = sl.p0[*,sl.edges[1,i]] ;End of edge lv = p1-p0 t = total(lv * Jn) if t ne 0 then begin t = -(jd + total(p0 * Jn)) / t p = p0 + t * lv ;Point of intersection d = min((p - p0) * (p1-p)) if d ge 0.0 then begin ;Within edge? v[0,k] = p ;Yes, save intersection k = k + 1 endif endif ;T ne 0 endfor ;i ; Sort into order: d = max(abs(Jn), m) ;Largest plane coeff = what we ignore u = v[[m+1, m+2] mod 3, 0:k-1] ;Get other 2 coords a = fltarr(k) ;Angle measure d = min(u[1,*], dmin) ;Get lowest point u_dx = u[0,*]-u[0,dmin] u_dy = u[1,*]-u[1,dmin] zero_ind = Where((u_dx EQ 0.0) AND (u_dy EQ 0.0)) if (zero_ind[0] GE 0L) THEN u_dx[zero_ind] = 1.0 a=atan(u_dy, u_dx) zero_ind=0 & u_dx=0 & u_dy=0 a[dmin] = -100. ;Anchor = first n = sort(a) ;Go around anchor point & back return, v[*, [n, n[0]]] end PRO SLICER_PLAYBACK, FILE = file, Commands ; Play back a journal. Commands are either in the designated file ; or in the string array Commands". COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed COMMON slicer_common1, old_slice, d0, z0, az, el if n_elements(file) gt 0 THEN BEGIN ;Read from file OPENR, unit, /GET_LUN, file, ERROR = i if i ne 0 then begin ;OK? widget_control, sl.file_text[1], set_value = !ERR_STRING return ENDIF commands = strarr(100) ;Read up to 100 lines i = 0 a = '' while not eof(unit) do begin readf, unit, a commands[i] = a i = i + 1 endwhile ncommands = i free_lun, unit ENDIF ELSE ncommands = n_elements(commands) IF mode ne 7 THEN BEGIN ;Not our mode? if sl.mode_bases[mode] ne 0 THEN $ ;Remove panel if mapped WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.mode_bases[mode], MAP=0 mode = 7 ;New mode = ours WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.mode_bases[mode], MAP=1 ENDIF pars = fltarr(10) for i=0, ncommands-1 do begin ;Each command s = strtrim(strcompress(commands[i])) ;Parse it, extracting fields j = 0 m = 0 while j lt strlen(s) do begin ;While string left k = strpos(s, ' ', j) ;Find next blank if k le 0 then k = strlen(s) ;if none, go to end of string if j eq 0 then cmd = strmid(s,0,k) $ else begin pars[m] = strmid(s,j,k) & m=m+1 & endelse j = k+1 endwhile WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.file_text[1], SET_VALUE = strmid(s,0,32) case strupcase(cmd) of ;Interpret commands..... "UNDO": slicer_undo "ORI": BEGIN ;AXIS(3), AXIS_REVERSE(3), ROTATIONS(2) sl.axex = pars[0:2] sl.axrev = pars[3:5] sl.rotation = pars[6:7] for j=0,1 do WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.rslide[j], SET_VALUE = sl.rotation[j] WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.rslide[2], SET_VALUE=string(pars[8]) ;Aspect SLICER_ORIENTATION ENDCASE "TRANS": BEGIN ;On/Off Threshold(%) sl.trans = pars[0] if sl.trans eq 0 then pars[1] = 100 sl.threshold = pars[1] /100. * sl.nc3 WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.threshold_slider, SET_VALUE = pars[1] ENDCASE "SLICE": BEGIN ;Axis, slice_value, interp, expose, 0 for orthogonal ;Azimuth, Elev, interp, expose, 1, x0, y0, z0 for oblique sl.interp = pars[2] sl.expose = pars[3] if pars[4] eq 0 then begin ;Orthogonal slices? WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.draw_butt[sl.expose], /SET_BUTTON SLICER_DRAW, pars[0], pars[1] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;Oblique slice az = pars[0] el = pars[1] s = sin(el * !DTOR) sl.orthop[0] = sin(-az * !dtor) * s sl.orthop[1] = cos(-az * !dtor) * s sl.orthop[2] = cos(el * !dtor) z0 = pars[5:7] sl.orthop[3] = -total(sl.orthop * z0) d0 = slicer_plane_int() slicer_oblique ENDELSE ENDCASE "COLOR": BEGIN ;Table_num (-1 = present), low, high, shading sl.stretch = pars[1:2] sl.shading = pars[3]/100. for j=0,2 do WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.cslide[j], SET_VALUE = pars[j+1] slicer_colors, pars[0] ENDCASE "ISO": BEGIN ;value, hi/lo sl.isop.value = pars[0] / 100. * (sl.amax-sl.amin) + sl.amin sl.isop.hi_lo = pars[1] DO_ISOSURFACE ENDCASE "ERASE": slicer_erase "WAIT": wait, pars[0] "CUBE": BEGIN ;mode (1 = block, 0 = cutout), cut_ovr, interp, ; start_coords(3), end_coords(3) mode = pars[0] sl.cut_ovr = pars[1] sl.interp = pars[2] sl.p0cube = reform(pars[3:8], 3,2) DO_CUBE ENDCASE ENDCASE ENDFOR mode=7 WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.file_text[1], SET_VALUE = 'Playback Done' end ; Journal events if journal file is open. PRO SLICER_JOURNAL, name, params COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed if sl.journal le 0 then return if n_elements(params) le 0 then params = 0. printf, sl.journal, name, params, format='(A, 1x, 10F10.3)' end PRO SLICER_UNDO ;Undo last operation COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed SLICER_JOURNAL, "UNDO" if n_elements(zb_last) le 1 then return set_plot,'Z' tmp = tvrd(/WORDS, CHANNEL=1) ;Read depth buffer & swap tv, zb_last, CHANNEL=1, /WORDS zb_last = temporary(tmp) tmp = tvrd() ;Swap them tv, z_last slicer_show, z_last z_last = tmp end PRO slicer_orientation, i ;i = orientation ; Set the New Orientation COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed if n_elements(i) gt 0 THEN BEGIN if i le 2 THEN BEGIN j = 2 * i ll = ([0,1,0,2,1,2])[j:j+1] ;axes to swap t = sl.axex[ll[0]] & sl.axex[ll[0]] = sl.axex[ll[1]] & sl.axex[ll[1]] = t ENDIF ELSE if i eq 6 THEN BEGIN sl.axex = [0,1,2] ;default transformation sl.axrev = intarr(3) ENDIF ELSE sl.axrev[i-3] = 1-sl.axrev[i-3] ;reverse ENDIF d = [ 0., dims[0], 0., dims[1], 0., dims[2]] f = 1.0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.rslide[2], GET_VALUE=s ON_IOERROR, bad_aspect f = (float(s))[0] if (f le 0.0) then goto, bad_aspect IF f gt 1. THEN BEGIN x = (f-1)/2. d[0] = [-x * dims[0], (x+1) * dims[0], -x * dims[1], (x+1) * dims[1]] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN x = (1-f)/2 d[4] = [-x * dims[2], (x+1) * dims[2]] ENDELSE bad_aspect: SLICER_JOURNAL, "ORI", [sl.axex, sl.axrev, sl.rotation, f ] for i=0,2 do if sl.axrev[i] THEN BEGIN ;Swap endpoints for reversed axes j=i*2 t = d[j] & d[j] = d[j+1] & d[j+1] = t ENDIF !x.type = 0 ;make sure its linear scale3, xrange=d[0:1], yrange=d[2:3], zrange=d[4:5], ax = sl.rotation[0], $ az = sl.rotation[1] k = 1 ;current y axis if sl.axex[0] ne 0 THEN BEGIN ;swap x? if sl.axex[0] eq 1 THEN BEGIN & t3d, /XYEXCH & k = 0 ENDIF ELSE t3d,/XZEXCH ENDIF if k ne sl.axex[1] THEN t3d,/YZEXCH slicer_erase