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Collated Results: 70 references returned.
- A Gentle Introduction to Optical Design
- by Bruce Irving, Optical Research Associates . ORA's business is based largely on what is commonly called "lens design" or (more correctly) optical design. What is optical design? How
- 1000, http://www.opticalres.com/gentle95.html (InfoSeek)
- Next: THE SW ARRAY Up: INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION Previous: INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION. OPTICAL DESIGN. The optical design of the camera (see Figure. ) is..
- 1000, http://isowww.estec.esa.nl/manuals/iso_cam/node6.html (AltaVista)
- http://www.company7.com/astrop1.html
- Astro Physics 180mm f7 Starfire EDF Apochromatic Refractor. 400 QMD German Equatorial Mount. 600 E German Equatorial Mount with Dual Axis Drive. 800 German Equatorial Mount with Dual Axis Drive. 900 German Equatorial Mount with Quartz Micro-Drive. 1200 QMD
- 1000, http://www.company7.com/astrop1.html (WebCrawler)
- Radshield Screen Filters
- Computer Hardware - Radiation Reduction with an Optical Screen Glass Filter available now. DO YOU suffer from after using your computer? We can solve the problem for you with a genuine RADSHIELD OPTICAL GLASS SCREEN FILTER Eye Strain Headaches Drowsiness Blurred or double vision Dry and irritated eyes Sensitivity to light Vision deterioration Most of the symptoms can be related back to: Sc (Computers and Peripherals - Computers - General Products and Services - Business and Commerce)
- 1000, http://www.sofcom.com.au:80/Radshield/index.html (Galaxy)
- Optivision, Inc.
- optical switching, optical amplifiers, optical interconnects, optical computing, optical backplanes, optical signal processing, fiber-optic networks, fiber-optic sensing, optoelectronic systems design, and image compression (Business and Economy:Companies:Computers:Components:Cables and Connectors:Fiber Optics)
- 1000, http://www.optivision.com/ (Yahoo)
- SUMER Optical Design
- 999, http://www.mpae.gwdg.de/mpae_projects/SUMER/pictures/sum_optdesign.html (Excite)
- Microtek
- Flatbed and transparency scanners designed for desktop publishing, optical character recognition and getting images on your web site. (Business and Economy:Companies:Computers:Peripherals:Scanners)
- 925, http://www.mteklab.com/ (Yahoo)
- EM 517-C : Optical System Design
- EM 517-C Optical System Design. University of Minnesota Course Number: EE 5635. CE [AA] CH [NA] CS [AA] EE [DBE] EM [E] HP [NA] HWM [NA] MAT [E] MSE [E]
- 900, http://www.ntu.edu/1/credit/em517c.htm (AltaVista)
- Kidger Optics
- Software for the Design & Analysis of Optical Systems. [Slow? Try the Text Only Home Page instead] . [Comments to support@kidger.demon.co.uk] . What's New? . SIGMA-2100 is Alive. The most
- 900, http://www.demon.co.uk/kidger/ (InfoSeek)
- MAX Frame Design' s Eyewear (Optical wholesale)
- 899, http://www.ipgroup.com/maxframe/pnews.htm (Excite)
- Page at this site with the same name:
- http://www.ipgroup.com/maxframe/pphoto.htm
- Micro Design International Inc
- mass storage solutions provider. SCSI Express solutions include CD-ROM, CD-R, Magneto Optical rewritable and WORM, and DAT for NetWare, DOS/Windows, OS/2, and Macintosh environments. (Business and Economy:Companies:Computers:Peripherals:Storage)
- 888, http://www.mdi.com (Yahoo)
- PACS for the Uninitiated: A Primer
- PACS for the Uninitiated: A Primer by Phillip Berman M.D. c copyright Phillip Berman MD 1995 all rights reserved by Phillip Berman MD c copyright Phillip Berman MD 1995 all rights reserved Author's note: you may reproduce this manuscript electronically or by photocopy only for the purpose of non-commercial distribution. The reader should note that because of formatting constraints certain diagra (Telemedicine - Medical Technologies - Medicine)
- 859, http://www.hscsyr.edu:80/~wwwserv/Telemedicine/pacs.htm (Galaxy)
- U.S. Design Corporation
