Research Systems offers both standard and customized training courses for everyone from the person just starting to use IDL or ENVI to the person building large IDL applications in the commercial marketplace. Our courses are small, informal, and highly interactive. Whether you visit us in our training facility in Boulder, Colorado or we come to your site, you are guaranteed to learn the specific skills you need to make your job easier. If you want to spend more time doing your work and less time learning the nuances of a new language, plan to attend one of the IDL or ENVI courses offered below. IDL and ENVI courses are taught on a rotating basis every month at our training facility in Boulder, Colorado. In addition, 6-8 regional training classes are offered every year at various locations in the United States, Europe, and Australia. On-site training courses are scheduled frequently at customer sites and are usually not open to the public, although occasionally sponsoring organizations welcome the opportunity to share the cost of the course with outside users. To contact us for the latest schedule, a detailed course outline, and/or the cost of a training course, please call or send e-mail to: IDL and ENVI Training Department Research Systems, Inc. 2995 Wilderness Place, Suite 203 Boulder, CO 80301 Phone: 303-786-9900 (ask for "training") Fax: 303-786-9909 E-Mail: IDL and ENVI Course Descriptions -------------------------------- Learning IDL. This three-day course is specifically designed for those of you who want a quick over view of IDL's basic capabilities. We will emphasize the specific IDL commands you will need to interactively read, analyze, and display your data in formats ranging from line, surface, and contour plots to sophisticated data animations. There are no prerequisites for this course. It is designed for the beginning IDL user or for those whose programming skills are rusty. Introduction to IDL Programming. This five-day course is our most comprehensive introduction to IDL functionality. You will learn to read, analyze, and display your data in a variety of ways. You will also learn to use the IDL language to create your own IDL programs, including IDL programs with graphical user interfaces for point-and-click operation. You must have at least six months of IDL experience or be a proficient programmer in some other programming language to attend this course. IDL Application Development. This five-day course is an advanced IDL programming course specifically designed for the user who is creating larger IDL programs. We emphasize writing IDL programs with graphical user interfaces, linking IDL programs to other software, and writing IDL programs that are portable and easy to maintain across several IDL platforms. The prerequisite for this course is at least one year of IDL programming experience or completion of the Introduction to IDL Programming course. Learning ENVI. This three-day course is an introduction to ENVI, the "Environment for Visualizing Images". ENVI is specifically designed to visualize and analyze multi- or hyperspectral data collected from various airborne or satellite remote sensing instruments. This class introduces you to ENVI's capabilities with respect to such topics as image classification and registration, image spectral and spatial filtering, band math and image statistics, and using the built-in ENVI spectral libraries. An optional one-day Introduction to IDL course is always offered at the end of each Learning ENVI course for those who wish to know more about extending ENVI's capabilities with IDL. Custom IDL and ENVI Courses. Customized IDL or ENVI courses are arranged on an ad hoc basis through the Research Systems Training Department to meet your company's specific training needs. These courses last from one to five days and can be taught at our training facility or at your site. Topics are ordinarily selected from our standard course material, but our experienced instructors are also available to help you with everything from program design to program implementation. IDL and ENVI Course Manuals. Many of the people who have taken our courses have told us that the course manuals were outstanding and a great help in learning IDL and ENVI. For this reason, we are offering our training course manuals to people who cannot attend a course. Manuals are updated frequently and are always in limited supply. Contact us at the phone number or e-mail address above for availability and price information.