if mode le 2 THEN draw_orientation sl.pt_inverse = invert(!p.t) end PRO slicer_oblique ;Do an oblique slice ; Plane eqn is in sl.orthop ; d0 is the intersections of the plane with the edges of the volume ; cube. COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed COMMON slicer_common1, old_slice, d0, z0, az, el if n_elements(d0) le 3 then return ;Anything? SLICER_JOURNAL, "TRANS", [sl.trans, sl.threshold * 100. / sl.nc3] SLICER_JOURNAL, "SLICE", [az, el, sl.interp, sl.expose, 1., z0 ] widget_control, sl.pos_text, set_value = 'Extracting Oblique Slice' set_plot,'Z' z = (z_last = tvrd()) ;save previous image & z zb = (zb_last = tvrd(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS)) erase polyfill, d0, /T3D, /DATA ;Mark the slice z1 = tvrd(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS) ;Read depth buffer if sl.expose then points = where((z1 lt zb_last) and (z1 ne z1[0,0])) $ else points = where(z1 gt zb_last) if points[0] lt 0 then begin z=z_last zb = zb_last goto, done endif widget_control, sl.pos_text, set_value = $ STRING(n_elements(points), FORMAT="(i6, ' points')") ; Get voxel subscripts from screen coords: v = p_inverse(points mod !d.x_size, points / !d.x_size, z1[points]) ; Either interpolate or pick nearest neighbor if sl.interp THEN v = interpolate(a, v[*,0], v[*,1], v[*,2]) $ else v = a[long(temporary(v)) # [1, dims[0], dims[0] * dims[1]]] v = bytscl(temporary(v), max=sl.amax, min=sl.amin, top = sl.nc3-1) ;face data if sl.trans THEN BEGIN ;Transparency? Remove those under thresh. good = where(v ge sl.threshold) v = v[good] points = points[good] endif dummy = max(abs(sl.orthop[0:2]), kmax) ;Axis with smallest variation if kmax ne 0 then z[points] = v + byte(kmax * sl.nc3) $ ;Shade it else z[points] = v zb[points] = z1[points] ;Update depth buffer done: tv, z ;Now show it tv, zb, /WORDS, CHANNEL=1 ;and update depth buffer widget_control, sl.pos_text, set_value = $ STRING(z0, az, el, FORMAT="('(',3f5.1,') A=', i4, ' E=',i4)") slicer_show end PRO slicer_draw, ax, slice ;draw a slice. ; ax = axis, 0 for x, 1 for Y, 2 for Z. slice = plane number. COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.base, /HOURGLASS SLICER_JOURNAL, "TRANS", [sl.trans, sl.threshold * 100. / sl.nc3] SLICER_JOURNAL, "SLICE", [ax, slice, sl.interp, sl.expose, 0.] set_plot,'Z' z_last = tvrd() ;save previous image & z zb_last = tvrd(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS) d0 = [0,0,0] d1 = dims -1 d0[ax] = slice d1[ax] = slice if sl.expose THEN erase ;Get a clean slice ;extract & scale the slice offset = byte(ax*sl.nc3) ;bias for this slice p = bytscl(a[d0[0]:d1[0], d0[1]:d1[1], d0[2]:d1[2]], $ max=sl.amax, min=sl.amin, top = sl.nc3-1) if sl.trans THEN t = (sl.threshold > 1) + offset $ ;lower limit ELSE t = 0 if ax ne 0 THEN p = p + offset ;add bias d1 = dims-1 s = replicate(slice, 4) case ax of 0: polyfill, s, [0,d1[1],d1[1],0],[0,0,d1[2],d1[2]],/T3D,$ pat=reform(p, dims[1], dims[2], /OVER), $ image_coord = [0,0, d1[1],0, d1[1],d1[2], 0,d1[2]], $ image_interp= sl.interp, trans=t 1: polyfill, [0,d1[0],d1[0],0],s,[0,0,d1[2],d1[2]],/T3D,$ pat=reform(p, dims[0], dims[2], /OVER), $ image_coord = [0,0, d1[0],0, d1[0],d1[2], 0,d1[2]], $ image_interp= sl.interp, trans=t 2: polyfill,[0,d1[0],d1[0],0],[0,0,d1[1],d1[1]],s,/T3D,$ pat=reform(p, dims[0], dims[1], /OVER),$ image_coord = [0,0, d1[0],0, d1[0],d1[1], 0,d1[1]], $ image_interp= sl.interp, trans=t ENDCASE if sl.expose THEN BEGIN z = tvrd(/WORDS, CHANNEL=1) ;The new slice pnts = where((z gt zb_last) + (z eq z[0,0])) ;where we display prev if n_elements(pnts) gt 1 then begin z[pnts] = zb_last[pnts] ;New Z tv, z, /WORDS, CHANNEL=1 z = tvrd() ;New display z[pnts] = z_last[pnts] tv, z ENDIF ENDIF slicer_show end PRO slicer_colors, table ;load our color table ; Table = index of color table to load, -1 to retain present. ; The color palette is repeated 3 times, once for each of the possible face ; directions. The colors indices: ; 3 * sl.nc3 = red ; 3 * sl.nc3 + 1 = green ; 3 * sl.nc3 + 2 = blue ; 3 * sl.nc3 + 3 = white COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed common colors, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr v = [0, .5, 1.] ;Shading of the planes. if n_params() eq 0 then table = -1 if table ge 0 then loadct, /SILENT, table SLICER_JOURNAL, "COLOR", [table, sl.stretch, 100. * sl.shading] t = sl.stretch /100. * sl.nc3 if t[1] eq t[0] then s = sl.nc3 else s = sl.nc3 / (t[1]-t[0]) q = long(3*s*(findgen(sl.nc3) - t[0])) r_curr = bytarr(3*sl.nc3) g_curr = r_curr b_curr = r_curr s = 1.-sl.shading for i=0,2 do begin ;3 faces v0 = sl.shading * v[i] * 255 r_curr[i*sl.nc3] = s * r_orig[q] + v0 g_curr[i*sl.nc3] = s * g_orig[q] + v0 b_curr[i*sl.nc3] = s * b_orig[q] + v0 endfor tvlct, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr ; load last 4 colors as red, green, blue, white tvlct, [255,0,0,255],[0,255,0,255],[0,0,255,255],3*sl.nc3 end PRO DO_ISOSURFACE ;Draw the isosurface COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.base, /HOURGLASS SLICER_JOURNAL, "ISO", [(sl.isop.value-sl.amin)/(sl.amax-sl.amin)*100, $ sl.isop.hi_lo] set_plot,'Z' widget_control, sl.pos_text, set_value='Computing Polygons' shade_volume, a, sl.isop.value, verts, polys, $ low = sl.isop.hi_lo if n_elements(verts) eq 0 then begin widget_control, sl.pos_text, set_value = $ 'No surface at this value' set_plot,sl.gdev endif else begin widget_control, sl.pos_text, set_value = $ strtrim((size(verts))[2],2)+' Vertices, ' + $ strtrim((size(polys))[1]/4,2) + ' Polygons.' z_last = tvrd() ;Save old display zb_last = tvrd(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS) SET_SHADING, Values=[0, sl.nc3-1] b = polyshade(verts,polys,/T3D,top=sl.nc3-1) verts = 0 & polys = 0 ;Free space slicer_show endelse end PRO draw_cube, c0, c1, faces, color ; draw a cube whose opposite corners are [c0[0],c0(1),c0(2)], ; and [c1[0], c1(1), p2(3)]. ; color = drawing color. COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed p0 = intarr(3,8) p1 = float(p0) cc = [[c0],[c1]] for i=0,7 do BEGIN p0[0,i] = [ cc[0, i and 1], cc[1, (i/2 and 1)], cc[2, (i/4 and 1)]] p1[0,i] = convert_coord(p0[*,i], /T3D,/TO_DEVICE,/DATA) ENDFOR if n_elements(color) le 0 THEN color = sl.nc1 f = sl.facevs flags = bytarr(8,8) ;line flags, dont draw