- Optical Storage for DEC, IBM, SunOS, Solaris, HP, and Windows/NT. (Business and Economy:Companies:Computers:Peripherals:Storage)
- 851, http://www.usdesign.com/ (Yahoo)
- Software Spectra
- develops and markets software for designing optical thin films. (Business and Economy:Companies:Computers:Software:Scientific)
- 814, http://www.teleport.com/~sspectra/ (Yahoo)
- Optical Research Associates
- Yahoo: a world-leading supplier of optical engineering software and design services. (Business and Economy:Companies:Scientific:Instruments:Optics)
Galaxy: Optical Research Associates ORA 174; specializes in optical software and engineering services. Our CODE V 174; optical design analysis and illumination program is used around the world. Our award-winning program LightTools 174; uses 3D solids and a CAD-like graphical interface for optical and opto-mechanical modeling. ORA's engineering services help clients to incorporate optics into products for (Optics - General Products and Services - Business and Commerce)
- 803, http://www.opticalres.com/ (Yahoo Galaxy)
- Rockwell Science Center - Open Positions
- SCIENCE CENTER OPEN POSITIONS . June 25, 1996 . Qualified candidates may forward their resumes to: . Professional Staffing, OJL . P. O. Box 1085 . Thousand Oaks, CA 91358 . or . FAX: 805/373-4797 .
- 800, http://www.risc.rockwell.com/open_positions/ (InfoSeek)
- Optical design
- Next: Detector arrays Up: No Title Previous: No Title. Optical design. One of the major considerations in the design of SCUBA is to minimize the
- 800, http://www.jach.hawaii.edu/~wsh/scuba/node1.html (AltaVista)
- Laser and Motion Development Company
- designer and integrator of laser, optical, motion systems for inspection, measurement and processing panasonic robots. (Business and Economy:Companies:Electronics:Lasers)
- 777, http://www.lasermotion.com (Yahoo)
- Optical Delusions
- A Graphics company doing cool things on and off the web promotions& promotional products commercial art . custome logos. (Business and Economy:Companies:Graphic Design)
- 740, http://www.the-spa.com/optical.delusions/ (Yahoo)
- U.S. Design Optical SuperSTOR
- Using an optical storage subsystem in your OpenVMS, Unix, or Windows-NT environments is simple with U. S. Design's Optical SuperSTOR. The Optical SuperSTOR family of products gives you a variety of software options based on your specific requirements. U. S.
- 726, http://www.usdesign.com/general/SuperSTOR.html (WebCrawler)
- Applied Optics
- Head of Group: Prof.J.C.Dainty . The Applied Optics Group totals about 45 people of whom half are PhD students. The research topics are very wide-ranging and tend to be carried out individually
- 700, http://www.ph.ic.ac.uk/AnnualReport/apop.html (InfoSeek)
- AEROSONIC - Graduate Opportunities - CD/Optical Systems Design
- Graduate Opportunities - CD/Optical Systems Design. Salary: 13,000GBP. Location: University of Wales, Bangor. Aerosonic Ltd are leading developers of
- 700, http://taps.com/E0020/IcmfvH3+uxs082Zn8cN5XFNhyszPxOia/vacsearch/applybin/displayvac/taps/vacdata/Aerosonic/aerosonic1.2685.htm (AltaVista)
- Optical Design
- 691, http://www.ic.ornl.gov/rd-groups/alot/optdes.htm (Excite)
- Ennco Display Systems, Inc
- manufacturers and designers of optical display systems and optical acessories for optical dealers, opticians, opthalmologists and homes. (Business and Economy:Companies:Industrial Supplies:Retail Fixtures)
- 666, http://www.ennco.com/ (Yahoo)
- Magic Design
- design for optical retail showrooms; specializing in showcases, chairs, lighting fixtures, carpeting and display accessories. (Business and Economy:Companies:Industrial Supplies:Retail Fixtures)
- 629, http://www.optical-design.com/ (Yahoo)
- ELECTRO-OPTICAL SYSTEM DESIGN: For Information Processing
- Title: ELECTRO-OPTICAL SYSTEM DESIGN: For Information Processing Author: Wyatt, Clair L. Price: $ 55.00 Publisher: MCGRAW-HILL Year: 1991 ISBN:
- 600, http://www.opampbooks.com/SCI_OPTI/82.html (AltaVista)
