; $Id: vel.pro,v 1.4 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $ function vel_mybi,a,x,y on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs sizea=size(a) nx=sizea[1] i=long(x)+nx*long(y) q=y-long(y) p=x-long(x) q1 = 1.-q p1 = 1.-p ; Weighting factors were wrong for a(i+1) & a(i+nx), switched them. aint=p1*q1*a[i] + p*q1*a[i+1] + q*p1*a[i+nx] + p*q*a[i+nx+1] return,aint end PRO ARRHEAD,X ON_ERROR,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs theta = 30 * !radeg TANT = TAN(THETA) NP=3.0 SCAL=8. SX=SIZE(X) N=SX[2] BIGL=SQRT((X[*,N-4,0]-X[*,N-5,0])^2+(X[*,N-4,1]-X[*,N-5,1])^2) wbigl=where(BIGL ne 0.0) wnbigl=where(bigl eq 0.0, count) LL = SCAL*TANT*BIGL[wbigl]/NP DX = LL*(X[wbigl,N-4,1]-X[wbigl,N-5,1])/BIGL[wbigl] DY = LL*(X[wbigl,N-4,0]-X[wbigl,N-5,0])/BIGL[wbigl] XM = X[wbigl,N-4,0]-(SCAL-1)*(X[wbigl,N-4,0]-X[wbigl,N-5,0])/NP YM = X[wbigl,N-4,1]-(SCAL-1)*(X[wbigl,N-4,1]-X[wbigl,N-5,1])/NP X[wbigl,N-3,0] = XM-DX X[wbigl,N-2,0] = X[wbigl,N-4,0] X[wbigl,N-1,0] = XM+DX X[wbigl,N-3,1] = YM+DY X[wbigl,N-2,1] = X[wbigl,N-4,1] X[wbigl,N-1,1] = YM-DY if count ge 1 then begin ;No head for 0 length X[wnbigl,N-3,0] = x[wnbigl,n-4,0] X[wnbigl,N-2,0] = X[wnbigl,n-4,0] X[wnbigl,N-1,0] = X[wnbigl,n-4,0] X[wnbigl,N-3,1] = X[wnbigl,N-4,1] X[wnbigl,N-2,1] = X[wnbigl,N-4,1] X[wnbigl,N-1,1] = X[wnbigl,N-4,1] endif return END function arrows,u,v,n,length,nsteps=nsteps on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs su=size(u) nx=su[1] ny=su[2] lmax=sqrt(max(u^2+v^2)) ;Max vector length lth=1.*length/lmax/nsteps xt=randomu(seed,n) ;Starting position yt=randomu(seed,n) x=fltarr(n,nsteps+3,2) x[0,0,0]=xt x[0,0,1]=yt for i=1,nsteps-1 do begin xt[0]=(nx-1)*x[*,i-1,0] yt[0]=(ny-1)*x[*,i-1,1] ut=vel_mybi(u,xt,yt) vt=vel_mybi(v,xt,yt) x[0,i,0]=x[*,i-1,0]+ut*lth x[0,i,1]=x[*,i-1,1]+vt*lth end ARRHEAD,X return,x<1.0>0.0 end PRO VEL,U,W,LENGTH=length,XMAX=xmax, nvecs = nvecs, nsteps = nsteps, $ title = title ;+ ; NAME: ; VEL ; ; PURPOSE: ; Draw a velocity (flow) field with arrows following the field ; proportional in length to the field strength. Arrows are composed ; of a number of small segments that follow the streamlines. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Graphics, two-dimensional. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; VEL, U, V ; ; INPUTS: ; U: The X component at each point of the vector field. This ; parameter must be a 2D array. ; ; V: The Y component at each point of the vector field. This ; parameter must have the same dimensions as U. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; NVECS: The number of vectors (arrows) to draw. If this keyword is ; omitted, 200 vectors are drawn. ; ; XMAX: X axis size as a fraction of Y axis size. The default is 1.0. ; This argument is ignored when !p.multi is set. ; ; LENGTH: The length of each arrow line segment expressed as a fraction ; of the longest vector divided by the number of steps. The ; default is 0.1. ; ; NSTEPS: The number of shoots or line segments for each arrow. The ; default is 10. ; ; TITLE: A string containing the title for the plot. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; No explicit outputs. A velocity field graph is drawn on the current ; graphics device. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; A plot is drawn on the current graphics device. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; none ; ; PROCEDURE: ; NVECS random points within the (u,v) arrays are selected. ; For each "shot" the field (as bilinearly interpolated) at each ; point is followed using a vector of LENGTH length, tracing ; a line with NSTEPS segments. An arrow head is drawn at the end. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Neal Hurlburt, April, 1988. ; 12/2/92 - modified to handle !p.multi (jiy-RSI) ; 7/12/94 HJM - Fixed error in weighting factors in function ; vel_mybi() which produced incorrect velocity vectors. ; ;- on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs if n_elements(Nvecs) le 0 then nvecs=200 if n_elements(nsteps) le 0 then nsteps = 10 if n_elements(length) le 0 then length=.1 if n_elements(title) le 0 then title='Velocity Field' X=ARROWS(U,W,Nvecs,LENGTH, nsteps = nsteps) if (!p.multi[1] eq 0 and !p.multi[1] eq 0) then begin if (n_elements(xmax) eq 0) then xmax = 1.0 IF XMAX GT 1. THEN position=[0.20,(0.5-0.30/XMAX),0.90,(0.5+0.40/XMAX)]$ else position=[(0.5-0.30*XMAX),0.20,(0.5+0.40*XMAX),0.90] plot,[0,1,1,0,0],[0,0,1,1,0],title=title,pos=position endif else begin plot,[0,1,1,0,0],[0,0,1,1,0],title=title endelse FOR I=0,Nvecs-1 DO PLOTS,X[I,*,0],X[I,*,1] RETURN end