same line twice for i=0,n_elements(faces)-1 do BEGIN ff = [ f[*,faces[i]], f[0,faces[i]]] ;Vertex indices for j=0,3 do begin k = ff[j] < ff[j+1] & l = ff[j] > ff[j+1] if not flags[k,l] then plots, p1[*,[k,l]], color = color, /dev flags[k,l] = 1 ENDFOR ENDFOR end PRO slicer_erase ;draw the background ; call with no params to erase all. COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed SLICER_JOURNAL, "ERASE" set_plot,'Z' erase sl.p1 = convert_coord(sl.p0, /T3D, /TO_DEVICE, /DATA) ;save dev coords s = strarr(8) for i=0,7 do BEGIN s[i] = string(sl.p0[*,i],format ="(' (',i0,',',i0,',',i0,')')") ENDFOR junk = max(sl.p1[2,*], j) sl.v_close = j ;index of closest vertex p = where(sl.facevs eq sl.v_close)/4 ;indices of closest verts colors = [ sl.nc1, sl.nc3*3+1] ;white, green for i=0,5 do BEGIN ;draw faces k= (where(p eq i))[0] lt 0 ;1 = not close, 0 = close draw_cube, [0,0,0], dims-1, i, colors[k] ENDFOR for i=0,7 do xyouts, sl.p1[0,i],sl.p1[1,i],/DEVICE,s[i], $ color=colors[i ne sl.v_close] z_last = tvrd() zb_last = tvrd(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS) slicer_show end Function slicer_plane_int, dummy ; Return the intersections of the plane with the volume cube. ; V[3,12] = intersections of plane with the 12 edges. ; Flags[12] = 1 if there is an intersection at that edge. COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed Jn = sl.orthop[0:2] ;Plane eqn Jd = sl.orthop[3] v = fltarr(3,12) k = 0 for i=0,11 do begin ;Faces p0 = sl.p0[*,sl.edges[0,i]] ;Beginning of edge p1 = sl.p0[*,sl.edges[1,i]] ;End of edge lv = p1-p0 t = total(lv * Jn) if t ne 0 then begin t = -(jd + total(p0 * Jn)) / t p = p0 + t * lv ;Point of intersection d = min((p - p0) * (p1-p)) if d ge 0.0 then begin ;Within edge? v[0,k] = p ;Yes, save intersection k = k + 1 endif endif ;T ne 0 endfor ;i ; Sort into order: d = max(abs(Jn), m) ;Largest plane coeff = what we ignore u = v[[m+1, m+2] mod 3, 0:k-1] ;Get other 2 coords a = fltarr(k) ;Angle measure d = min(u[1,*], dmin) ;Get lowest point ;p0 = u[*,dmi]) ;for i=0,k-1 do if i ne dmin then begin ;Get angles ; d = u[*,i] - p0 ;Dx,dy ; d0 = total(abs(d)) ;abs(dx) + abs(dy) ; if d0 ne 0. then begin ; t = d(1) / d0 ;Proportional to angle w. horizontal ; if d[0] lt 0. then t = 2. - t $ ; else if d(1) lt 0. then t = t + 4 ; endif else t = 0. ; a[i] = t ; endif u_dx = u[0,*]-u[0,dmin] u_dy = u[1,*]-u[1,dmin] zero_ind = Where((u_dx EQ 0.0) AND (u_dy EQ 0.0)) if (zero_ind[0] GE 0L) THEN u_dx[zero_ind] = 1.0 a=atan(u_dy, u_dx) zero_ind=0 & u_dx=0 & u_dy=0 a[dmin] = -100. ;Anchor = first n = sort(a) ;Go around anchor point & back return, v[*, [n, n[0]]] end PRO slicer_show, image ;move the Z buffer to the X display. leave device set to X. ; if parameter is present, show it rather than reading the Z buffer COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed if n_params() eq 0 then begin set_plot,'Z' image = tvrd() endif set_plot,sl.gdev wset, sl.window tv, image sl.cube_on = 0 end PRO draw_orientation ;draw the orientation cube in the small window ; Draw the outline of the 3 frontmost faces of the main cube. ; Draw the fixed axis plane in green. ; If the mode is cut or cube, draw the selected cube. Draw the back faces ; in blue, and label the selection points. COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed COMMON slicer_common1, old_slice, d0, z0, az, el i = sl.mode_bases[mode] widget_control, i, get_uvalue = draw ;the widget id widget_control, draw[0], get_value=window ;the window number wset, window device, set_graph = 3 ;Copy mode kc = 3 * sl.nc3 + 1 ;Drawing color erase if mode le 0 then begin ;Single slice? if sl.ortho eq 0 then begin ;Orthogonal? mark_oblique, kc goto, done endif z = [0,0,0] d1 = dims-1 endif else begin ;Block. z = sl.p0cube[*,0] < sl.p0cube[*,1] d1 = sl.p0cube[*,0] > sl.p0cube[*,1] endelse ; draw fixed plane: nlines = 6 p = z d = (d1-z) / float(nlines-1) p[fixed] = (d1[fixed] + z[fixed])/2. d[fixed] = 0.0 for i=0,nlines-1 do BEGIN ;draw fixed direction xx = replicate(p[0],2) yy = replicate(p[1],2) zz = replicate(p[2],2) if fixed ne 0 THEN plots, [z[0],d1[0]], yy,zz, /T3D, COLOR=kc, /DATA if fixed ne 1 THEN plots, xx, [z[1],d1[1]],zz, /T3D, COLOR=kc, /DATA if fixed ne 2 THEN plots, xx, yy, [z[2],d1[2]],/T3D, COLOR=kc, /DATA p = p + d ENDFOR if mode ne 0 then begin ;Do cube draw_cube, sl.p0cube[*,0], sl.p0cube[*,1], indgen(6), kc+1 ;all faces ;Close faces in white draw_cube, sl.p0cube[*,0], sl.p0cube[*,1], $ where(sl.facevs eq sl.v_close)/4 for i=0,1 do begin ;Label them p = convert_coord(sl.p0cube[*,i], /T3D, /TO_DEV, /DATA) xyouts, p[0], p[1], strtrim(i,2), /device endfor endif done: draw_cube, [0,0,0], dims-1, where(sl.facevs eq sl.v_close)/4 ;draw close faces wset, sl.window return end PRO mark_oblique, color ;Draw an oblique slice COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed COMMON slicer_common1, old_slice, d0, z0, az, el if n_elements(d0) lt 3 then return plots, d0, /T3D, COLOR=color, /DATA z1 = [[z0], [z0]] for i=0,2 do begin z2 = z1 z2[i,0] = 0. & z2[i,1] = dims[i]-1. plots, z2, /T3D, COLOR = color, /DATA endfor return end PRO mark_slice, ev ;mark a horizontal or vertical slice COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed COMMON slicer_common1, old_slice, d0, z0, az, el ; loop until the mouse is released. oldbuttons = sl.lbuttons sl.lbuttons = oldbuttons and (not ev.release) or (ev.press) press = ev.press and 1 ;New left button press? p = float([ev.x, ev.y]) ;device coords of mouse if (n_elements(old_slice) le 0) or (ev.press ne 0) then old_slice = -1 kslice = -1 ;assume no face kc = sl.xcol ;XOR drawing color if sl.lbuttons and 1 THEN BEGIN ;Marking a face? f = where(sl.facevs eq sl.v_close)/4 ;3 faces to check that are front d1 = dims-1 z1 = intarr(3) d = '' for i=0,2 do BEGIN ;find the face j = f[i] ;face index p1 = sl.p1[0:1, sl.facevs[*,j]] ;vertices if p_inside_poly(p1, p) THEN BEGIN face = j p = p / [ !d.x_size, !d.y_size] ;Get data coords. normalized face_dim = face mod 3 ;Fixed coord along face if face le 2 THEN k = 0 ELSE k = dims[face_dim]-1 p = COORD2to3(p[0], p[1], face_dim, k, sl.pt_inverse) ip = fix(p + 0.5) ;round if ip[fixed] ge dims[fixed] then goto, NO_BREAK ;Outside kslice = ip[fixed] ;slice number d1[fixed] = kslice z1[fixed] = kslice goto, NO_BREAK