- TECHNICAL PRESENTATIONS . Mr. Labrum and his staff have made numerous technical presentations and in-term progress reports to audiences all over the United States. Mr. Labrum has also been the
- 600, http://www.ditell.com/~loe/specproj.html (InfoSeek)
- Optics Courses at CU
- A series of in-class demonstration lectures and computer simulations covering introductory topics including wave motion, propagation of light, lenses and geometric optics, imaging, spectroscopy, color, polarization, detectors, lasers, interference,
- 598, http://drip.colorado.edu/~kelvin/courses.html (WebCrawler)
the Optical Sciences Company
- 592, http://users.deltanet.com/users/gatyler/ (Excite)
- Satake USA Inc
- complete rice and flour mill design service using proprietary equipment. manufactures electro-optical sorting systems for agriculture, food processing and plastics companies. (Business and Economy:Companies:Manufacturing:Machinery)
- 592, http://satake-usa.com/ (Yahoo)
- designs, manufactures, and sells in-process, optically based, particle measurement instruments. (Business and Economy:Companies:Scientific:Instruments)
- 555, http://www.insitec.com (Yahoo)
- Antioch Systems
- technical design consulting in all areas of optical systems. (Business and Economy:Companies:Scientific:Instruments:Optics)
- 518, http://www.antiochsys.com/ (Yahoo)
- Diffractive Optics Tutorial
- Diffractive Optics . Diffractive Optical Elements (DOEs) can be considered as computer generated holograms designed to undertake specific optical functions. For example, DOEs can be used to transform
- 500, http://www.optima.co.uk/qps/tutor.htm (InfoSeek)
- An Optical Correctors Design for Fixed Telescopes
- AN OPTICAL CORRECTOR DESIGN FOR FIXED TELESCOPES. G. Moretto & E.F. Borra. We have selected a 4-m diameter f/6 parabolic primary. We imposed correctors
- 500, http://astrosun.phy.ulaval.ca/corrector/Corrector.html (AltaVista)
- MAX Frame Design' s Eyewear (Optical Wholesale)
- 493, http://www.ipgroup.com/maxframe/ptommy.htm (Excite)
- Brysen Optical Corporation
- Provider of precision reticles, optical assemblies, thin film coating design/production, optical quality comparision standards, and Dichroic Filter Arrays for display and projection applications. (Business and Economy:Companies:Scientific:Instruments:Optics)
- 481, http://members.aol.com/brysen01/index.html (Yahoo)
- Electronic Devices and Photonics
- The research pursued by members of the group includes chemical and biological microsensors and optical sensors (S. Yee and Afromowitz); electronic and photonic materials synthesis (Pearsall); nonlinear and quantum optics (Babbitt); Plasma heating for nuclear
- 473, http://www.ee.washington.edu/riee/newch6.html (WebCrawler)
- Creath Optineering Consulting Services
- Optical engineering, instrument testing & design, interferometry, holographic NDT. (Business and Economy:Companies:Scientific:Instruments:Optics)
- 444, http://www.primenet.com/~kcreath/ (Yahoo)
- SRI's Optical Technology Program
- 409, http://aeol-www.sri.com:80/optics.html (Galaxy)
- Curricula Vitae for Mary Lou Jepsen
- Mary Lou Jepsen . Keywords . large-scale holography, holographic video, optical sciences, optics, optical engineering, diffraction theory, diffraction gratings, diffractive optics opto-electronics,
- 400, http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/mlj/resume.html (InfoSeek)
- Title: COHERENT OPTICAL SYSTEM DESIGN Author: Hooijmans, Pieter W. Price: $ 79.95 Publisher: JOHN WILEY & SONS Year: 1994 ISBN: 0-471-94836-5 Pages: 390
- 400, http://www.opampbooks.com/SCI_OPTI/8.html (AltaVista)
- SantaBarbara.Com - Business/Optical
- 395, http://www.santabarbara.com/Business/Optical/ (Excite)
- Labrum Optical Engineering
- custom lens and prism design; optical system design; high-speed photographic and video camera design for government and industry. (Business and Economy:Companies:Scientific:Instruments:Optics)
- 370, http://www.ditell.com/~loe/ (Yahoo)
- SantaBarbara.Com - The Santa Barbara Community Access...