ENDIF ENDFOR NO_BREAK: ENDIF ;Marking a face device, SET_GRAPH=6 ;set XOR mode valid = kslice ge 0 if sl.ortho eq 0 then begin ;Oblique??? if n_elements(az) eq 0 then begin ;Initialize? az = 0. & el = 0. & z0 = dims / 2. sl.orthop = [ 0., 0., 1., -total(dims)/2] endif el1 = el & az1 = az & z1 = z0 ;Old params if (sl.lbuttons and 4) ne 0 then begin ;New azimuth/elev? if sl.oangle then $ el1 = fix((p[0]/!d.x_size * 198) - 99.) > (-90) < 90 $ else az1 = fix((p[0]/!d.x_size * 396) - 198.) > (-180) < 180 if (el1 ne el) or (az1 ne az) then begin s = sin(el1 * !dtor) sl.orthop[0] = sin(-az1 * !dtor) * s sl.orthop[1] = cos(-az1 * !dtor) * s sl.orthop[2] = cos(el1 * !dtor) valid = 1 endif endif else if valid then begin ;New origin? p[face_dim] = z0[face_dim] ;New coords, 1 remains unchanged z1 = p valid = total(abs(z0-z1)) ne 0. ;Change... ENDIF if (valid) then begin ;Draw new sl.orthop[3] = -total(sl.orthop * z0) IF old_slice gt 0 THEN mark_oblique, kc ;Erase old old_slice = 0 el = el1 & az = az1 & z0 = z1 ;New parameters if valid and (sl.lbuttons ne 0) THEN BEGIN ;Update obliq outline WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.pos_text, set_value = $ STRING(z0, az, el, FORMAT="('(',3f5.1,') A=', i4, ' E=',i4)") d0 = slicer_plane_int() ;New intersections mark_oblique, kc ;Draw new old_slice = 1 ;show its visible ENDIF ENDIF ;Valid if ev.release ne 0 then begin ;Released button? if old_slice then mark_oblique, kc draw_orientation ;Draw resulting plane old_slice = 0 endif ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;Orthogonal. IF (kslice ne old_slice) THEN BEGIN ;Movement? if (press eq 0) and (old_slice ge 0)then $ ;Erase old? draw_cube, z0, d0, fixed, kc if valid then $ d = 'Position: ' + string(ip, format="('(',i4,',',i4,',',i4,')')") $ else d = '' WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.pos_text, set_value=d if valid and sl.lbuttons THEN BEGIN draw_cube, z1, d1, fixed, kc z0 = z1 d0 = d1 ENDIF IF (ev.release eq 1) and (old_slice ge 0) THEN BEGIN device, SET_GRAPH=3 slicer_draw, fixed, old_slice ;Mark the slice ENDIF ;Release old_slice = kslice ;Save current position ENDIF ;Movement ENDELSE device, SET_GRAPH=3 ;normal mode end PRO do_cube ;Draw a cube or cut COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.base, /HOURGLASS SET_PLOT, 'Z' z = (z_last = tvrd()) ;Save previous image & current cont zb = (zb_last = tvrd(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS)) SLICER_JOURNAL, "TRANS", [sl.trans, sl.threshold * 100. / sl.nc3] SLICER_JOURNAL, "CUBE", [ mode, sl.cut_ovr, sl.interp, reform(sl.p0cube, 6) ] d0 = sl.p0cube[*,0] < sl.p0cube[*,1] ;Lower corner d1 = (sl.p0cube[*,0] > sl.p0cube[*,1]) -d0 coords = fltarr(3,8) for i=0,7 do coords[0,i] = $ ;Verts of our cube [ (i and 1) * d1[0], (i and 2)/2 *d1[1], (i and 4)/4 * d1[2]] + d0 faces = where(sl.facevs eq sl.v_close)/4 ;close faces relation = mode eq 1 FOR face = 0, 5 do $ ;Draw the faces of the cube or cut IF ((where(face eq faces))[0] ge 0) eq relation then begin ;Do this face? v = 0 & ones = 0 & z0 = 0 & q = 0 ;Clear things out erase ;Reset Z buffer verts = sl.facevs[*,face] ;Vertices polyfill, coords[*, verts], /T3D ;Draw polygon for face z0 = tvrd(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS) ;Now read the Z buffer if mode eq 1 then $ ;Cube? or Cut? points = where(z0 gt zb) $ ;New points for cube else if sl.cut_ovr then points = where(z0 ne z0[0,0]) $ ;Cut mode? else points = where((z0 ne z0[0,0] and (zb gt z0))) ;Over mode widget_control, sl.pos_text, set_value = $ 'Creating face ' + strtrim(face,2) if points[0] ne -1 THEN BEGIN ;Anything to do? ; Get volume coords of plane: v = p_inverse(points mod !d.x_size, points / !d.x_size, z0[points]) ; Either interpolate or pick nearest neighbor widget_control, sl.pos_text, set_value = $ (['Sampling','Interpolating'])[sl.interp] + $ ' face ' + strtrim(face,2) + ', ' + $ strtrim(n_elements(v)/3,2) + ' Pixels' if sl.interp THEN v = interpolate(a, v[*,0], v[*,1], v[*,2]) $ else begin v = round(v) v = a[long(temporary(v)) # [1, dims[0], dims[0] * dims[1]]] endelse ;Update our points if sl.trans THEN BEGIN ;Transparency? good = where(v ge sl.threshold, count) if count le 0 then goto, skipit v = v[good] points = points[good] endif offset = byte((face mod 3) * sl.nc3) ;Offset q = bytscl(v, max=sl.amax, min=sl.amin, top = sl.nc3-1) ;face data ;Get subscripts in data cube if offset ne 0 then q = q + offset z[points] = q ;Store the new face zb[points] = z0[points] ;in both buffers skipit: ENDIF ;Anything to do ENDIF ;Each face tv, z ;Now show it tv, zb, /WORDS, CHANNEL=1 ;and update depth buffer v = 0 & ones = 0 & z0 = 0 & q = 0 ;Clear things out z = 0 & zb = 0 widget_control, sl.pos_text, set_value = 'Done.' slicer_show end PRO mark_cube1, p0, ip ;Draw the outline of the cube in the main drawable ; p0 = cube coordinates (3,2). ; ip = index of corner that is marked (0 or 1). COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed draw_cube, p0[*,0],p0[*,1], indgen(6), sl.xcol ;Basic cube p1 = [[p0[*,ip]], [p0[*,ip]]] p = sl.p0[*,sl.v_close] for i=0,2 do begin ;Lines to faces p1[i,0] = p[i] plots, p1, color=128, /T3D p1[i,0] = p1[i,1] endfor end PRO mark_cube, ev ;Mark a cube in the main window ; Use the XOR graphics mode to avoid killing the display COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed if n_params() eq 0 then begin ;Erase old cube? device, SET_GRAPHICS = 6 ;Set XOR mode if sl.cube_on then mark_cube1, sl.p0cube, sl.cube_ip sl.cube_on = 0 device, SET_GRAPHICS=3 return ENDIF oldbuttons = sl.lbuttons sl.lbuttons = oldbuttons and (not ev.release) or (ev.press) press = ev.press and 1 ;New left button press? if sl.lbuttons eq 0 then begin ;Released all buttons? if oldbuttons ne 0 then draw_orientation ;Update viewbox return ENDIF x = ev.x / float(!d.x_size) ;Normalized coords y = ev.y / float(!d.y_size) d1 = dims -1 p0cube = sl.p0cube ;Save old coords cube_ip = sl.cube_ip sl.cube_ip = sl.lbuttons eq 2 ;Corner index q = sl.p0cube[fixed, sl.cube_ip] ;Fixed axis/point p = fix(COORD2TO3(x, y, fixed, q, pti)+0.5) ;3D coords sl.p0cube[*,sl.cube_ip] = p < d1 > 0 ;New corner value sl.p0cube[fixed, sl.cube_ip] = q if (total(abs(sl.p0cube - p0cube)) eq 0.0) and $ ;No change? cube_ip eq sl.cube_ip then return device, SET_GRAPHICS = 6 ;Set XOR mode if sl.cube_on then mark_cube1, p0cube, cube_ip ;Erase prev sl.cube_on = 1 mark_cube1, sl.p0cube, sl.cube_ip d = string(sl.p0cube, format="('(', 3i4, ') (', 3i4, ')')") widget_control, sl.pos_text, set_value = d ;label it DEVICE, SET_GRAPHICS = 3 ;Restore end PRO slicer_event, ev COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed swin = !d.window wset, sl.window ;Our window if ev.id eq sl.draw THEN BEGIN ;mouse press? IF mode le 2 THEN BEGIN ;Slice or cube mode? IF ((ev.press and 4) ne 0) and sl.ortho THEN BEGIN ;Right but= chg plane? fixed = (fixed + 1) mod 3 ;bump plane draw_orientation goto, clean_exit ENDIF if mode eq 0 then BEGIN ;Slice mode? if (ev.press and 2) ne 0 then goto, probe_it ;Middle = probe i = sl.lbuttons or ev.press ;New state if ((sl.ortho eq 0) and (i ne 0)) or (sl.ortho and i) THEN BEGIN mark_slice, ev ;mark the slice goto, clean_exit endif ENDIF ELSE if mode le 2 THEN BEGIN mark_cube, ev ;Move the cube ENDIF goto, clean_exit ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;Other modes if ev.press eq 0 then goto, clean_exit probe_it: if (n_elements(zb_last) le 1) THEN goto, clean_exit set_plot,'Z' z = tvrd(ev.x, ev.y, /WORD, /CHANNEL) ;Z-buffer value at x,y set_plot,sl.gdev d = 'No Data Value' if z[0] gt -32760 THEN BEGIN ;anything there? p = p_inverse(ev.x, ev.y, z[0]) ;To object coords p = round(p) ;round p = p > 0 < (dims-1) ;to range x = a[p[0], p[1], p[2]] + 0 y = fix(100.*(x - sl.amin)/(sl.amax - sl.amin)) ;To % d = 'Position: '+string(p,format="('(',i0,',',i0,',',i0,')')") + $ ', Data= ' + strtrim(x,2) + ' (' + strtrim(y,2) + '%)' ENDIF ;Something there widget_control, sl.pos_text, set_value = d ENDELSE goto, clean_exit ENDIF ;Drawable window if ev.id eq sl.isop.drawable then begin ;Isosurface threshold if ev.press eq 0 then goto, clean_exit x = (ev.x - sl.isop.xs[0]) / sl.isop.xs[1] x = x > sl.amin < sl.amax WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.isop.slider, $ SET_VALUE = 100.*(x - sl.amin) / (sl.amax-sl.amin) sl.isop.value = x goto, clean_exit ENDIF if ev.id eq sl.file_text[0] then $ goto, clean_exit ;Ignore return in file name widget if ev.id eq sl.rslide[2] then BEGIN slicer_orientation goto, clean_exit ENDIF ; here, it must be a button or a slider: widget_control, ev.id, get_uvalue = eventval case eventval of "CANCUBE" : mark_cube ;Undraw outline "COLORS" : slicer_colors, (where(sl.color_button eq ev.id))[0] "CUTINTO": sl.cut_ovr = 0 "CUTOVER": sl.cut_ovr = 1 "ERASE" : slicer_erase "EXIT" : BEGIN widget_control, ev.top, /DESTROY if sl.rbase ne 0 then WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.rbase, /DESTROY z_last = 0 zb_last = 0 goto, close_journal ENDCASE "EXPOSE0": sl.expose = 0 "EXPOSE1": sl.expose = 1 "GOCUBE" : do_cube "HELP" : BEGIN xdisplayfile, filepath("slicer.txt", subdir=['help', 'widget']), $ title = "Slicer help", $ group = ev.top, $ width = 72, height = 24 goto, clean_exit ENDCASE "INTERP0": BEGIN sl.interp = 0 goto, set_interp ENDCASE "INTERP1": BEGIN sl.interp = 1 set_interp: i = WIDGET_INFO(ev.id, /parent) WIDGET_CONTROL, i, GET_UVALUE = i ;Buttons WIDGET_CONTROL, i[1-sl.interp], /SENS WIDGET_CONTROL, i[sl.interp], SENS=0 ENDCASE "ORTHO0": BEGIN ;On oblique sl.ortho = 0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.obuttons, MAP=1 draw_orientation ENDCASE "ORTHO1": BEGIN sl.ortho = 1 WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.obuttons, MAP=0 draw_orientation ENDCASE "AZIM" : sl.oangle = 0 "ELEV" : sl.oangle = 1 "GOOBL" : BEGIN ;Do an oblique slice WIDGET_CONTROL, ev.top, /HOURGLASS slicer_oblique end "ORIENTATION": SLICER_ORIENTATION, (where(sl.ori_butt eq ev.id))[0] "PLAYBACK" : BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.file_text[0], GET_VALUE=name name = strtrim(name[0],2) SLICER_PLAYBACK, FILE = name ENDCASE "RECORD" : BEGIN start_journal: if sl.journal ne 0 then free_lun, sl.journal ;Close old sl.journal = 0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.file_text[0], GET_VALUE=name name = strtrim(name[0]) openw, i, name, ERROR=j, /GET_LUN if j ne 0 then begin ;OK? widget_control, sl.file_text[1], set_value = !ERR_STRING goto, clean_exit ENDIF widget_control, sl.file_text[1], set_value = 'Journal Active' sl.journal = i ENDCASE "RECORDOFF" : BEGIN widget_control, sl.file_text[1], set_value = 'Journal Closed' close_journal: if sl.journal ne 0 then free_lun, sl.journal ;Close old sl.journal = 0 ENDCASE "THRESHOLD" : BEGIN sl.threshold = sl.nc3 * ev.value / 100. sl.trans = (ev.value ge 1) and (ev.value le 99) ;On if reasonable ENDCASE "HIGH": sl.isop.hi_lo = 0 "LOW" : sl.isop.hi_lo = 1 "ISOSLIDE" : sl.isop.value = (ev.value / 100.)*(sl.amax-sl.amin) + sl.amin "GO": do_isosurface "SHADING": BEGIN sl.shading = ev.value /100. slicer_colors ENDCASE "STMAX": BEGIN sl.stretch[1] = ev.value slicer_colors ENDCASE "STMIN": BEGIN sl.stretch[0] = ev.value slicer_colors ENDCASE "UNDO" : slicer_undo "XROTATION": BEGIN sl.rotation[0] = ev.value slicer_orientation ENDCASE "ZROTATION": BEGIN sl.rotation[1] = ev.value slicer_orientation ENDCASE ELSE : BEGIN ;mode button? k = where(eventval eq sl.mode_names, count) ;Match with mode name? if count eq 1 THEN BEGIN ;switch mode if sl.cube_on then mark_cube ;Remove the cube if vis fixed = 0 ;Reset fixed direction if sl.mode_bases[mode] ne 0 THEN $ ;Remove panel if mapped WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.mode_bases[mode], MAP=0 mode = k[0] ;New mode if sl.mode_bases[mode] ne 0 THEN $ ;Map new base WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.mode_bases[mode], MAP=1 if mode le 2 THEN BEGIN ;Slice or cube? draw_orientation ENDIF if mode eq 3 THEN BEGIN ;Draw histogram WSET, sl.isop.window type = size(a) int = type[type[0] + 1] le 3 ;True if int type j = (sl.amax -sl.amin)/100. ;bin size if int then j = j > 1 h = histogram(a, max=sl.amax, min = sl.amin, bin=j) if int THEN j = fix(j + .99) k = sort(h) n = n_elements(h) x = findgen(n) * j + sl.amin < sl.amax xsave = !x.s & ysave = !y.s PLOT,x,h, xst = 9, yst=8, ymargin=[2,0], $ yrange= [0,h[k[n-8]]], yticks=1, chars=.75, $ xticks=4 sl.isop.xs = !x.s * !d.x_size WSET, sl.window !x.s = xsave & !y.s = ysave ENDIF ;Isosurface widget_control, sl.obuttons, $ ;Oblique controls MAP = (mode eq 0) and (sl.ortho eq 0) goto, clean_exit ENDIF print,'Unknown event: ', eventval help, /STRUCT, ev ENDCASE ENDCASE clean_exit: wset, swin end PRO slicer, GROUP = group, RANGE = range, COMMANDS = commands, $ CMD_FILE = cmd_file, RESOLUTION = resolution, DETACHED = detached, $ MODAL = modal ;+ ; NAME: ; SLICER ; ; PURPOSE: ; Widget based application to show 3D volume slices and isosurfaces. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Volume display / rendering. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; COMMON VOLUME_DATA, A ; A = your_volume_data ; SLICER ; ; INPUTS: ; Variable A in VOLUME_DATA common contains volume data. See EXAMPLE ; section below. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; COMMANDS: An optional string array of commands to execute ; before entering the interactive mode. Commands are ; in the form of a keyword optionally followed one or more ; numeric, blank-separated parameters. For example: ; "COMMAND P1 P2 P3 ... Pn" ; Keywords and parameters are: ; UNDO: Undo previous operation. ; ORI X_Axis Y_Axis Z_axis X_Rev Y_Rev Z_Rev X_Rot Z_Rot Asp ; This command sets the orientation for the SLICER ; display. X_Axis, Y_Axis, and Z_Axis should be 0 for ; data x, 1 for data y, and 2 for data z. ; X_Rev, Y_Rev, and Z_Rev should be 0 for normal, 1 for ; reversed. Asp is the Z axis aspect ratio w/ respect ; to X, Y. X_Rot and Z_Rot are the rotations of the ; X and Z axes in degrees (30 is the default). ; For example, to interchange the X and Z axes and ; reverse the Y use the string: ; ORI 2 1 0 0 1 0 30 30 ; TRANS On_Off Threshold: Use this command to turn transparency ; on or off and set the transparency threshold value. ; 1 means on, 0 means off. Threshold is expressed in ; percent of data range (0 = min data value, 100 = max ; data value). ; SLICE Axis Value Interp 0: Draw an orthogonal slice along ; the given axis (0=x, 1=y, 2=z) at Value. Set Interp ; equal to 1 for interpolation, 0 for nearest neighbor. ; Expose = 1 to remove, 0 for normal slice. ; SLICE Azimuth, Elev, Interp, Expose, 1, x0, y0, z0: Draw ; an oblique slice. The oblique plane crosses the ; XY plane at angle Azimuth, with an elevation of Elev. ; It passes thru the point (x0, y0, z0). ; COLOR Table_Index Low High Shading: Set the color tables. ; Table_Index is the pre-defined color table number (see ; LOADCT), or -1 to retain the present table. Low, High ; and Shading are expressed in percent. ; ISO Threshold Hi_Lo: Draw an iso-surface. Threshold is the ; isosurface threshold value. Hi_Lo should be set to 1 ; to view the low side, 0 for the high side. ; ERASE: Erase the display. ; CUBE Mode Cut_Ovr Interp X0 Y0 Z0 X1 Y1 Z1: Draw cube ; (mode = 1) or cut-out (mode = 0). ; Cut_Ovr should be set to 1 for cut-over, 0 for ; cut-thru. Interp should be 1 for interpolation, 0 ; for nearest neighbor. (X0,Y0,Z0) is the lower corner ; of the cube. (X1,Y1,Z1) is the upper corner. ; (X0 < X1, etc.) ; WAIT Secs: Wait the designated time (in seconds). ; ; CMD_FILE: A string that contains the name of a file containing SLICER ; commands to execute as described above. ; ; DETACHED: if set, put the drawable in a separate window. (Good ; for large windows.) ; GROUP: The base ID of the widget that calls SLICER. When this ; keyword is specified, the death of the caller results in the ; death of the SLICER. ; ; RANGE: A two-element array containing minimum and maximum data ; values of interest. If this keyword is omitted, the data is ; scanned for the minimum and maximum. ; MODAL: If set, then the slicer runs in modal mode. ; ; RESOLUTION: a two element vector giving the width and height of ; the drawing window. Default = 55% by 44% of screen width. ; OUTPUTS: ; No explicit outputs. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; COMMON VOLUME_DATA, A ;Used to pass in the volume data. ; COMMON SLICER_COMMON ;Used internally. ; COMMON SLICER_COMMON1 ;Used internally. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; On exit, the Z-buffer contains the most recent image generated by ; SLICER. The image may be redisplayed on a different device by ; reading the Z-buffer contents, plus the current color table. ; Widgets are created on the X window display. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Widgets are required. ; The volume data must fit in memory. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; The slicer program has the following modes: ; Slices: Displays orthogonal slices thru the data volume. ; Block: Displaces the surfaces of a selected block inside ; the volume. ; Cutout: Cuts blocks from previously drawn objects. ; Isosurface: Draws an isosurface contour. ; Probe: Displays the position and value of objects ; using the mouse. ; Colors: Manipulates the color tables and contrast. ; Rotations: Sets the orientation of the display. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Data is transferred to the SLICER via the VOLUME_DATA common block ; instead of as an argument. This technique is used because volume ; datasets can be very large and hence, the duplication that occurs when ; passing values as arguments is a waste of memory. Suppose that you ; want to read some data from the file "head.dat" into IDL for use ; in the SLICER. Before you read the data, establish the VOLUME_DATA ; common block with the command: ; ; COMMON VOLUME_DATA, VOL ; ; The VOLUME_DATA common block has just one variable in it. The variable ; can have any name. Here, we're using the name "VOL". Now read the ; data from the file into VOL. For example: ; ; OPENR, 1, "head.dat" ; VOL = FLTARR(20, 30, 42) ; READU, 1, VOL ; CLOSE, 1 ; ; Now you can run the SLICER widget application by entering: ; ; SLICER ; ; The data stored in VOL is the data being worked on by the SLICER. ; ; To obtain the image in the slicer window after slicer is finished: ; (Use the image with the current color tables). ; ; SET_PLOT, 'Z' ;Use the Z buffer graphics device ; a = TVRD() ;Read the image ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; DMS - RSI, Oct, 1991. ; DMS - RSI, Mar, 1992. Added Journaling and expose mode. ; Fixed bug with 24 bit color. ; DMS - RSI, Jan, 1993. Added oblique slices. ; bmh - 10/14/93 - The following minor bug fixes. ; When no elements are found during an iso-surface display, ; an error message was displayed to an