- No summary available.
- 355, http://www.santabarbara.com/welcome.shtml (WebCrawler)
- Breault Research Organization, Inc. (Optical Analysis Software)
- We Have a Solution For You Breault Research Organization BRO is an electro-optical engineering firm that specializes in providing technical assistance to the aerospace and optics industries. We are recognized as the foremost authority on stray radiation problems in optical systems and our APART stray radiation analysis program is a well-established industry standard. breault@primenet.com 1-800-8 (Optics - General Products and Services - Business and Commerce)
- 349, http://tucson.com:80/bro/ (Galaxy)
- Breault Research: Consulting Services
- Optical Analysis Consulting . from the Engineering Experts at Breault Research Organization, Inc. . Illumination Systems Laser Systems . Stray Light Analysis Exotic Optical Systems . Breault Research
- 300, http://www.widdl.com/bro/consult.html (InfoSeek)
- Edward P. Wallerstein -- Optical Design & Engineering
- Edward P. Wallerstein Optical Design & Engineering. 1742 Beachwood Way Pleasanton, CA 94566. Contact Information: Business: 510-846-1973. Fax:
- 300, http://www.patca.org:8082/patca/dir/Wallerstein_Edward_p..html (AltaVista)
- Optical Pan Slide Samples
- 296, http://www.35west.com/pan.html (Excite)
- Opticoat Associates Inc
- manufacturing and design engineering of custom thin film optical coatings, stock mirrors and beamsplitters, infrared low emissivity material. (Business and Economy:Companies:Scientific:Instruments:Optics)
- 296, http://www.opticoat.com/ (Yahoo)
- Radiometry (Dr. James Palmer)
- Dr. James M. Palmer is an Associate Research Professor at the world-renowned Optical Sciences Center at the University of Arizona. He earned MS and PhD degrees in optics at the Optical Sciences Center specializing in radiometry and infrared systems. He has worked in these areas for over thirty-five years and has been involved in many aspects of radiometric instrumentation and detector design and f (Optics and Photonics - Physics - Science)
- 289, http://www.opt-sci.Arizona.EDU:80/summaries/James_Palmer/jmphompg.html (Galaxy)
- Photonic Integration Research, Inc.
- PIRI designs and manufactures a wide variety of passive optical circuits using silica-on-silicon technology. (Business and Economy:Companies:Scientific:Instruments:Optics)
- 259, http://www.supptec.com/piri/ (Yahoo)
- UCSD ECE Department: Graduate Course Listings
- Device physics and applications of isotype and anisotype heterojunctions and quantum wells, including band-edge discontinuities, band bending and space charge layers at heterojunction interfaces, charge transport normal and parallel to such interfaces,
- 236, http://www.ece.ucsd.edu/DOCS/INFO/grad_courses.html (WebCrawler)
- Crystran Ltd Optical crystals (UK)
- MANUFACTURING OPTICAL ENGINEERS OPTICAL CRYSTAL POLISHERS IR amp; UV APPLICATIONS SCINTILLATION DETECTORS WINDOWS LENSES PRISMS BEAMSPLITTERS BREWSTER ANGLE WINDOWS ANY SPECIAL COMPONENTS DISCUSSED We manufacture custom made and stock optics from crystal to customer specification for the infra-red ultra violet and visible regions of the spectrum. We also specialise in crystal scintillation detecto (Optics - General Products and Services - Business and Commerce)
- 230, http://www.knowledge.co.uk:80/xxx/crystran/ (Galaxy)
- Computer based tools for electrical and optical engineering, design, and development. Integrated circuit, discrete component, and passive component database. (Government:Research Labs:NASA:Labs and Research Centers:Langley Research Center)
- 222, http://longstreet.larc.nasa.gov/ (Yahoo)
- Optical Design
- yソフト目次】 【最初の画面】 【資料請求】. ■光学設計ソフト. (株)オプトサイエンス. 住商エレクトロニクス(株). (株)ティー・イー・エム
- 200, http://www.kagaku.com/r10.html (AltaVista)
- COURSE OUTLINE 1996/ 7 1 . Aim of the Course . The aim of the course is to provide high quality post-graduate education in applied optics and optical technology through lectures, classworks,
- 200, http://op.ph.ic.ac.uk/msc.html (InfoSeek)
- Atlantic Optical
- 197, http://www.west.net/~talbot/atop.html (Excite)
- HighTide Instruments
- design and prototyping of optical and optoelectronic instruments. Lens design, optical metrology- large jobs and small. (Regional:U.S. States:California:Cities:Santa Barbara:Business)
- 185, http://www.netcom.com/~elliotb/hightide.html (Yahoo)
- Broadband Communication Products, Inc. - BCP (Melbourne, FL)
- BCP Inc. Broadband Communications Products Inc. is a high-tech company specializing in the development manufacture and marketing of high-speed fiber optic communications and test equipment. The company places major emphasis on incorporating leading-edge technology into its products to assure that they offer new levels of performance quality and reliability. BCP backs its products with responsive c (Networking - Computers and Peripherals - Computers - General Products and Services - Business and Commerce)
- 172, http://www.iu.net:80/bcp/ (Galaxy)
- Farber Consulting Group
- custom applications, web design, pen based FoxPro, visual FoxPro, VB, access, image processing, optical character recognition. (Regional:U.S. States:New York:Cities:Levittown:Business)
- 148, http://chelsea.ios.com/~ica1/fcg.html (Yahoo)
- Description of Courses
- No summary available.
- 118, http://www_micro.feld.cvut.cz/pages/courses.htm (WebCrawler)
- Optical Components, inc.
- nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Optical Components inc. was established in 1971 and in succeeding years has continually built its reputation as a leading supplier for aerospace defense and commercial optics. Starting out as a prototype and small-lot precision fabrication shop our facilities have grown to our current 32 000 sq. ft. building housing our fabrication coating and assembly operations. Our conti (Optics - General Products and Services - Business and Commerce)
- 114, http://www.primenet.com:80/~oci/ (Galaxy)
- Eye to Eye Optical, Ltd.
- registered optician on site, fashion and designer eyewear, contact lenses, emergency repair and soldering, children's warranted eyewear package and more. (Regional:U.S. States:Virginia:Cities:Hampton:Business)
- 111, http://members.aol.com/melandg/eye/eye.htm (Yahoo)
- Aberration and Optical Design Theory
- Next: Optical Path Function Up: Theoretical Background Previous: Partially Coherent Diffraction. Aberration and Optical Design Theory. Geometrical optics..
- 100, http://www.xraylith.wisc.edu/thesis/1994/xiao/node15.html (AltaVista)
- 100, http://waist.hut.fi/annrep/1994/node4.html (InfoSeek)
- Staff Design Engineer, Sr.
- 98, http://www.empl.com/usjobs/96973.htm (Excite)
- Unofficial HST/OTA News Reference
- technical details on design of Hubble's optical telescope assembly, with access to FTP file of excellent line drawings. (Science:Astronomy:Telescopes:Hubble Space Telescope)
- 74, http://iquest.com/~deesqrd/ota/ota.html (Yahoo)
- Davidson Optronics, Inc.
- Davidson Optronics has combined optics one of the oldest of arts with the newest in electronic science to create this line of instruments you are about to see. Since 1932 Davidson Optronics Inc. has built a reputation for high precision optics and fine optical instruments. Observatories throughout the world are using high quality Davidson built optics from 24 to over 100 in diameter for astronomic (Optics - General Products and Services - Business and Commerce)
- 57, http://www.primenet.com:80/~davoptro/ (Galaxy)
- illinois FibeR-optic and Optoelectronic Systems Toolkit (iFROST)
- A computer-aided design (CAD) tool for mixed-level modeling, simulation, and analysis of digital fiber-optic data links and parallel fiber-optic busses (Science:Engineering:Optical Engineering)
- 37, http://www.ccsm.uiuc.edu/ifrost/ (Yahoo)
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