invalid device name. ; When no oblique slices are selected, the slicer_oblique ; should return. ; DJC - RSI, Jun, 1994. Fixed oblique slice initialization and ; atan(0,0) problem (on HP). ; DJC - RSI, Feb, 1995. Added modal keyword. ; DJC - RSI, Feb, 1995. Changed "poly" variable to "polyv" to ; avoid clash with math "poly" function. ; DJC - RSI, Mar, 1995. Fixed shading values for iso-surface. ;- COMMON volume_data, a COMMON slicer_common, dims, sl, z_last, zb_last, mode, fixed COMMON slicer_common1, old_slice, d0, z0, az, el swin = !d.window mode = 0 fixed = 0 sl_width = 240 ;Slider width mode_names = [ 'Slices', 'Block', 'Cutout', 'Isosurface', 'Probe', 'Colors', $ 'Rotations', 'Journal' ] nmodes = n_elements(mode_names) ;# of modes isop = { ISOP, hi_lo : 1, value: 0.0, window : 0, drawable : 0L, slider : 0L, $ xs : fltarr(2) } ; Main data structure sl = { SLICER, base : 0L, $ ;Main base draw:0L, $ ;Big drawable window:0, $ ;Big drawable window index trans:0, $ ;Transparency flag threshold_slider: 0L, $ ;Threshold slider threshold:0b, $ ;Transp threshold in pixel values mode_names : mode_names, $ ;Names of modes interp: 1, $ ;Interpolation flag ortho : 1, $ ;TRUE for orthogonal slices orthop : fltarr(4), $ ;Plane eqn for ortho slices mode_bases : lonarr(nmodes), $ ;Mode panel bases nc3: 0, $ ;# of colors per partition (3 of them) nc1: 0, $ ;# of colors we use amax : 0.0, $ ;Data max, min amin : 0.0, $ xcol : 0, $ ;XOR Drawing color color_button:lonarr(24), $ ;Color table buttons (up to 24) axex: intarr(3), $ ;TRUE to reverse axis axrev: intarr(3), $ ;Axis permutations ori_butt: lonarr(7), $ ;Orientation buttons draw_butt: lonarr(4), $ ;Slice draw/expose buttons pos_text : 0L, $ ;Label widget at bottom rotation: [ 30., 30.], $ ;Current rotations v_close: 0, $ ;Index of closest vertex p0 : fltarr(3,8), $ ;Data coords of cube corners p1 : fltarr(3,8), $ ;Device coords of cube corners pt_inverse : fltarr(4,4), $ ;Inverse of !P.T vfaces : intarr(3,8), $ ;Face index vs vertex index facevs : intarr(4,6), $ ;Vertex index vs faces edges : intarr(2,12), $ ;Vertices vs edge index isop: isop, $ ;Isosurface parameters p0cube : intarr(3,2), $ ;Corner coords of cube selection cut_ovr : 0, $ ;Cut mode cube_on : 0, $ ;If cube is on cube_ip : 0, $ ;Corner of cube shading : 0.20, $ ;Amount of differential shading file_text : LONARR(2), $ ;File name text widgets cslide : LONARR(3), $ ;Color sliders rslide : LONARR(3), $ ;Rotation sliders, aspect text journal : 0, $ ;Journal file stretch : [0,100], $ ;Stretch params lbuttons : 0, $ ;Last button state expose : 0, $ ;Sice mode (0=slice, 1=expose) gdev : !D.NAME, $ ;Graphics device obuttons : 0L, $ ;Oblique buttons oangle : 1, $ ;active angle for oblique rbase: 0L } ;Drawable base ; Faces vs vertex index sl.vfaces = [[0,1,2],[1,2,3],[0,2,4],[2,3,4],[0,1,5], [1,3,5], [0,4,5], $ [3,4,5]] ; Vertex indices vs faces (clockwise order). sl.facevs = [ [0,2,6,4], [0,4,5,1], [2,0,1,3], [1,5,7,3], [3,7,6,2], $ [6,7,5,4]] ; ; vertex numbers vs Edge index (12 edges) sl.edges = [[0,1],[1,3],[2,3],[0,2], [0,4], [1,5],[2,6],[3,7], $ [4,5],[5,7],[6,7],[4,6]] if XRegistered("slicer") THEN RETURN if n_elements(resolution) lt 2 then begin device, get_screen = resolution resolution[0] = 5 * resolution[0] / 9 resolution[1] = 4 * resolution[0] / 5 endif set_plot,'Z' device, /z_buffering, set_resolution = resolution set_plot,sl.gdev z_last = 0 zb_last = 0 s = size(a) if s[0] ne 3 THEN $ MESSAGE,'Slicer: volume_data common block does not contain 3D data' dims = s[1:3] d1 = dims-1 sl.p0cube = [[dims/4], [3 * dims/4]] for i=0,7 do sl.p0[*,i] = $ ;Data coords of corners [ (i and 1) * d1[0], (i and 2)/2 * d1[1], (i and 4)/4 * d1[2]] sl.orthop = [ 0., 0., 1., -dims[2]/2.] ;Initial orthogonal plane if n_elements(range) ge 2 THEN BEGIN ;Range specified? sl.amax = range[1] sl.amin = range[0] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN sl.amax = max(a, min = q) sl.amin = q ENDELSE old_slice = 0 az = 0.0 el = 0.0 z0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] d0 = slicer_plane_int() sl.base = WIDGET_BASE(TITLE='IDL Slicer', /ROW) ; Setting the managed attribute indicates our intention to put this app ; under the control of XMANAGER, and prevents our draw widgets from ; becoming candidates for becoming the default window on WSET, -1. XMANAGER ; sets this, but doing it here prevents our own WSETs at startup from ; having that problem. WIDGET_CONTROL, /MANAGED, sl.base lbase = WIDGET_BASE(sl.base, /COLUMN) if keyword_set(detached) THEN BEGIN rbase = WIDGET_BASE(Title='Slicer', EVENT_PRO='SLICER_EVENT') sl.rbase = rbase endif else rbase = WIDGET_BASE(sl.base) sl.obuttons = WIDGET_BASE(rbase, /ROW) junk = WIDGET_BASE(sl.obuttons, /exclusive, /row) junk1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk, VALUE='Azimuth', UVALUE='AZIM') junk1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk, VALUE='Elevation', UVALUE='ELEV') WIDGET_CONTROL, junk1, /SET_BUTTON junk1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(sl.obuttons, VALUE = 'Go', UVALUE='GOOBL') WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.obuttons, MAP=0 ;Remove buttons for oblique mode sl.draw = WIDGET_DRAW(rbase, XSIZE=resolution[0], YSIZE=resolution[1],$ RETAIN=2, /BUTTON_EVENTS, /MOTION) junk = WIDGET_BASE(lbase, COLUMN=3) junk1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk, value="Done", uvalue = "EXIT", /NO_REL) junk1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk, value="Erase", uvalue = "ERASE", /NO_REL) junk1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk, value="Undo", uvalue = "UNDO", /NO_REL) junk1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk, value="Help", uvalue = "HELP", /NO_REL) junk1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk, VALUE='Orientation',/MENU) ori_names = [ 'X Y Exchange', 'X Z Exchange', 'Y Z Exchange',$ 'X Reverse','Y Reverse','Z Reverse', 'Reset'] for i=0,6 do sl.ori_butt[i] = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk1, VALUE=ori_names[i],$ UVALUE = 'ORIENTATION') widget_control, sl.ori_butt[0], SET_BUTTON=1 junk1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk, VALUE='Interpolation',/MENU) junk2 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk1, VALUE='Off', UVALUE='INTERP0') junk3 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk1, VALUE='On', UVALUE='INTERP1') WIDGET_CONTROL, junk3, SENS=0 ;Its on now. widget_control, junk1, set_uvalue=[junk2, junk3] junk1 = WIDGET_BASE(lbase, /FRAME, COLUMN=3, /EXCLUSIVE) for i=0,nmodes-1 do $ ; Mode buttons junk2 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk1, value=sl.mode_names[i], $ uvalue=sl.mode_names[i], /NO_RELEASE) junk = WIDGET_BASE(lbase, /FRAME, /COLUMN) mode_base = WIDGET_BASE(junk) ;For the mode dependent bases for i=0,nmodes-1 do $ if i ne 2 then sl.mode_bases[i] = WIDGET_BASE(mode_base, uvalue=0L, /COLUMN) parent = sl.mode_bases[0] ; slices mode junk = WIDGET_DRAW(parent, XSIZE = sl_width, $ YSIZE = sl_width * float(resolution[1]) / resolution[0]) WIDGET_CONTROL, parent, SET_UVALUE= junk junk2 = WIDGET_BASE(parent, /ROW) junk3 = WIDGET_BASE(junk2, /EXCLUSIVE, /ROW) sl.draw_butt[0] = $ WIDGET_BUTTON(junk3, VALUE = 'Draw', UVALUE='EXPOSE0', /NO_REL) sl.draw_butt[1] = $ WIDGET_BUTTON(junk3, VALUE = 'Expose', UVALUE='EXPOSE1', /NO_REL) junk3 = WIDGET_BASE(junk2, /EXCLUSIVE, /ROW) sl.draw_butt[2] = $ WIDGET_BUTTON(junk3, VALUE = 'Orthogonal', UVALUE='ORTHO1', /NO_REL) sl.draw_butt[3] = $ WIDGET_BUTTON(junk3, VALUE = 'Oblique', UVALUE='ORTHO0', /NO_REL) WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.draw_butt[0], /SET_BUTTON WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.draw_butt[2], /SET_BUTTON parent = sl.mode_bases[1] ;Cube & Cut modes junk = WIDGET_BASE(parent, /ROW) junk1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk, value=' GO ', uvalue='GOCUBE', /NO_RELEASE) junk1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk, value=' Cancel ', uvalue='CANCUBE', /NO_REL) junk1 = WIDGET_BASE(junk, /EXCLUSIVE, /ROW) junk = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk1, VALUE="Cut Into", UVALUE="CUTINTO", /NO_REL) junk = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk1, VALUE="Cut Over", UVALUE="CUTOVER", /NO_REL) junk = WIDGET_DRAW(parent, XSIZE = sl_width, $ YSIZE = sl_width * float(resolution[1]) / resolution[0]) widget_control, parent, set_uvalue= junk sl.mode_bases[2] = sl.mode_bases[1] ;Cut is copy of cube parent = sl.mode_bases[3] ; Isosurface mode junk = widget_button(parent, value='GO', UVALUE='GO') junk = widget_base(parent, /row) junk1 = widget_label(junk, value='Display: ') junk = widget_base(junk, /row, /exclusive) junk1 = widget_button(junk, value='High Side', uvalue='HIGH', /NO_REL) junk1 = widget_button(junk, value='Low Side', uvalue='LOW', /NO_REL) widget_control, junk1, /set_button ;Set low value sl.isop.slider = WIDGET_SLIDER(parent, xsize=sl_width, MINIMUM = 0, $ UVALUE = "ISOSLIDE", $ TITLE = 'Isosurface Threshold (%)', $ MAXIMUM = 100) isodraw = WIDGET_DRAW(parent, XSIZE=sl_width, YSIZE = 100, /BUTTON_EVENTS) ; Color tables parent = sl.mode_bases[5] junk1 = widget_base(parent, /ROW) junk = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk1, VALUE = 'Color Tables', /MENU) junk2 = 0 loadct, get_names = junk2 n = n_elements(junk2) < 24 ;# of buttons to make FOR i = 0, n-1 DO sl.color_button[i] = $ ;Make color pull down buttons WIDGET_BUTTON(junk, VALUE=STRTRIM(junk2[i],2), uvalue='COLORS') sl.cslide[0] = WIDGET_SLIDER(parent, xsize = sl_width, MINIMUM=0, /DRAG, $ MAXIMUM=100, UVALUE = "STMIN", Title="Contrast Minimum", VALUE=0) sl.cslide[1] = WIDGET_SLIDER(parent, xsize = sl_width, MINIMUM=0, /DRAG, $ MAXIMUM=100, UVALUE = "STMAX", Title="Contrast Maximum", VALUE=100) sl.cslide[2] = WIDGET_SLIDER(parent, xsize = sl_width, MINIMUM=0, /DRAG, $ MAXIMUM=100, UVALUE = "SHADING", Title="Differential Shading (%)", $ VALUE=20) parent = sl.mode_bases[6] ;Rotations mode sl.rslide[0] = WIDGET_SLIDER(parent, xsize=sl_width, MINIMUM=-90, MAXIMUM=90, $ UVALUE = "XROTATION", Title="X Axis Rotation", VALUE=30) sl.rslide[1] = WIDGET_SLIDER(parent, xsize=sl_width, MINIMUM=-179, $ MAXIMUM=179, UVALUE = "ZROTATION", Title="Z Axis Rotation", VALUE=30) junk = WIDGET_BASE(parent, /frame, /row) junk1 = WIDGET_LABEL(junk, VALUE='Z Aspect Ratio:') sl.rslide[2] = WIDGET_TEXT(junk, VALUE='1.0 ', /EDIT, YSIZE=1, XSIZE=10) parent = sl.mode_bases[7] ;Journal mode junk = WIDGET_BASE(parent, /COLUMN) junk1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk, VALUE='Start Recording', UVALUE='RECORD', /NO_REL) junk1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk, VALUE='Stop Recording', UVALUE='RECORDOFF',$ /NO_REL) junk1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(junk, VALUE='Playback', UVALUE='PLAYBACK', /NO_REL) junk = WIDGET_BASE(parent, /ROW) junk1 = WIDGET_LABEL(junk, value='File Name:') sl.file_text[0] = WIDGET_TEXT(junk, xsize=24, ysize=1, $ value='slicer.jou'+string(replicate(32b,14)), /EDIT, /FRAME) sl.file_text[1] = WIDGET_TEXT(parent, xsize=32, ysize=1, $ value='Journal Closed', /FRAME) ; Transparency buttons / slider junk = WIDGET_BASE(lbase, /FRAME, /COLUMN) sl.threshold_slider = WIDGET_SLIDER(junk, xsize=sl_width, $ MINIMUM=0, MAXIMUM=100,$ UVALUE="THRESHOLD", TITLE="Transparency Threshold (%)", VALUE=0) junk1 = WIDGET_BASE(lbase, /FRAME) ;Message base sl.pos_text = WIDGET_TEXT(junk1, xsize=40, ysize=1) ; Unmap mode dependent widgets (Leave journal mapped because of obscure bug) for i=1, nmodes-1 do widget_control, sl.mode_bases[i], MAP=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.base, /REALIZE if sl.rbase ne 0 then WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.rbase, /REALIZE DEVICE, SET_GRAPHICS=3 ;Ensure copy graphics mode WIDGET_CONTROL, sl.draw, get_value = junk sl.window = junk ;Main window WIDGET_CONTROL, isodraw, get_value = junk sl.isop.window = junk ;Isosurface drawable sl.isop.drawable = isodraw sl.nc1 = (!d.n_colors < 256) -1 ;Colors we can use sl.nc3 = (sl.nc1-3)/3 ;Colors per orientation slicer_orientation,6 ;Reset to default orientation, erase slicer_colors, 0 if n_elements(commands) gt 0 then slicer_playback, commands ;Execute cmds? if n_elements(cmd_file) gt 0 then slicer_playback, file = cmd_file device, TRANSLATION = tbl ;Read hdw translation table ;Distance between white and black if !d.name eq 'X' then sl.xcol = tbl[0] xor tbl[sl.nc1] $ else sl.xcol = 196 ;Windows. tbl=0 ;Kill it WSET, swin XManager, "slicer", sl.base, EVENT_HANDLER = slicer_events, GROUP = group, $ /NO_BLOCK, MODAL=KEYWORD_SET(modal) end